The Pope of Basketball Community

Chapter 133 [Not weak in case of strong, not strong in case of weak]

The Knicks quickly found a way to adjust. Houston went to the corner to attract the defense, opened up the space, and gave up the top line to Larry Johnson.

In this way, O'Neal can't stay on the bottom line and return to the basket to help defend and block shots at any time.

O'Neal was withdrawn from the basket, Ewing singled out and hit inside, and Bai Bowen couldn't stand it anymore. Yang Rui also adjusted immediately, shouting from the sidelines, Jermaine O'Neal and Bai Bowen changed positions.

Next, the newcomers of the Raptors experienced the strength of the Knicks' defense. There were no obvious loopholes in each position. The five young people scored by counterattacking, and the efficiency was not high.

After half a quarter, Willis replaced Bai Bowen to strengthen the defense of the penalty area and the protection of rebounds. The Raptors did not do badly. After the first quarter, they were only 4 points behind 21 to 25.

The reputation of the two players is not at the same level. The Raptors are proud of being able to withstand the starting lineup. In fact, the Knicks can be stronger, but several stars have not played at the best level, limiting each other's performance.

Too many stars are prone to problems, the core is unclear, and the ball is not easy to distribute.

In Yang Rui's previous life, in the first year of the Heat's Big Three, the star had the strongest individual ability, but because of the unknown core, he was defeated in the finals.

In the second year, Wade suffered a decline in injury status, voluntarily abdicated, established James as the core, and the Heat successfully won the championship.

There is almost an unwritten rule in the NBA, which is to speak out the boss of the team. For example, during the Rockets period, it was McGrady's core at the beginning, and Yao Ming's core in the later period. These are all stated in the open.

When O'Neal joined the Heat, he made it clear that he was here to assist Wade.

And Sprewell joined the Knicks, because Ewing was too old, he did not clearly say that he was the younger brother, Van Gundy also very ambiguously did not mention this matter, and wanted to let the "madman" who is good at attacking the ball succeed Ewing .

The Knicks management has the right idea. After all, Ewing is close to 37 years old, but he won the MVP last season. As one of the best players in the league, how can he be willing to give up the boss position this year?

In the second quarter, the Raptors sent Willis, Detref, McGrady, Christie, and Di Brown. Make sure you have four guys on the floor who can shoot.

Van Gundy let Sprewell rest for a while in the first quarter, and came up with a substitute score in the second quarter, plus four blue-collars.

Christie focused on taking care of the "madman". Two veterans guarded the penalty area, and the Raptors' defense was impenetrable.

When his teammates couldn't open the space, "Madman" broke through and encountered double-teams. Several forced shots missed the basket under interference. Christie could interfere with outside shots.

"Madman" can't be opened, and others can't score with their personal abilities.

The Knicks' second-team defense was even better than the starting lineup, and the Raptors' substitutes were not good at scoring, and the score continued to be stalemate.

Zhang Lili sighed: "The Knicks are still very strong, but fans should not buy into this style of game. Compared with last season, their style of play is too ugly, averaging only 87 points per game. From the league's first offense to the last in offensive power, it turns out that Just need to change an assistant coach."

Sun Zhengping said: "The most unbelievable thing is that the Raptors were one of the worst offensive teams in the league last season, and now they average over 100 points per game, and they are still regulars in the top five."

Zhang Lili smiled and said, "Yang Rui deserves to be able to lead the rebuilt team to this level in his life."

He is only 24 years old, and he said that he can go there with peace of mind.

After the official timeout, the two sides changed players. As soon as Ewing came on, Yang Rui immediately sent O'Neal, and the two sides continued to grind their positions.

The Knicks defended well, and the Raptors couldn't make a fast break.

The Raptors lack a person with an absolute advantage in speed. Carter and McGrady are outstanding in the swing position, but Billups is not fast enough to advance.

Yang Rui was also very helpless about this. In his previous life, Billups was not good at speed. Even at his peak, Billups was limited by his speed and was not a top star. Not fast enough to move,

Let the Pistons sometimes choose Hamilton to face fast guards.

DiBrown is fast enough, but his organizational skills are terrible. He looks like a 185cm shooting guard. He'd better not hold the ball and shoot the ball.

In order to strengthen the defense, Yang Rui refrigerated John Wallace and didn't play a minute in the first half.

His face was extremely gloomy, his expression was ferocious like a ghost, and his murderous aura was greater than that of the golden lion king who sought revenge on Cheng Kun. At this time, if anyone finds him unlucky, he can yell at many people to death.

John Wallace was selected by the Knicks with the 18th pick in the first round of 1996. At that time, Van Gundy was a young coach who had just taken office, so he was not used. After arriving in the Raptors, although he failed to beat the Knicks, he got excellent data.

Today he really hoped to perform against his old club, but he didn't expect that he didn't even have the chance to play.

He was full of complaints. He was a starter last season, averaging 14+5 per game. This damn kid didn't let him play, is he blind?

He plans to contact his agent tonight and say that he will leave the Raptors as soon as possible. If he leaves now, he can still use the data from last season as his qualifications and strive to be reused. If he plays under Yang Rui for one season, his data will drop to He dare not imagine to what extent, it will be difficult for Xia Tian to get a big contract.

John's thoughts are not surprising, Yang Rui really looks down on him, because he doesn't think about making progress.

It's not that John can't shoot. He has a certain mid-range shooting ability. If he practices hard, he will definitely improve his shooting percentage. It's not surprising that he can make three-pointers. But he didn't want to practice, and instead complained that the coach didn't let him play with his body.

Making a training plan for John, Yang Rui felt that his good intentions had been betrayed, as if he kindly suggested that a person go to Lanxiang Technical School to learn the skill of driving a forklift and digging, so that he would not have to worry about eating and drinking in the future. In the end, this guy refused to listen, saying, "I just need to rely on my body, and I need to rely on my strength to carry the sack."

What else can this kind of person do other than fend for themselves? Yang Rui was also about to send him away.

It's just that he won't deliberately arrange for John to collect data. Every game in the shrinking season is very important, and the difference between one or two games may determine the final ranking.

In the second half, the two sides fought for the stars and started a heads-up.

Yang Rui arranges the rotation, Jr. O'Neal and Detref go out to open up space, give way to Carter and McGrady to hit the basket, Billups and Christie are responsible for corner three-pointers, and veteran Willis is responsible for guarding the penalty area .

The Raptors mainly rotate with 7 people, and Alvin Williams, Di Brown, Miller, and John Wallace also played for a while at the end of the quarter.

Grinding until the last two minutes, the score was 84 to 87, and the Raptors trailed by 3 points and took control of the ball.

Van Gundy led a group of stars, who were not weak when they were strong, and who were not strong when they were weak, and they could always fight their opponents to the end.

Yang Rui asked for a timeout. When it came time to test the on-the-spot response, both sides had to be steady and not make mistakes. Any mistake could lead to the loss of the game.

Yang Rui knows Van Gundy very well. At this time, Van Gundy will definitely emphasize defense, use his most trusted and most famous player on the team to play, and will not make offensive rebounds his top priority, and try to defend his advantage.

Yang Rui was different, he didn't intend to fight the opponent's defense, and decided to make a strange move.

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