The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 361: Little conscience

The wound on the shoulder, there is a good gold sore medicine, but it will soon be cured. However, the palace gradually found that every night, his body was itchy and difficult, and many of the blood marks were scratched, and the sleep was seriously affected.

The doctor in the palace is helpless with his symptoms. He has come to countless private doctors and it does not help. Can only bite your teeth! Severe lack of sleep, let him wear a pair of panda eyes every day, like a big smoke devil, walking and shaking. The palace was so sad that it was the revenge of the little girl. He thought she was too kind!

When he discovered the horror of the great emperor, he knew that his family’s grandmother was still merciful to him. The itch of the palace is suddenly coming, and suddenly it goes. After a month, what symptoms are gone! He seems to have died once and lived again! After this time, Gong Yizheng has received a serious lesson - whoever offends, don't offend big pharmacists, they have thousands of means to make you die!

Ling Mou sent Gu Ye to the outside of Yancheng. When he looked at the little girl, he was stunned by the clear eyes of the water: "You are jealous, don't be dangerous wherever you go! This world No matter who's life, it's not as expensive as you! I have to be empty, I will come to see you!"

Gu night held back the sourness in his eyes, and he whispered and said: "Why do I have anything? I am bothered to find me. I am so courageous. How can I take things to myself? And things, I took the initiative to get together!"

"The vaccination of the family of Yao Zhifu, what do you say?" After receiving the news, Ling was very worried about her. If it wasn't for the border, he flew early and hit the **** of the little girl. This little body has not had a rash, but I don’t know how many? What if it is infected?

Gu night whispered: "I am not very confident about my medical skills! But a small rash is not a smallpox. No, it is not afraid of smallpox, I have a cure!"

Right! Smallpox for the people of this era, it is a terminal illness, and the infection is also very strong. Does she have to find a chance to get vaccination, first vaccinate one? At this age, shouldn't it be late to inoculate vaccinia?

Ling was helplessly watching the little girl gaze, knowing that she was starting to go away again. Only when she encounters incurable diseases, and when she is thinking about new prescriptions, she will be swaying whenever and wherever she wants. In this parting sadness, what is the **** of the little girl?

Ling Ling asked the doubts in his heart, and looked at his eyes a few times, smiling embarrassedly, and said his thoughts. Ling Dust naturally raised his hands to agree, this time the little girl dared to help people cure acne, it is inevitable that next time they will not take advantage of their own medical skills, to see patients with smallpox.

They all said that the doctor did not self-medicate, if she was infected... I couldn’t think of it, and urged her to get vaccinated!

"If there is any need, even though the shopkeeper of the hidden treasure cabinet said that the door of the hidden soul hall is wide, it will definitely help you to do it safely!" Ling Mou gently hugged the little girl.

Gu night is immersed in his own world, and he waved his hand at the random, and he said goodbye. She went to the city with a boring head, and wanted to go back to the lab of the pharmaceutical factory to get rid of her vaccination!

The little conscience, the mind is all occupied by vaccinia research. In the past, the smallpox virus has already been eliminated, and the vaccinia has lost its effect and disappeared. However, with his understanding of the little girl, she will soon find the method of vaccination!

With such a nap, the sadness of the separation was rushed. Ling has a slap in the face, want to say something... Forget it, anyway, I can see each other in a few months, then give her a surprise!

Gu night did not know, because he was immersed in the research of new drugs, missed the good news that the dust brother had intended to tell her. However, when they met again, she had already changed her identity, and there were many layers of obstacles between the two. This is something!

Gu Ye has not been completely obsessed with the new drug, but also knows to go home and report it. As soon as I entered the yard, I heard Master’s voice crying out. bad! How did Master come? A while ago, I was still in the glory of the country, helping the Shengde Emperor to raise his body? Her lies will not be dismantled? Gu night stepped into the yard and hesitated a moment - or else, go to the pharmaceutical factory to avoid it?

"Is Ye Haotou coming back? Your Master told you about it, have you done it?" When she wanted to return, she was already late, and Grandpa had already seen her. Gu Xiao and Yan Yue will go to the medicine saint in a move, laughing and waving at her.

"Ah? Oh... of course!" Grandpa, you don't look at who I am, this girl is a horse, a top two!" Gu night stunned, see Master's old urchin, secretly blinking at her, Busy pat on the chest, a pair of "I am the best, praise me!"

Yao Sheng put the chess pieces on the board and pushed it indiscriminately. He smiled and said: "That is, my disciple of Zheng Xingbang, is there something wrong? Come, swearing, tired? Come over and sit down and rest!"ァ新ヤ~8~1~中文网ωωω.χ~8.~1zщ.còм

"Not tired ~ Master sometimes disciples take their work, do things for the master, how can you shout tired?" Gu night sells authentic, taking advantage of the grandfather into the room, she whispered to the medicine holy In the ear, "Master, how did you tell your grandfather? You won't be exposed!"

"You have a little girl, and you are under the banner of your master, what are the bad things to do? Fortunately, the old man reacted quickly, or else it was really seen by your grandfather!" The medicine saint also came to her ear. Drive your voice down and talk with your mouth!

Gu Xiaoduan came to a plate of red bean cake that his granddaughter loved. Seeing that the master and the teacher both bite their ears in a ghostly head, they couldn’t help but be jealous and arrogant: "Small leaf, what whispering to your master? When I walked for so many days, I didn’t tell my grandfather. Speak, it hurts you!"

"Grandpa, I am not finishing the matter of Master's account, give him a reply? Grandpa, I seem to be you, do you think about me?" Gu night walked over, holding Gu Xiao's arm, shook his head shiveringly.

Gu Xiao’s face is full of smiles: “You’re a little girl, it’s sweet! Don’t be hungry? Eat some red bean cake mats, let Yan Yan give you a good meal at noon!”

In the basin that came over at the end of the moon, Gu night washed his hands and face, dried it thinly, and heard the words lit up. He said: "I want to eat Dongpo meat, sweet and sour pork ribs, spicy rabbit head, spicy. Chicken……"

"Hey, look at my granddaughter! Father, you will not send my granddaughter to the poor mountains and waters to do things?" Gu Xiao took a distressed look at his granddaughter, it seems to look, feel Xiaoni The child is thin. Going out, how can you eat at home?

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