Xie Qiao thought about it, and there were not many people who could come to her to save her life. Since Qin Zhi wasn't dead yet, it was probably him.

Sure enough, Guard Zhou nodded.

"Miss Xie's family education is strict, and I really didn't dare to bother, so I thought of sending a letter, but I didn't wait for Miss Xie to come out." Zhou Shiwei said.

Zhao Xuanjing glanced at Zhou Weizong.

There was something he didn't know.

Xie Qiao smiled slightly: "It's fine if it's all of you. If that's the case, I'll take over the job. I don't know when the deposit will be paid?"

Treating guests, Xie Qiao is absolutely gentle enough.

"Yes, yes?!" Zhou Guard's heart skipped a beat, "Thank you so much girl! Set, deposit... How much?"

"Generally, the deposit is half. If there are other expenses in the middle, you will pay for it. After the matter is completed, you will pay the remaining half." Xie Qiao said with a smile.

A hundred gold...

This is a big client.

With such a sum of gold, she could buy some tonics.

Thinking of this, Xie Qiao's face turned slightly rosy.

Zhou Weizong frowned slightly when he heard the words.

Seeing the embarrassed look on his face, Xie Qiao looked at him puzzled: "Could it be that you are all lying when you say that asking for help from hundreds of dollars?"

"If it were an ordinary resentful soul, even if I didn't need the money, I would have taken it. But your brother can't make it. He provokes himself and owes someone something. Even if the resentful soul kills him, it is his responsibility." Xie Qiao twisted. Eyebrows, "Your Highness doesn't want to force me to capture the soul, right?"

Zhao Xuanjing exudes a smell that strangers are not allowed to enter.

To be honest, this Highness is really good looking.

Her complexion was not the one that was extremely white, but a healthy wheat color. She had a slender figure and was full of energy. In her eyes, it was the noble look that would shine.

Earlier in Shifang Town, he still had doom, so his face was a little dark and unclear, but now it is much brighter.

The air is splendid, like a jade from the past, and I will never forget it.

Aside from the physiognomy, the prince's appearance is the gold and silver knot that can hook people. If it can be done, it should be covered in his arms to be at ease.

Of course, Xie Qiao didn't dare to think too much.

This is the prince, not someone who can trick him into having children.

Xie Qiao sighed faintly.

"The people who ask for help are not alone, so the silver is not alone. If they can't afford it, Miss Xie will take care of it by herself." Zhao Xuanjing's voice was alienated, and where he stood, he was like a pines and cypresses, and the years were not withering.

Xie Qiao heard that the prince was very favored.

If she is the emperor, she will spoil this child, and if nothing else, she will look good on him.

"Yes, there is gold, but it just needs to be collected. Can you ask Miss Xie to treat the illness first and then collect the money? We promise that the gold will be collected in three days at most." Zhou Weizong said quickly.

"Prince's valet, should he come from a noble family?" Xie Qiao asked slowly.

Zhou Weizong smiled helplessly: "Yes, but at my age, it's not good to have to pay money from home."


Xie Qiao nodded.

"If His Highness can guarantee, then three days of grace." Xie Qiao gave birth to three fingers.

"If you don't protect yourself, you really won't be saved? Saving a life is better than building a seventh-level Buddha, Miss Xie." Zhao Xuanjing raised his eyebrows and said condescendingly.

"His Royal Highness, I think..." Xie Qiao was very serious, "You should study more."

"..." Zhao Xuanjing was taken aback.

"In front of a Taoist descendant, speaking Buddhist language, are you provoking me... Master?" Xie Qiao looked up at him, "Your sentence is from the Buddhist Taisho Tripitaka."

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