Chapter 222: The Hyakumonogatari of the Slippery One said, Byakuya smiled evilly and said:”Yamamoto Gorozaemon has a few handsome clones, but there are also a few distracting and ugly clones that both humans and gods are angry about. I can’t guarantee that I will be able to do it after I get the ability.” Will not change”

As he said this, Bai Ye also described the appearance of Ji Ji Zang in detail.

After listening to the description of Ji Jizo’s appearance, the faces of netizens in the live broadcast room changed drastically. In an instant, all the girls said that they would withdraw from the lottery.

For them, appearance is the most important. If they gain abilities, they will become ugly, so they choose to give up their abilities.

Many boys also chose to give up after hearing this.

Most of the people who instantly decided to participate in the lottery were gone.

Some people don’t care

:”Compared with the abilities gained, becoming ugly is nothing!”

:”That’s right, boys don’t care about looks! let me!”

Seeing that there are so many people who want to win the lottery, Bai Ye has to lament their desire for power.

But as long as you become a strong person, no matter what you look like, people will come to you one after another.

“Since you all think it’s okay, I’ll start the lottery.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Ye opened the lottery system and conducted the lottery in the live broadcast room.

As time passed by, it was soon time to draw the prize.

“Congratulations to no one in the ID tomb for getting the reward. Send me your address privately and I will pick you up shortly.”


You Yong is a white-collar worker. He commutes to and from get off work at two o’clock every day, and his life is very ordinary.

And his only hobby is watching anime, especially passionate anime.

After extraordinary abilities appeared in this world, he felt his chuuni blood boil.

He also wants to be like the characters in the anime, capable of doing anything in heaven or on earth.

He also fantasizes about being a masked vigilante who punishes evil and promotes good after he gains the ability.

But his fantasy was quickly shattered because he couldn’t find the treasures in the heavens at all.

He would look for treasures every day whenever he had free time, and he would buy anything he thought might be a treasure.

But in the end, it was all in vain, not only did I not gain my ability, but I also spent more than my living expenses.

You Yong felt that he was not destined to become an extraordinary person. After much hesitation, You Yong decided to give up and become an ordinary person again.

However, when he has nothing to do, he will still watch Yagami’s live broadcast.

After all, the various magical abilities in it are much better than the anime, and they are more realistic.

He just didn’t expect that luck would come so suddenly. He just made up the numbers and won the lottery.

When you heard his online name, You Yong was in disbelief.

After confirming several times that it was him, he quickly sent a private message to Bai Ye, and then sat on the bed with a blank mind.

He didn’t know what he was thinking, he just felt like he was thinking about everything and nothing.

If Bai Ye knew that he was in this state, he would definitely tell him that he was too happy and lost control of his emotions.

Bai Ye opened any door and saw You Yong sitting on the bed with a silly smile on his face.

Seeing that he didn’t notice her at all, Bai Ye coughed dryly and said,”There’s no one in the tomb?”

Only then did You Yong realize that someone was calling him, and quickly raised his head, just in time to meet Bai Ye’s eyes.

You Yong was startled by the sudden appearance of the person in the room. When he realized who this person was, he stood up from the bed suddenly.

He arranged his appearance in a panic, then showed a stiff smile and said:

“Hello You Yong, I am Ye Shen”

After finishing speaking, You Yong raised his eyebrows when he saw Bai Ye. After thinking about what he had just said, he immediately knew that he had said the wrong thing.

“No, it’s Ye Shen. Hello, I’m You Yong!”


Netizens in the live broadcast room were already amused by his appearance, and the screen was full of hahaha

:”Hahaha! What is this guy talking about?”

:”I guess I was too nervous to meet Yagami.”

:”It’s obvious that the mouth can’t keep up with the brain. It’s so funny.”

:”I’ve already scratched the ground for his awkward toes.”

You Yong is not only embarrassed now, but also a little ashamed and angry. He is angry that he failed at the critical moment. It is really embarrassing.

Bai Ye looked at You Yong, who was so embarrassed that his whole face was red, and deliberately helped him out.

“Are you ready now? When you’re ready, come over and draw your sword.”

After saying that, Bai Ye went back, leaving the door to You Yong.

Hearing this, thinking that he would soon get the extraordinary ability he dreamed of, You Yong didn’t care about any embarrassment and annoyance, and hurriedly ran into any door.

Bai Ye was standing next to Any Door, and was not surprised to see him coming so quickly. He pointed at the Demon King’s gavel not far away and said,”Go ahead.””

You Yong followed Bai Ye’s line of sight and couldn’t help but swallow when he saw the tattered Demon King’s gavel.

He was about to get the extraordinary abilities he had dreamed of and become one of the few extraordinary people in the world.

You Yong was very pleased with the Demon King’s gavel that could give him abilities. He didn’t feel that the knife was broken at all. He even felt that the knife was exuding a holy light.

Seeing You Yong standing in front of the Demon King’s mallet without making any move, Bai Ye didn’t urge him.

After You Yong spent a long time mentally building up, he took a deep breath, wiped his hands on his clothes, and then reached out to pull out the devil’s mallet.

The moment he pulled it out and held it in his hand, You Yong felt a cold force pass from the devil’s mallet into his hand, and then followed his arm to his heart.

This power was so cold that You Yong couldn’t help but wrap his arms around himself, but he still couldn’t help but tremble.

He seemed to hear something ringing in his ears, but if he listened carefully, he couldn’t make out what it was. He just felt from the bottom of his heart that it was some very scary story.

You Yong felt scared about this situation, and he couldn’t help but tell Bai Ye about this situation.

Bai Ye touched his chin and said,”The voice you heard should be Baimonogatari.””

“Hundred Monogatari?”

You Yong has never heard of this name. It doesn’t feel like something from the Dragon Kingdom.

“Hyakumonogatari is a horror game from Sakura Country. You light a hundred candles and blow out one after telling a scary story. When the last candle is blown out, a monster will appear.”

After hearing Bai Ye’s explanation, You Yong suddenly had goosebumps all over his body. He looked at Bai Ye in horror:

“Then why did I hear Hyakumonogatari? Byakuya shrugged and said,”Because in the world of the Grandson of the Slippery Ghost, Yamamoto Gorozaemon is the founder of Hyakumonogatari. You are accepting his power now. It is normal to hear Hyakumonogatari.””

“Once you have received the power, this sound should disappear.”

You Yong couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard that the story of Hundred Monogatari would no longer be ringing in his ears.

Then he focused on receiving the power, trying to go faster so that the sound in his ears could disappear.

As he received the power, You Yong felt the sounds in his ears slowly disappear until they disappeared.

It’s exactly what Night God said.

The moment the voice disappeared, You Yong almost cried with joy.

He wasn’t very courageous to begin with, but he couldn’t bear it after being forced to listen to the story of Hyakumonogatari for a long time.

Seeing his relaxed look, Bai Ye thought that he had successfully gained strength.

“how? Do you know what kind of power you have gained?”

(End of this chapter)

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