The Pope of Basketball Community

Chapter 232 [Gates was stolen, the stock god was stolen]

The leader in charge of the MSN project saw the Minion Farm game and immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid. The previous Facebook platform could attract people to write diaries, chat, and leave messages, but who would play such a childish game? ah?"

"Yeah, it's too naive." Another person said: "The founder of the company is young, so he can only do this kind of gadgets."

Everyone in the project department had a similar view, feeling that the game screen was too simple.

This is indeed the case. The Internet in North America in 2000, whether it was browsers or Flash, was incomparable to that of 2008. What the farm does is just a little more sophisticated than the cooking, hunting, and fishing games in China's "Ninth City."

These people have forgotten that there is an animation with a simpler picture than Minion Farm, and it became a hit when it aired. It is called "South Park".

Painting style and pixels are only one aspect of success, content is the key.

Nothing is off-limits in "South Park": swearing, vulgar humor, derisive social commentary and more, making it a famous comedy. When producers Trey Parker and Matt Stone created "South Park," they had no idea it would become such a success.

Because Facebook is developing so rapidly, people in the industry have chosen to try out the game, hoping to discover the secrets of its success.

Microsoft boss Bill Gates tried it out at home. For those who have a computer at home, whoever does not install the Minion software is simply synonymous with being out of date. Gates certainly will not be out of date. He is good at knowing himself and the enemy, and he can fight without danger.

Gates' minion account was originally called Bill Gates. As a result, countless people tried to add him as a friend every day, so he had to give up the account and apply for a new one, named "Undocumented Knight".

The world's richest man, the great Bill Gates, has such a name. What the hell is this?

When Gates just dropped out of Harvard, he accepted a programming job from Roberts, paying $10 an hour. Gates earned himself a Porsche 911 sports car through his programming work.

Then while driving this car, Gates was arrested multiple times for speeding and driving without a license. This is all youth!

At first, "Undocumented Knight" thought the game was very simple and not suitable for his age, but after picking up the dishes twice, he discovered the charm of the game.

The farm can be upgraded quickly and will provide benefits such as land unlocks, new crops, and free props and fertilizers. Upgrades and new crops can easily create a sense of anticipation, wanting to see what else can be grown in the future.

Calculating the time,

When the crops were harvested for the third time, the "undocumented knight" was stunned. He was actually stolen, and the thief's online name was recorded.

What a genius Gates was. He immediately realized a problem. Stealing vegetables was the shortcut to making a fortune. He immediately started digging through his friend's farm.

Seeing that the "socially incompetent" corn was ripe and confiscated, he readily stole it and escaped, gaining experience and monetary rewards, and his mood suddenly improved.

He is the richest man in the world. He is not interested in cooperating with Korean corn cobs. Now he is happy about stealing a few corn cobs?

The richest man is also a human being, not a machine. He also has some bad tastes, can entertain, and has friends and social circles, instead of burying himself in the company doing so-called big things.

Too many people are bound by the word "success", ignore the present, spend their lives chasing goals, and live a very depressed life.

Bill Gates is not such a person. He enjoys a leisurely life and looks for ordinary happiness after work. This will make you feel happy and work more efficiently.

Of course, it is not ordinary people who can be stolen by Gates. It is Buffett, known as the "Stock God". He is also free to study emerging things at home.

This online name was chosen because Buffett was socially incompetent when he was young. He participated in Carnegie training in order to pursue his wife. At the age of 43, he was at a loss when attending a high-class banquet for the first time. He almost died from a sudden panic. His head was sweating while reading "Who Are You Contesting With?" "Fang Shiyu looks like De."

On the first day the game was launched, people from all over Europe and the United States were waiting at home for crops to mature and stealing food from their friends.

Middle-aged and elderly people find it interesting, not to mention young people. Scarlett and Nina asked Yang Rui for fertilizer while chatting, acting coquettishly.

People in the MSN department also tried it out, and they were quickly attracted to it, and they all realized a serious problem. Facebook has launched such an attractive and strange game as "Minion Farm". How can it compete with them for users in the future?

Thomas contacted Yang Rui online and showed him screenshots of user data. People in the company were already extremely happy. The game was a surefire success. It only attracted a lot of users on the first day, and the number of people playing it has been increasing.

Thomas was puzzled. "What the hell is going on? How can something so mentally retarded attract people?"

"So have you played?"

"After playing it, I feel like my IQ dropped sharply after playing it."

"Is it so bad that I want to get a tattoo on my penis? I remember we made a bet."

"You remembered wrong……"

Going to training the next morning, as soon as Yang Rui entered the locker room, he heard two black guys, O'Neal and Boykins, talking about stealing food.

Yang Rui was also afraid of affecting the players' game status, and reminded: "If there are people playing Minion Farm, it is okay to steal vegetables from each other in the future, but don't stay up late to collect vegetables and affect the status. Winning is much more important than those vegetables."

Everyone was stunned, and Little O'Neal said hey: "Coach, do you also know about the Minion Farm?"

"Of course." Yang Rui said proudly. Can he not know what his company does?

"Add a friend." Little O'Neal smiled.

"Yes, add friends." Detrev also raised his hand next to him.

Yang Rui was sweating, why did this German veteran look like he was going to lead a group of people to attack Poland? He actually plays this too?

Yang Rui was completely relieved. The game did not respect national boundaries. Farms were not only popular in China. Everyone had a vegetable patch in their heart.

In the evening game, the Raptors narrowly defeated the Timberwolves 111 to 107.

Garnett had 28 points, 12 rebounds and 8 assists. The defensive end contained the Raptors' pick-and-roll, but he could not make up for the shortcomings of the point guard.

Trier Brandon is 180cm tall and is poor at interfering with shots. Center Nesterovich was also beaten by Miller.

Joe Smith, the No. 1 pick in 1995, is responsible for leading the bench this season, averaging 10 points and 6.2 rebounds per game. Facing the Raptors' bench, he can't stand alone.

Tomorrow is a back-to-back game. Before getting on the plane, Yang Rui asked Thomas about the company through his laptop. He was shocked to see the number of players, which was close to two million.

What will it look like in a few months? I'm afraid the work efficiency of major European and American companies will be reduced because of stealing food, right?

Thomas was having a celebration banquet with his employees in Silicon Valley, but Yang Rui had to miss it because he had to compete.

At the same time, almost all companies in the IT industry are studying this game and Facebook. Although there were many users in the past, from the perspective of large companies, Minions are just a stronger version of ICQ. Now many giants no longer think so and are looking for someone to Analyzing Facebook’s valuation.

The profitability is not yet strong, but with so many users, many people want to invest in Facebook or cooperate with it. Thomas's cell phone was almost full of calls.

Jennifer and James have maintained close contact with Thomas and Yang Rui. If the company needs funds for development, they can always inject capital. Jennifer also often invites Thomas to parties in Los Angeles for fear that the relationship is not close enough.

The social attributes of Facebook have begun to show. Four years earlier than Yang Rui's previous life, the world has changed because of the Minions software.

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