The Queen of Everything

Chapter 104: Yu Chuai

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Most of the girls in the school are envious of such perfect children as Min Chen, and even Yang Nuanru does not dare to find Min Chen's trouble.

At the beginning, Min Chen had good grades in science, but he chose liberal arts and entered the second class, which made many teachers feel sorry.

Cai Ziya is looking at Min Chen now, with envy in his eyes: "Actually, I told you to watch, that is, you want to tell you, you see those people around Min Chen, the girl wearing glasses, this time is the sixth grade of the year , The one you pressed behind, said something about you in the study group..."

When it comes to this, Cai Ziya's eyes are slightly subtle.

In fact, she knew that the complaint was not good, but she also wanted to let Su Cha know about the situation outside.

Cai Ziya belongs to the class with good grades, so there are often study groups that discuss each other between grades. She inadvertently entered a WeChat discussion group that is shared with the students of the second class, and she saw the girl of the second class talking about Su tea in the group. Bad talk.

It happened at noon. It was probably that Su Cha's score was not explained by any teacher, but it did not say that she cheated, which made many people unconvinced.

But after the morning thing, Cai Ziya and they all knew that Su tea could not be cheated.

Cheating students will not be as confident as Su Cha and will answer all the questions.

Sucha looks calm.

After the teacher's incident, she knew that her score had risen too much, and many people suspected it was normal.

Now private discussions about Su Cha will not even care, as long as it does not interfere with her.

Anyway, when the college entrance examination scores come out, she really wants to go wherever she wants, and other people's discussions and defamation are just like clowns, just joke.

For the few girls Cai Ziya said, even Min Chen, Su Cha didn't care.

After the end of the run, Cai Ziya and Le Anqi, both tired and paralyzed of their own images, sat directly on the lawn.

Su Cha stood beside them, and the slender figure blocked them from the sunlight. Le Anqi and Cai Ziya could only see Su Cha against the light, blocking her face in the shadows.

At this time, the two talents felt that seeing Su tea in this way, they felt more pressure.

Su Cha seemed to have a natural and powerful aura, and now she looked up at her, and the pressure was even worse.

This is so strange, Le Anqi still had to stand up after a rest.

"Sucha, where do we find a place to sit and rest?"

Le Anqi suggested that Su Cha had just nodded in agreement, and saw a girl over there coming straight towards herself.

The playground is so big, she doesn’t necessarily come here to look for them, but Su Cha is intuitive.

Le Anqi and Cai Ziya saw Su Cha's eyes looking at the distance, and then looked down, and found that the girl they had just said.

The sixth person who wears glasses has said bad things about Sucha in the group.

Le Anqi whispered to Cai Ziya: "What is the name of this person?"

Cai Ziya thought hard, "It seems to be called Yu Chuai?"

During the speech, Yu Chuai was closer to them, and it really came towards them.

And when she came to Sucha, she raised her chin slightly, with a little reserved and arrogant arrogance: "How are you."

Her tone sounded normal, Cai Ziya and Le Anqi looked at each other unclearly, so only Su Cha's eyes seemed deep and calm.

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