The Pope of Basketball Community

Chapter 433 [Dark Horse Grizzly Bear, Mighty Uncle]

In the second round, Yang Rui began to be a commentator on TNT radio and chose the Suns vs. Grizzlies game.

The Spurs VS Nuggets don't seem to have much suspense, but the matchup between 2 and 3 players may be an upset. Yang Rui can't understand these two teams now.

The Suns' weakest position is point guard, while the Grizzlies' strongest position is point guard, which is exactly the opposite of Yang Rui's previous life. The Grizzlies lineup restrained the Suns to a certain extent. Yang Rui would not be surprised if they advanced.

Grizzlies coach Hubie Brown said in an interview that he learned from Yang Rui's tactics and benefited a lot from listening to his explanation of the game.

Before the game started, Kenny Smith brought up the matter and asked Yang Rui what he thought.

"Is this okay? I only look for shortcomings when explaining."

"Some people will use reverse reasoning based on what you say to find players' shortcomings and ask them to change their playing style. Except for Hubie Brown, I heard that the Raptors coaching staff also does this."

"I'm very happy to express my feelings. This should also be regarded as a way to spread basketball. When I look for the shortcomings of players, I usually hope that they will become better. I generally won't criticize people who have no potential to tap. of."

During the regular season, Yang Rui commented on three Grizzlies games, praising Battier, Posey, Gasol and others, and criticizing Grizzlies star Baron Davis.

Yang Rui believes that the bearded Davis can perform better. His physical fitness is top-notch at the No. 1 position. He is stronger and faster than a forward. He also has slam dunk contest-level jumping. He shoots well and is good at both offense and defense.

Davis is the template for the future bearded James Harden. He has a better body, but his performance is not as good as Harden. His main problem is that his playing habits are too poor. To put it bluntly, his golf quotient is a bit low.

He is obviously very physically fit, but he doesn't like to hold the ball and rush in. Instead, he mainly shoots pull-up jumpers from mid-to-long distances. Large mid-range shots and three-pointers are commonplace. His shot selection is quite poor. His three-pointers are even more prolific than those of smaller players. Niu Fat Tutuo Walker is still exaggerating.

For example, McGrady mainly pulls up because of his huge advantages in height and wingspan. Davis is 191cm tall. No matter how high he jumps, the opponent can still interfere with the shot.

In addition, Davis likes to stick to the ball when organizing. He is similar to Hornets point guard Steve Francis. When there is no assist opportunity, he does not like to pass the ball to his teammates for singles, but chooses to keep dribbling to find opportunities. , which will cause the ball to move less smoothly.

Yang Rui was most annoyed by players who were slow to handle the ball, so he sprayed Davis. In the second half, Hubie Brown began to modify him, allowing him to focus on breakthrough points and distribution, reduce jump shots, and if there is no particularly good opportunity, no outside pull-ups are allowed.

But if Brown says this, the bearded man may not listen. Everyone says that Yang Rui has a poisonous eye and is good at training newcomers. If Yang Rui criticizes someone, it proves that this person is probably a cancer, or does not live up to his reputation.

Davis is not stupid. When you think about it, many people now call Garnett a softie. If he mainly makes iron-blooded jump shots in the Grizzlies, will others say anything good? Once everyone thinks he is a cancer, it will affect his future career.

Davis changed his style of play and the effect was immediate. The Grizzlies are not short of people who can shoot. Posey, Battier, and Miller are spread out and can take shots after receiving the ball, which is more accurate than Davis. The Grizzlies' record improved in the second half, and they unexpectedly finished third.

The Grizzlies suppressed the Suns on the road, leading 31 to 22 in the first quarter.

The Grizzlies played small ball tactics, with Gasol at center, Battier, Posey, and Mike Miller as three swingmen, and Davis was the point guard.

Yang Rui said with a smile: "I now believe that Hubie Brown borrowed my tactics. I have played in the swingman formation with the Raptors and Wizards. The positions of the five people are blurred. They are not afraid of misalignment during zone defense. Each position can be effective for shooting. interference."

Barkley asked: "There are many teams that have significantly improved their records this year. Hubie Brown, D'Antoni, Stan Van Gundy, and Jeff Bzdelik are competing for the best coach. Who do you think will be elected?"

Yang Rui really wanted to ask who Bzdelik was? But if I really asked, it would be big news tomorrow, so I smiled and said, "I don't know.

But next season, I think I will be elected as the best coach. "

Bzdelik is the head coach of the Nuggets. In Yang Rui's previous life, he completely bid farewell to the head coach position after coaching the Nuggets for two and a half seasons. Now with good luck, he can compete for the best coach even though he is unknown.

In the second quarter, the two sides faced off, but the Grizzlies still had the upper hand.

D'Antoni had a problem. His tactics were too radical. In order to strengthen the offense, he directly sent double guards Howard Eisley and Barbosa. Joe Johnson played small forward and led the substitutes, and the inside was veteran Gugliotta and Luo. Inside the shield, Jahidi White.

The Grizzlies lineup maintains mobility while not being afraid of confrontation, with Earl Watson, Bunch Wells, Battier, Stromire Swift, and Lorenzen White.

The Grizzlies five-man team does not suffer from speed, especially Swift. His physical fitness is animal-level, not like an inside line at all, and his straight-line acceleration is not inferior to that of a defender. Swift's jumping ability is even more amazing. He has been a regular in the top five since entering the league. If his brain is as developed as the cerebellum, he will definitely become a superstar.

In 6 minutes, D'Antoni, who is known for his counterattacks, was counterattacked by his opponent.

Swift can always get rid of Gugliotta, Wells rushes up, and Barbosa is even more difficult to defend one on one.

Yang Rui said: "Regardless of whether the Grizzlies can advance in the end, I have to pay the highest respect to coach Hubie Brown. The same surname is Brown. The Knicks would rather lose than make changes. Today the Grizzlies The tactics are very young. "

Yang Rui said "young" at this time without any derogatory meaning.

Hubie Brown is a coach born on September 25, 1933. He is 71 years old this year. In China, people of this age have often retired for more than 10 years and have reached the stage of square dancing for fitness. Uncle Hu has now proven that he can not only dance in the square, but also compete with young people on the basketball court.

As early as the 1977-78 season, Brown won the best coach once, and it has been 26 years now.

Smith asked Yang Rui: "Who do you think will win the best coach now? Or yourself?"

"If I were a judge now, I would definitely vote for Hubie Brown. I want to say sorry to Mike (D'Antoni) here. As a friend, I can't vote for you."

By the time D'Antoni realized something was wrong and replaced him with Grant Hill, the Suns were already lagging behind and dug a big hole for themselves.

In the second half, another weakness of the Suns began to show again, and the point guard was crushed.

The Grizzlies players opened up and allowed Davis to hold the ball in singles. Ward, Barbosa, and Eisley were unable to guard him.

At 8 minutes and 11 seconds into the third quarter, Davis successfully broke through from the right, jumped up with all his strength, and dunked into the basket with a one-handed tomahawk through Marion, causing some Suns home fans to cheer.

Barkley praised: "Davis reminds me of myself when I was young. He is so brave."

Yang Rui smiled and said: "He is really like a small tank at the 1st position. Most people can't guard him. He is not as tall as him and not as fast as him. I think he is now one of the top three point guards in the league."

On the Suns side, O'Neal Jr.'s shooting percentage was very low under Gasol's defense. He made only 7 of 18 shots and 3 of 4 free throws. He only scored 17 points and 8 rebounds. The team's leading scorer was out of control and the Suns were unable to recover.

The Grizzlies led from start to finish, winning 105-87.

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