The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 484: Improving Strength

With the joining of Qingzhi, the slight turmoil within the "Wei" party completely subsided.

It's like Smog doesn't agree with Akakenu's way of doing things, but he will respect Akakenu. What he respects is not the position of marshal, but this person. Respect, if you belittle Aokiji, it is tantamount to lowering Akainu.

Weiwei has enough resources and connections, and Aokiji has enough prestige. Together, all internal disputes can be suppressed.

When internal opinions were temporarily unified, external pressure came.

Green Bull, Steel Gu Kong, and even Wu Laoxing expressed varying degrees of concern for Aokiji's appointment in Alabasta.

The words of the green bull and the steel bone empty are quite cautious, and the world government is very simple and direct in accordance with the orders sent by the five old stars.


The World Government considers this appointment illegal! Ask them to withdraw immediately.

Weiwei played sloppy eyes for a while, dragging first, dragging hard! actual? Do you agree or not? I'm about to rebel, and I still need your consent?

"Because of me, Wu Laoxing blamed you again?" Qingzhi asked as if nothing happened.

"It's a small matter, I can still withstand this little pressure." Weiwei said indifferently: "I have submitted thirteen inspections this month, and in a few days, I will go to Marie Gioia again and let some old guys Scold me and beat me up, and the matter will be over, to be honest, the old guys are stunned, I heard that when they talk in private, they all think they are gods, ha ha."

At present, this matter is really a trivial matter, Wu Laoxing is more caused by the desire to control everything, do they actually care about Aokiji? If you say you care, you also care, if you say you don't care, you really don't care.

"Then you can carry it... By the way, aren't you going to tell Teacher Zefa about the end of the world?" With the outsider Aokiji present, the bedside meeting of Weiwei and the others finally moved from the harem to the front. temple.

The meeting between Robin and Aokiji was very ordinary, without much smoke and fire, Weiwei only knew at this time that they had met once before. .

The two can't be said to resolve the misunderstanding, but at least they can put aside their grievances.

Yamato has no interest in these things at all, and the people attending the meeting became Weiwei, Robin, Aokiji, and Momotu who sneaked over.

Taotu has never seen Robin,

But she had also heard of this famous scholar, and she had no lack of sympathy.

After all, this is the only person in the world today who can understand the text of history. She is not surprised that Weiwei "recruited" such a person.

The half of the activation code that Momotu had memorized hard in Ralph Drew was also translated by Robin. Robin is indeed a bit capable. She also used Lockes’ voyage notes that Vivi found from Captain John’s treasure, as well as some records, Biography and literature pieced together the second half of the secret language.

Tao Tutu, as if he had found a treasure, memorized a long proverb according to the pronunciation of the ancient characters.

Lockes recorded a lot of secrets in his nautical diary. This big pirate was actually the One Piece King of that era. Through various clues and his identity as a member of the D family, he roughly deduced the truth of the matter.

As Robin produced a large amount of evidence written by Lockes in ancient texts, the accuracy of the sun's expansion after a hundred years has reached 90%.

Aokiji thinks that since this matter is unmistakable, he should tell Zefa.

Weiwei disagreed: "Teacher Zefa is easy to talk about. He is old and strong. He will not be afraid of any challenge. For the sake of the world, he is definitely willing to sacrifice himself..."

She looked at Tao Tutu: "If Mr. Zefa knows, then Lieutenant He will know too? Then Garp, Marshal of the Warring States Period... will know everything in the end."

She is confident that Garp and Sengoku will remain neutral in the whole matter, but pull them into her camp? To be honest, she wasn't sure.

Valley endowment

It is often difficult to guess the psychology of the elderly. The loyalty of the Warring States to the World Government is not low. What if he disagrees?

Taotu thought for a while, and supported Weiwei's point of view: "Sister He has retired, so don't involve them, the older generation."

Qingzhi pondered for a while: ""

Weiwei emphasized: "It's us."

"Okay, we." The strong sense of mission swept away Aokiji's decadence, and he became full of enthusiasm: "Let's use gentle means to plead for orders first, and if we are rejected, then we will appeal by force. I didn't Are you wrong?"

Weiwei nodded: "That's what it means, and...we must also be careful not to let the world government catch the loopholes. The interests of our 50,000 people have been tied together, and we must advance and retreat together."

Qingzhi looked at her: "Then what method are you going to use to submit this unbelievable application to Wulaoxing? According to my understanding, the chance of them agreeing is less than 10%."

Weiwei glanced at Robin, and Miss Scholar covered her mouth and smiled lightly. There is no doubt that only one person can complete this task that is almost equivalent to sending her to death...

The arrival of the green pheasant freed Weiwei from dealing with trivial matters in the "party".

She can focus on improving her own strength.

Wu Laoxing and Im, these are at least six top powerhouses, limited by the power level of the entire world, no matter how strong they are, they will not be too strong, but if one fights six, no one can handle it.

The top combat power on her side is only herself, Yamato, who is still a little weaker, and the fat mother who was tricked into coming to treat her illness. Now with the addition of Aokiji, she may be able to count as half Zefa.

It is definitely useless to deal with Wulaoxing and Im.

She needs help.

Marco did not announce the death of Whitebeard for a long time. She didn't know that Whitebeard had died yet, but when she thought of the old man's body, she didn't count the strongest man in the world.

Blackbeard was fooled by her to deal with Magellan. As long as he can hold back the warden of the city, even if he completes the task, this can be ignored.

The strongest fat mom in the Big Mom Pirates is on my side. Katakuri may be fooled, but it's not the deciding factor.

The only ones who can help are Red Hair and Eagle Eye. As for Lei Li, Yi Xiao, and Huang Yuan, their attitudes are unclear, and it is hard to say for the time being.

Weiwei currently has one task, which is to improve Yamato's strength.

Yamato took off Hailoushi's handcuffs, and her strength has grown explosively, but after such a long time, her growth has stagnated. Comprehensive comparison, she is still below the general level.

It is almost equal to the royal copy of the red-haired pirates. Beckman's level is similar to that of Blackbeard who has eaten the dark fruit, but has not eaten the shock fruit.

If you want to increase your strength again in a short time, you can only follow Treasure Beard's method, which is to eat another devil fruit!

"Come on, big wolf dog, let's go out and play!"

"Yes, yes! To Ralph Drew?"

"...pull your sister!"

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