"Mei Yu and I can't do it." Lan Jin looked directly at Gu Xiaoyun, with obvious displeasure in his deep eyes.

"What if this is just your idea?" Gu Xiaoyun asked, raising his eyebrows and looking at Lan Jin. "Jin, I don't believe you can't see it. Since you sent Luo Meiyu to the hospital and gave birth to a daughter with her, as long as it's about Luo Meiyu, Luo Feng has used various excuses to ask you for help. It's not a matchmaking. ?”

Luo Feng helped his sister, he could understand, but Luo Feng did too much, he couldn't stand it, the brothers and sisters of the Luo family ordered Jin to do this or that, forget it, and completely ignored the fact that Jin was married.

"Luo Feng can't be blamed for this." Lan Jin said quietly: "Mei Yu's daughter was born early because of an accident in Lan's family. The child was born in poor health. I should take some responsibility for it both emotionally and rationally."

"Shit, you are not the father of the child, you are responsible for the shit!" Gu Xiaoyun cursed in a hurry.

Lan Jin was speechless, he was indeed not the father of the child.

The friend was silent, Gu Xiaoyun knew what he said, and said it to his heart, and felt that he had to remind his friend, don't make mistakes unknowingly. "Speaking of punishment, as your friend, I just want to remind you, don't forget who is your responsibility."

Who is his responsibility? Of course he knows that his responsibility is Yuxue and the child in her womb. Recently, because of Yuxue, isn't he worried enough?

Thinking of Yuxue's attitude towards him in the past two months, Lan Jin's chest was filled with anger. What did he do wrong? She could tell him directly that even arguing with him was better than a cold war of ignoring him.

"What is my responsibility? I know very well, and I don't need you to remind me." Lan Jin's tone became a little more aggressive with depression in his heart. "Also, the matter between me and Mei Yu has nothing to do with you, you don't need to bring Yuxue into it."

"It wasn't me who brought Du Yuxue into this, but you, have you forgotten? You got the certificates in the United States." Gu Xiaoyun looked at Lan Jin maliciously. "You worked hard for Luo Meiyu today. You did everything a husband should do. After Du Yuxue found out, what would she think? Is it possible for her to be with you?"

"You dare to tell her, don't blame me for being ruthless and ignoring friendship." Lan Jin's face darkened instantly.

"Do you need me to tell you?" With a sneer, Gu Xiaoyun gloated and said, "In this day and age, the Internet is so developed, people come and go in hospitals, and you are so famous. You can take a photo and post it online. Big news, the hit rate remains high, unless Du Yuxue doesn't go online, otherwise, she will know sooner or later."

"As long as you're not too busy, she won't know." A cold voice squeezed out between teeth, and Lan Jinying stared at Gu Xiaoyun with deep eyes.

"If you want people not to know, you have to do nothing yourself." Gu Xiaoyun looked at Lan Jin with a hopeless look, and he kindly persuaded him, but he described him as a meddling person who fears the world will not be chaotic. .

It wasn't that he cursed Jin deliberately, if Jin continued like this, he would lose Du Yuxue sooner or later.

"What should I do, what should I not do, I don't need you to tell me what to do." Lan Jin's tone was as cold as ice.

"I'm dictating." This sentence made Gu Xiaoyun furious. As his friend, he reminded him that it's his business whether to listen or not, and it's so ugly to say that he is dictating what to do. "If you weren't my friend, I wouldn't be too damn lazy to tell you what to do! Lan Jin, no matter how stubborn you are, I'll wait and see the day you lose Du Yuxue."

After the fiery roar, Gu Xiaoyun slammed the door and left in a very chic manner.

Looking at the closed office door, Lan Jin closed his eyes wearily. He understood what Yun meant. Yun was warning him, hoping that he would stop meddling with Mei Yu. .

It won't be too long, Meiyu needs his help now, he is helping her, he is making up for her, when the compensation is enough, he will not care about Meiyu's affairs anymore, when the time comes, he will tell Yuxue, tell her the truth Yuxue, Yuxue is so kind, she will definitely understand him, Lan Jin made a promise to herself in her heart.

In the manor.

"Young Mistress, you're awake." Xiao Li, who was sitting at the top of the stairs playing with her mobile phone, saw Qin Rouxue coming downstairs, so she hurriedly put away her mobile phone and walked towards Qin Rouxue, asking attentively, "Young Mistress, are you hungry? I'll go to the kitchen to feed you." Would you like some snacks?"

"Not hungry yet." Qin Rouxue said: "I just woke up and wanted to go for a walk in the garden, Xiao Li, you can go with me, okay?"

"Okay! Okay!" Xiaoli said two things in succession. It is her job to accompany the young mistress. Since she and the young mistress are close, Housekeeper Zhao transferred her job. As long as she stays with the young mistress, the rest You don't have to do any work.

"Thank you." Qin Rouxue thanked, Xiaoli scratched her head in embarrassment. "Young Mistress, needless to say thank you, it's my job to accompany Young Mistress!"

Qin Rouxue smiled, and chatted with Xiaoli, and the two walked to the bench in the garden, Xiaoli asked Qin Rouxue to sit on the bench for a while, and she went to the kitchen to bring some snacks, Qin Rouxue didn't Stop it, she knows that Xiaoli loves to eat, especially the snacks in the kitchen.

Like the previous few times, before Xiaoli left, she gave Qin Rouxue her mobile phone and asked her to play games to pass the time.

Qin Rouxue didn't play games, she opened the headlines and read the news directly. Her mobile phone was lost in a car accident. Lan Jin didn't buy a new one for her. She thought it didn't matter. Anyway, she lived in the manor and had everything. on the phone.

Two months ago, Mrs. Hailun appeared in front of her with Luo Meiyu. She woke up after passing out and smelled Luo Meiyu's perfume on Lan Jin. Since then, she has been following the news.

Watching TV and reading newspapers, unfortunately, there wasn't much news about Lanjin, let alone about Luo Meiyu. Just when she was about to give up, Mrs. Hailun brought Luo Meiyu to the manor to see her and gave her a A newspaper, it is an old newspaper, but the content is well preserved.

That day, many unexpected things happened. When she saw the content in the newspaper, she was in a daze. She still can't figure out why Luo Meiyu fell to the ground, hugging her stomach and screaming for pain. How did he rush in, didn't hear a word from her, picked up Luo Meiyu and left, she grabbed his hand, and was ruthlessly thrown away by him.

She couldn't figure out why, and stayed in a daze until the next day.

The second she found out, Lan Jin sent Luo Meiyu to the hospital, and was still waiting in the hospital until his and Luo Meiyu's daughter was born. She read the headlines on her mobile phone, and Xiaoli lent her the mobile phone to play games. It just happened to be such a coincidence that she saw the headlines, and she still remembered what was said in the headlines, the president of the Lan family, Lan Jin's wife was exposed, and gave birth to a daughter in a certain hospital on a certain day of a certain year, and the mother and daughter were safe.

It was also on that day that she began to pay attention to the headlines on her mobile phone.

A news that was just posted on the headlines caught Qin Rouxue's attention. The time in the photo was an hour ago, and the background was still a hospital, a man and a woman, plus a baby. What a beautiful picture, what a happy family.

Such a beautiful picture scroll, but Qin Rouxue felt it was extremely dazzling, her eyes were sore and uncomfortable, and the liquid continued to flow out, dripping on the screen of the phone, Qin Rouxue hurriedly took away the phone, looked up at the sky, trying to force the liquid out of her eyes go back.

It's a pity that she didn't get what she wanted. She seemed to see the male protagonist in the photo dimly. Qin Rouxue blinked and watched him walking towards her.

When she was approaching, she finally believed that he was real. She looked away and lowered her head. The screen of the phone was already black. Qin Rouxue turned it on again, then exited the headline news and wiped off the water droplets on the screen. After everything was done, he also walked to her in front of her, and sat down next to her.

Qin Rouxue didn't look at him, and decided to give him the chair. Just when she stood up, she felt a tightness on her wrist. The next second, she had already fallen on Lan Jin's lap and was imprisoned in his arms.

"You are crying." He looked at her tear-stained little face, and his heart ached.

Qin Rouxue didn't speak, she thought to herself, if you don't go to accompany Luo Meiyu and her daughter, what are you going to do if I cry or not?

Lan Jin didn't get her answer, and Lan Jin didn't care about what was expected, so he asked another question. "why cry?"

He just saw her watching with a mobile phone in her hand. Did he see some touching movie, TV, or news? Can't ask the answer, Lan Jin can only guess by himself.

Without looking at him or speaking, Qin Rouxue stiffened her body and passively let him hold her, because she knew that any form of her resistance would be ineffective in front of him, so she simply refused to struggle fearlessly.

"Yuxue." Calling her name in a low voice, Lan Jin buried her head in her hair, smelling the fragrance that belonged to her. "Let's reconcile and stop the cold war, shall we?"

The low voice was mixed with prayers, and Lan Jin admitted that he was scared, really scared, the two-month cold war made him exhausted, adding what Gu Xiaoyun said today, and Gu Xiaoyun The last words he said before leaving, his heart that had always been firm began to feel less certain.

Gu Xiaoyun said, "Lan Jin, if you persist in your obsession, I'll wait for the day you lose Du Yuxue." He couldn't even imagine that he would lose Yuxue one day.

He rushed to the hospital to pick up Mei Yu and her daughter, and sent them back to Luo's house as if they had completed their mission. Mei Yu thanked him and asked him to have dinner, but he refused. Seeing Mei Yu's disappointed eyes, he was indifferent, and his heart was full of The shadow of Yuxue.

Qin Rouxue remained silent in response to him, thinking, are they in a cold war? Is it the Cold War? There were many questions in her heart, and she didn't want to ask any more.

"What did I do wrong, tell me, and I'll correct it, tell me what you misunderstood, and I'll explain it to you, tell me what you want, and I'll definitely deliver it to you..." Word by word, Contains countless affections, when did Lan Jin let go of his arrogant self-esteem like this, and lowered his body.

He didn't get a response, but Lan Jin accidentally saw her, and the hand that was holding on to the phone was gradually turning white. It could be seen that she was exerting too much force, and she instinctively told Lan Jin that the phone in her hand could give him the answer, without even thinking about it, she stretched out He reached out to get the phone she was holding tightly.

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