The Regent's Tender Darling

Chapter 463 Useful news

She knew that Yan Sihan would not think about rebellion or usurping the throne. After all, what did she have? She is just a little girl with a "simple" mind.

Not to mention King An.

What this rebellion wants is soldiers and money. Of the two, having money is the most important.

She did, but she was stationing troops under Yan Sihan's nose? Even if she has that much courage, she doesn't have that much ability.

So she had no intention of rebelling at all.

But this usurpation of the throne was different. King An was a descendant of the royal family. She also knew that King An was not a thing in the pond, otherwise she would not be able to use King An.

In the beginning, King An came to borrow books with bad intentions.

No matter what Wang An's heart is, he just wants to get what he wants. This usurpation of the throne is a good one, and it will leave a name in history.

It just depends on how to tamper with the law.

And it is even more impossible for Yan Sihan to think that King An can usurp the throne. Today's King An is like a dog that doesn't follow him.

Who would think that a prince without the support of any ministers or military power would usurp the throne?

Just like she climbed up to sit on the dragon throne and said that she wanted to be the emperor.

When the time comes, all the ministers can give her a wat board and smash her to death, so why talk about becoming an emperor?

But she also understood that Yan Sihan was now dissatisfied with her behavior of playing with fire.

She will plan carefully and never make the same mistake again.

At night.

The curtain enveloped Shuanghua Residence, and a dark shadow quietly arrived in the night and fell into the courtyard.


Through the faint moonlight, you can still see clearly the sword of Eleven in the yard, and the man in black bowing in front of Eleven is her apprentice, Qiye.

"What's the matter?"

Qiye is the person specifically responsible for delivering information to her, so he must have information if he is here.

"There is news from Baihua Tower that the death of the consort is closely related to Liu Zhiyuan, the legitimate son of the Minister of Civil Affairs. Now Baihua Tower has been sealed off by the government."

"At this time, the government has not questioned her. She can't make up her mind whether she told the truth or concealed the matter, so she asked her subordinates to come and ask."

Qiye said this in a nonchalant manner, but anyone who cared a little bit knew that this news was useful.

After thinking for a moment, Eleven said: "Go and tell her and don't reveal it to the government for the time being."

Then he asked Qiye: "Do you have any details?"

Qiye shook his head: "No, the government is under strict control now, and the news is not easy to spread. I'm afraid we will only know the details after the government people evacuate."

"Well, let's go down."

Although the princess had not fallen asleep at this time, Eleven had no intention of disturbing her. The details of this matter were not known and the conclusion had not been finalized yet.

If true, this information must be exploitable.

Royal Street.

During the night curfew, a luxurious carriage was speeding down the street. It made a huge noise, but no patrolling guard dared to step forward to stop it.

A closer look revealed that this was the carriage from Princess Anguo's mansion. Firstly, it was so fast that it was hard to stop, and secondly, everyone knew what was going on.

Inside the carriage.

"Princess, don't" Grandma Ye really didn't know how to comfort her, so she could only let the princess hold her hands firmly.

Yan Ning kept staring ahead, not knowing what she was looking at, and her expression was unclear.

But Grandma Ye could feel it. The princess was trembling all over, her eyes were already red, and the tears were tightly holding back and refused to come out.

When the princess heard outside that her consort had died in Baihua Tower, she fainted and was only revived by the doctor after half an hour.

As soon as he woke up, he went to Jingzhao Mansion non-stop. The person who came to report said that the body of the consort had been transported to Jingzhao Mansion.

An examination revealed that he was poisoned, but we still don’t know what kind of poison he was poisoned by, or how he was poisoned, let alone who the murderer was.

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