Sunlight is outside the southern area where there are no high-rise buildings at all. There is no shelter. Zac took out his snack can. He wanted to use this simple action to fill in the silence he deliberately left behind, not to make the atmosphere too embarrassing. August 1? Chinese ▼ Wen ?? Network. ■

But, without warning, the generous palm flashed in front of Zac. Zac had lifted it to the hand before his mouth, without the bottle.

"Hum." There was no malicious grin. "You actually brought such a good thing." Falken smiled at the corner of his mouth, without looking at what was inside, he naturally delivered the bottle to his mouth. ...

One finger was inserted between the mouth of the bottle and Falcon's mouth, and the bottle mouth was clasped. The vampire took back his snack can and used dissatisfaction in his face. "Did Smith not tell you? This is my hobby. And I don't like sharing my stuff with others."

Falcon raised his eyebrows and looked up at Zac, turning his throat up and down, and looking at his posture, it seemed that he had emptied all the liquid in the bottle.

"It's really dangerous." Floating aside, Jackson, who didn't have any sense of presence, was doing the narration.

Zac ignored it and put away the bottle after eating, nodded at Falcon who was watching him, and stopped talking.

Falcon raised his eyebrows upward again, and closed it back. The corner of his mouth pulled up diagonally. "Smith did say that you love alcohol, but I don't like sharing. I really didn't mention it." The meaning of this remark is intriguing. "So if I do something that makes you uncomfortable, please don't count it on my head." However, it's okay, Zach has a narration beside him.

"He was angry." Jackson flicked sideways. "Kids who have been to Falcon Manor know that Mr. Falcon laughs like this, that is, he is angry, and he will wait to be banned when he returns home. "

Zac waved his hand with no expression. "Of course not. What makes people uncomfortable is my unwillingness to share. You don't mind." Zac showed a thinking look. "So, to express my apologies. No matter what your entrustment is, I represent Grande and I am willing to take over for free. It was so decided. "

Falcon's smile stiffened, and Jackson's narration followed again. "You are amazing."

Zac has formally proposed the commission and set the direction. Ordinarily, the next dialogue should be Falken's direct statement of the commission content, but the other party does not seem to follow Zac's expectations. Instead, he turned his head to the side, "Since this is the case, I don't have any pressure."

Falcon's face changed with a smile. "Let's just talk about something else."

Zac bowed his head slightly and thought that the advantage of being one head lower than Falken allowed Zac to keep his head down slightly so that the other party could not see his expression. ??? Bayi Chinese ★ So Zac now has a convenient glance at the Jackson next to him, and the role of this guy seems to be beginning to manifest-Jackson's understanding of the private character and habits of Westside people , And his unscrupulous undead state.

"Random." Zac's short thoughts ended, and Zac looked up at the tall Falcon next to him. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I heard some, um, gossip." Falken looked at Zac. "Before, it was the [Skull Skull] in the southeast that attacked your Grande, right?"

Zac frowned, it was a topic that was not prepared at all!

"Where did Mr. hear such rumors?" Zack was cautious in his rhetorical question, because when Zack was in the police station a few days ago, he received a message from Chapman-Sgal was already getting out. The closing action. Skeleton skulls with the help of demons cannot possibly leak any news!

This is a matter of preference. You must know that Zach Gou-Barton forces pay attention to Herman ’s actions. Grande's attack is just an introduction. The direction of the introduction is why Grande will be attacked, not who the attacker is.

"Some friends over there." Wan Jin replied, Falken waved, "You don't have to be nervous, I know these are not important at all. It's just if this is true. I appreciate your Grand dating range, Scoo People like you, you can all reach, yeah, cooperation. It's hard to come by. "

By this time, Grande's attack was deliberately planned, and it was already very obvious. Because in addition to reporting the crime, Grande was in a state of indifference to the case he was attacked, and put it in the southern police station.

Then Falken ’s words were very accurate at this time, and it was not intended to pursue the attack by the attackers as a performance that attracted attention. No matter who the attacker is, they have a cooperative relationship with Grande.

What caught Zach's attention was not this obvious reasoning, but Falken spoke very specifically about Skull of Skull!

There are some things that must draw a line. The news that Sgaul deliberately leaked to the ‘general’ is that it is circulated as a shared resource within the gray professional circle and should not be circulated outside. This is the boundary between light and darkness in the city of Barton, and should not be broken.

The key narration came, "I heard that Mr. Falken was originally from the southeast. He has‘ friends ’in the southeast. It ’s no surprise."

"'Friend'." Zack repeated the word in Jackson's tone, and it sounded weird when he heard it in Falken.

"Ah!" Falken raised his eyebrows. "My fault, I heard that you came to Barton ten years ago.? Eight? One Chinese ?? I think you should not know Well, basically, 'Falken' made my background very clean. My past should not be found now. "

"He (Falken) is the surname changed after marrying Mrs. Falken." Jackson's next to Zac fluttered like a rag, showing a thinking look, "What's the original surname? I don't I remember, anyway, we generally call the surname in the Western District, and no one remembers his original surname. "

Zac realized that he had stepped into a somewhat embarrassing topic. Forgive the vampire who once lived leisurely in the Southern District. He only now realized that Falcon in front of him was a son in law!

Falken smiled and waved his hand. "The friends I said are actually some of my father's old friends, on the southeast side. Occasionally ..." Falcon narrowed his eyes. "They will remember me as The little guy in the West Side, tell me some interesting things, such as who suddenly ran to our good helper's house in the West Side and made a vote. "

'Good helper' naturally means Grande.

Zach immediately lost his embarrassment and smiled. "This is obviously a misunderstanding. As you just said, Sgal and Grande just carried out a cooperation for the sake of everyone in Barton."

This was considered Zack's admission that the attacker was Sgal, but he had to admit it, because Zack had heard the potential danger at that time! Take a look at the last sentence of Erken! Obviously to the people of Falken. At the time it was attacking Sgal!

"Of course." Falken patted Zac's shoulder naturally. The difference in height made this movement very smooth, but it was a little weird, for Zac. "It's obvious now. I think these friends will be more careful when they come to tell me something. For example, this time, if I easily believed the rumors and destroyed your Grand arrangement. It would be bad , Are you right? "

Zac glanced sideways, looking at the wide palms on his shoulders, his tone kept smiling, "Then thank you." Zac suddenly gave a disappointed expression, "However, Herman's factory ..."

Zac silenced himself deliberately. This chat was inexplicably covered by Falken's aura. Zac opened a new direction and broke free at the same time. See if you can find some information by the way.

At least one of Zac ’s goals was attained. Falcon retracted his hand on Zac ’s shoulder, touched his chin, and frowned and shook his head. "If you want to say an explosion, I can directly say that this is Things that leave everyone unprepared. "

Zac was disappointed, and everyone was unprepared, meaning no one had intelligence.

Falcon waved his hand, his tone cold for a moment. "Don't talk about it, I don't like to talk about things I don't know. Let's say something else."

Zac frowned, and the responsibility to start the conversation was actually thrown to him, and we know it. Zac doesn't like chatting in the sun.

"Ask him about Mr. Pixar (Pixar Department Store)." Jackson suddenly floated in front of Falken, and the cyan translucent body rose slightly, making his sight level with Falcon's. Of course, Jackson did n’t have to worry about blocking Falcon ’s vision. “I saw Mr. Pixar in the church just now.”

Our vampires are not stupid enough to say a topic that they don't know what it means. Zac looked at the time and it was time to use the identity of the owner of the funeral home to speed up the process of this dialogue.

"Falken." Zack said apologetically. "Although chatting with you is enjoyable, I must remind you. The next process of the funeral is about to begin, about the guests of the funeral ceremony ..." Zac did not finish.

The omission is somewhat offensive, because as the funeral owner who arranged the funeral, Zac knew the burial ceremony and did not invite anyone outside the Bishapu family.

Remember to bury in the tomb of the Quinn family. Although the burial ceremony is a private matter, Mrs. Quinn invited friends from the West End to accompany her. The Bishapu family did not know why for this time, no one invited. But it also fits well with the atmosphere in the church where everyone was reasonable before.

Zac really reminded Falcon that he, as the master of Grande, had to go to the burial ceremony. He had no time to chat here. To entrust, please hurry.

Falcon waved his hand. "I almost forgot. This is the funeral of Jackson's boy. Hey, Bisharp, hum."

Jackson, who was floating in front of Falken, shook, and flew back to Zac, and said plainly, "It doesn't matter."

Zac did not respond to Falken's words, waiting for Falken to continue.

"Okay." Falken first looked in Kepler's direction. "I think you should guess at least a little." His eyes began to shift, spanning a large space, and fell on his own child. , "My entrustment is this." His gaze reversed and stopped in the middle space. "This distance is too large. My entrustment is to shrink it."

As Zac thought, the most troublesome commission.

After humming, "It's actually funny." Falken looked at Zac with a smile. "Just in the church, your first reaction was to see Mrs. Quinn."

Zac raised his eyebrows and asked, cooperating, "Why is it funny?"

"Because I really don't understand what Mrs. Quinn thought." Falken shook his head with a smile. "A person who can make Smith extremely admirable, and then in this way can find out the secrets of the Herman factory, you, She actually arranged such a boring position for you. "

"I have to correct you." Zach shook his head. "First, it's Grand, not me alone." Zac turned his head. "Then, it's not Mrs. Quinn who positioned Grande. Don't want to Involving in the fight for interests, the position of only entrusting private affairs is Grande ’s own request. Smith should have the best understanding of the incident of Brother Qist. Believe me, Grande who avoids intervening in the fight for interest is what you want of."

The meaning in the words is that you, the West Side, will never expect Grande to open up the limits of the commission and take over the commission with conflicts of interest, because it is very likely that Grande will receive the commission to deal with the West Side, and then the bad luck is you !

Zach looked at Falken. "Mrs. Quinn restricted Grande ’s position to the third generation of the West Side, but it maximized Grande ’s interest in your Westside." Zach shifted his eyes and looked forward. The child, "The fact is that they are the ones who need Grande's help. You really don't need it."

When Mrs. Quinn confessed to Zac the situation of the West Side, she made it very clear that the West Side ’s industry expects to hand over the clean family after the third generation to the third generation.

In turn, the second and first generations of the family are not very clean at this time. This is not derogatory.

To give a very simple example, such as the Falken now seen, the unclean temperament is already very obvious. He and the gangs in the southeast obviously have some relations that we do not yet know, if the Falken family has some What things, these not-so-clean things, are all Falken's weapons, and now Falcon still has the ability to do something secretly.

This is what Zach said, ‘you guys, really do n’t need it. ’

At this time, the West Side people still have their own gray powers, recalling the Smith who was recorded at the time. I found Grande after commissioning my own internal inspection! And we know that behind the incident is the fallen angel Crowley. If it is not an alien, this commission cannot reach Zac at all, and Smith himself has solved it!

Falcon frowned, looked at Zac, and remained silent for a while, then nodded. "You are right, now I am beginning to understand Mrs. Quinn's decision." Falcon's side of the mouth slanted upward Then, "I apologize for the previous question."

Zac frowned slightly at the expression on the other side. Jackson's narration followed again, "He's angry again."

Zac didn't understand. (To be continued.)

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