After the alliance with Vishnu was concluded.

After exchanging information with the gods, the meeting ended.

Most of the information exchanged was information about each other's skills, prestige, and enemies.

It would be a waste to plan a strategy with the status of not knowing each other yet.

After the meeting was over, the god and his incarnations left the temple, leaving only Sungjin and his companions.

"It's all gone."

"After. It's over."

When Seongjin announced that all the gods had gone out, all those who were relaxed sat down.

He rubs his numb leg and chats with the people next to him.

Unlike the appearance he had shown in front of the gods, he was no different from ordinary people.

"Chief. Very well done."

In the meantime, Lee Jae-cheol, who had no tension at all, stepped forward and spread his hands wide upwards.

Kim Gak-hwan saw it and clapped his hands together and made a clapping sound.

"Hey. Life's a long way to go. Sometimes his political board helps."

"I mean. The Commissioner knows how to bounce now, and he saw it again."

"It's the same as the political board. They're all right and they're demeaning others."

"Ah, that's what I felt, too. It almost made me laugh."

In their conversation, most of them looked at the two with an absurd expression.

Most of the people here were not the only ones who were bewildered by the sudden situation.

The reason they gathered in the first place was to defeat Mara Papillas.

Kim Gak-hwan's claims were limited to his world, and if Vishnu had rejected the offer, they would have been divided inside.

"I'm glad it went well, it was going to be a disaster."

“Well, I knew it was going to work out. He looked so timid.

"The Commissioner is right. He was a man who would die on his own if he just raised the stake. He made a wise decision."

The two answered Sungjin's words.

Kim Gak-hwan is really different from before.

Before the return, he cautioned that the means should be just for the end, but now it is different. Learned to compromise means for ends.

To say that he is silent, he spent more time hanging out with Jae-cheol Lee than before Return, and as he said, entering into politics must have changed him.

Of course, his bold personality hasn't changed at all.

'I got stronger there.'

The god Surya he was dealing with was by no means a weak god.

In terms of Vishnu's formation alone, Sungjin, the strongest person in the ten fingers, was also slightly nervous when he moved.

His power to subdue such a guy in an instant was much stronger than when he was the strongest hunter before Return.

No, it's the same for everyone else.

“…why are you doing that?”

"Yes? What?"

"No. I just asked Leh because he was smiling."

"Oh, did I?"

When she touched her own face, she saw that the corners of her mouth were raised.

Things aren't that good right now, so it doesn't suit me

As she straightened her expression and looked around, the others were also smiling softly.

"Hmmmm. Well, let's go ahead with the editorial and move on. We're not here to play, are we?"

Seongjin straightened her expression and coughed in vain.

Then, Jae-cheol Lee nodded her head as if he knew and manipulated the tablet.

"Okay, turn on your tablet. I'll send you some material from now on."

After confirming that everyone turned on the tablet, Jae-cheol Lee sent the materials he had organized.

So after spraying everyone, he gave me time to check it out autonomously.

"Now, if you've all checked and you know, the situation is desperate. The difference between the Mara or the Managna and the Vishnu we have allied with is bleak."

There are three main types of power. He was a family of gods, including incarnations, gods, and supreme gods.

"First of all, the number of incarnations and clans that are the most powerful, this is the superiority. To be precise, tens of thousands are superior."

quality is too low

Each one of them were members and incarnations of the S-class gods, but their opponents were the Valkyries, the immortals.

No matter how different they are, I can't deal with them.

"The quality is overwhelmingly different. If you can't kill an enemy, how can you win?"

“Did you say that there is no way to kill the Valkyrie?”

"It is said that they found nothing but defeat the main building that resurrected the Valkyrie."

Everyone gasped at his words.

That was much more difficult than killing the Valkyrie.

"Next to the number of common gods, Vishnu's formation is also slightly higher. No, I must say that it has increased. I don't know the exact reason, but it is said that the number of enemy gods has recently decreased."

Even so, it was a very subtle difference.

There were too many low-level gods here, so it was difficult to win.

Above all, even these gods could not deal with the Valkyrie.

"And above all else, the greatest difference is in the number and quality of the superlative gods."

When Lee Jae-cheol pressed a certain button, the top gods appeared as holograms.

"It is difficult to say who is the highest level god because it is not clear, but Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma, Afe, Jeseokcheon, Nahu, and Mara Papiyas were the only ones that were recognized by all the gods. Among them, the enemy's power was Mara Papiyas, Nahu, Shiva is the only power here, Vishnu."

Jae-cheol Lee said while tapping the hologram one by one.

"Yahweh is passive in the war itself. He doesn't show up very well in the first place, so he won't participate."

The image of an angel with golden wings disappeared.

"Je Seok-cheon was so influential that it could be said that he was a rival to Nahu, but unfortunately disappeared in this war. It is safe to say that he died."

The figure of a man with a thousand eyes disappeared.

"Brahma was a god known for fighting with Mara, but with the betrayal of Shiva who was with him, he went missing or died. I'm sure Shiva has his god, Creation."

The figure of a man floating in the air with five marbles, like the statue of a god in the back, disappeared.

"I'll be honest. As long as they exist, it's a defeat."

The superlative god had a power that was incomparable to that of a normal god.

They were powerful as well as possessing the gods of revenge. Most of the skills that are being acquired there are those that match them, and of course they have to be strong.

"But in other words, if you kill them alone, there is a victory."

Kim Gak-hwan interrupted his words and said.

Then Jae-cheol Lee smiled.

"Yes. As the chief says. In the end, we have to catch these guys."

Drink, Mara Papillas.

King Asura, Nahu.

God of Destruction, Shiva.

As strong as they were, they had a great influence on the war situation.

If you kill Mara Papillas, the war is over.

If you kill Nahu, who has the spirit of life, and Shiva, who has the spirit of creation, their family, the Valkyries, will disappear.

It can be said that the reward is also great as it is difficult to catch.

"The question is, can we deal with this?"

As he looked at Sungjin, Sungjin stood next to him as if he had been waiting.

"So I prepared it. Abel."

"Yeah. I know."

Abel then stood by and pulled out a wad of paper from his inventory.

It was not until now that he ascended the new realm by playing and eating. While increasing the forces of the Knights of the End and weakening the enemy's forces, the gods who helped them keep these things.

It was not the low-level gods without their own world like the Pantheon, but the proper gods.

"This is a contract we were promised by the gods. Through this, we can become a contract with the gods and their incarnation."


"Yes. The right to control their clan and the power of the gods they have will be able to draw and use a little bit. It can be said that they become stronger. And that's for free."

At Seongjin's words, the people around him exclaimed in admiration.

As the original incarnation became stronger, the duties followed. Although the content of the contract was different for each god, it was generally absolute obedience to God.

Of course, in this contract, it was clearly stated that the content about it would be omitted.

'It is only specified, but the opponent can ignore it.'

The effect of the contract is that it allows you to make an incarnation contract from a distance.

It has no other effect, but the gods who signed it will keep it, whether deceived by Abel or out of conscience.

Or, what should I do if I have to admit that my eyes are low?

Sungjin then opened her inventory and took out her items.

"And this is an item obtained from the divine realm. There is also a new weapon obtained by killing the gods, so it will be useful."

When she said Shinigami, she said an item that contained an S-rank skill.

There is one individual and there are many individuals. Of course, there are some wear restrictions, but when these numbers are gathered, it will be easy to find a suitable owner.

"Oh oh."

"Is that the Shinwi that you've only heard of?"

take out the sanctuary there.

The gods that had been killed and stored up until now, among them, were those that did not have the skills to draw out the power of the gods.

In order to use it more efficiently, it is better to find the owner.

"Now, line up in order of highest ranking. We'll give them out in turn."

Divinity, incarnation, item, level.

All means to become stronger are self-selective.

become strong in a short period of time.

'And finally... .'

Seong-jin erased three of the remaining four gods' holograms with her hand.

* * *

late at night.

Seongjin sat on the railing of her temple and watched the moon.

Because she was in the world above the clouds, there was no cloud, and she looked bigger.

"…what are you procrastinating. Me."

While admiring the moon like that, Seongjin said without looking away.

Then the person hiding behind the temple appeared in the moonlight.

It was a great evil.

In the past, he was the one who couldn't be seen by others, but now he is acting proudly in the mix with other heroes of this world.

In addition, his rank was next to Kim Gak-hwan and he was ranked A.

"Did you come to see the moon because you couldn't sleep too?"

"No. I came here for business rather than the moon."

"Hey. I'm not your taste, so I'll turn it down first."

"I don't feel like joking around."

"It's because I'm not in the mood to be serious."

"Answer me seriously."

When Dae Ak-Hwan spoke with a serious face, Seong-Jin had no choice but to change to a serious one.

He ruined all the good feelings.(Read more @

"Huh. Okay. Okay. Then stand up and talk, so let's sit down and talk. It's just a guess."

When he said that, Daeak Hwan nodded his head as if he knew it and sat down on the railing.

"So, that… who was it, the name of your lover…."

"It's Shizuka."

"Yeah. I'm here because of him."

"Did you know everything?"

"Yeah. I knew."

The Great Evil Hwan said that he had seen his lover reunited here with his dimensional telephoto skill.

This was the purpose in the first place.

But now the situation is not very optimistic.

“Do you know how we will meet again?”

"Yeah. You'll probably meet one of the many Valkyries."

The Valkyrie was made by gathering Awakened characters from the underworld.

It was not surprising that his lover Shizuka was mixed among them.

If so, what they do when they meet is not a kiss of love, but a sword fighting that kills and kills each other.

Seongjin realized this and thought for days about what to do with him.

If so, what would he do, and what would be of comfort to him?

… I haven't found an answer to that problem yet.

"So what do you want to do?"


"You said you had a business. Isn't there something you want?"

So what I did was to defer the answer to myself.

Daeakhwan, who was asked the question, did not answer for a while.

He also did not know what to do with himself.

Should he run away from the fact that he can meet her, or will he leave here and return to the Underworld... Will you stick with Mara?

"If you want, I'll make sure you don't fight the Valkyrie. You'll be busy dealing with the gods anyway."

Even with Sungjin's alternative, he couldn't nod his head.

So he was not worth coming here.

“…Is it impossible to bring them back to life?”

"do not know."

"Is that so?"

"However, considering the people I've met so far, there's little chance they're sane."

"Is that so?"

The Great Evil Wand didn't say.

Without answering, without moving, I looked at the moon with Seongjin there all day.

The moon was insanely beautiful.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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