The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 461: Three Ways

The village of Albaf is located halfway up the mountain, at least for humans, it is considered halfway up the mountain.

Prince Rocky grinned, apparently wanting to have a few more words with the high command of the navy, but was chased away by Mountain Beard and other elders, under the pretext that he still needs to learn.

Everyone in the navy has no interest in the political struggles in the kingdom of giants, and this matter has nothing to do with them.

They walked into Elbaf, and at the gate of the village stood two rough and simple things that looked like totem poles, and many giant civilians looked at these humans who came from afar with curious eyes.

Times have changed, Judiciary Island can hire giants to guard the gate, and there are several giant lieutenant generals on the navy side. In fact, the world government doesn't care so much about the giants, who were the hard-core allies of the D clan back then.

The navy needs food, needs to repair the metal and wood of the battleship, and needs an environment to rest for two days. The leaders of the two sides exchanged ideas and gave each other a new understanding.

Several lieutenant generals asked Mountain Beard, wanting to know where Elbaf is on the map, so they can judge how to return to Marin Fando.

The 345-year-old giant elder carefully pinched the map with two fingers, and then put on reading glasses to take a closer look.

Looking at it from the front and looking at it from the back, the giant elder with a beard hanging down to the ground pondered for a long time, and gave Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel a speechless answer.

"Our Elbaf is not on this map of yours."

Taotu rolled his eyes, good guy, General Yuelong took everyone out of the map!

The giants have very little communication with the outside world, and Elbaf is equivalent to a wild land exiled by the world government. This sea area is too dangerous for outsiders to enter, and they rarely go out. They only rely on their size to go out. The kind, what chart? What is that for? We giants don't even look at that!

With a raft and oars, they can go to sea.

The same storm has completely different results for humans and giants.

Human beings need to lower the sails, turn the rudder, and then tie themselves to the boat with ropes, and finally pray for the blessing of the gods. For giants, this is a gust of wind, and just wash their faces by the way...

Giants don't need sea charts. They have a very low level of civilization. Going to sea is all about luck. They don't have the knowledge to draw sea charts. The hopes of several lieutenant generals are completely dashed.

Arrange the soldiers,

The Navy exchanged the spoils of the small-scale pirate groups that were wiped out along the way with the giants for food. I can’t say anything else about Elbaf. The amount of food is huge, and the giants’ bacon skills are also good. Just buy two pieces of them as snacks The dried meat eaten is enough for dozens of ordinary humans to eat for two days.

Colonel Xiu En and Colonel T. Penn led people to count the supplies.

Three days later, the admirals gathered again for a meeting, where is the next step? We have to discuss and discuss.

The non-famous PPT fruit ability user, Brigadier General Brannu, was very depressed for a while after the death of Akainu. Fortunately, time can kill everything. After Albaf and the giants had two drinks, the depression was relieved. He also recovered.

For a whole day, he was chatting with the giants and gathering information. At this time, the generals were having a meeting, and Weiwei called him.

The general, lieutenant general, and major general sat in three rows below. Brigadier General Brannu stood at the front and explained the information to them with a blackboard. Those who didn’t know thought it was a class, but everyone was used to it. In the Navy headquarters That's how it was when I was there, and no one thought there was a problem.

"General, generals, I have inquired about it. There are currently only three routes from Albaf to the sea. First, go through what they call the Devil's Strait. Second, wait for the tide in May every year. It is said that every year One day in May, the tide will rush in the direction where the sun sets, and on the third..."

Brigadier General Brannu hesitated for a moment, and said in an uncertain tone: "The giants also have the legend of Sunshine Eve. They said that the roots of Sunshine Eve can be found in the depths of the seabed far away from Elbaf, and along the roots Go, be able to... well, be able to go to the other side of the world, as they say."

Including Weiwei, most of the generals have been to Murloc Island. They know that the oxygen and sunlight of Murloc Island come from the famous sun tree Eve, but? There are also roots here on Giant Island? Is this very close to Fishman Island? If they find Murloc Island, they can go straight back to Marlin Vandor!

Weiwei asked the question in several people's minds: "If it is very close to Murloc Island, then we can go home, but...we should be far away from Murloc Island now."

Judging by Weiwei's rich geographical knowledge, Elbaf is the desert of civilization. They should be located in the last area of ​​the new world. If the blue planet is really a planet, after a while, she estimates that she can Traveled around the world along the great route, turned over the Upside Down Mountain, and returned to Alabasta...

She was going to travel around the world for a week, how could she come to the fishman island with the same central point? Unless the roots of this sun tree Eve penetrated the entire planet, would a tree have such long roots?

Brigadier General Branu didn't know how to answer this question, he could only talk about the information he collected: "I asked three giants with different surnames before and after, and they accurately named Yangshu Eve, which should be Can't go wrong."

"That's it...let me think about it." Weiwei thought to herself, the secret of this sun tree Eve is far more than she imagined. Robin once heard a legend from the O'Hara scholar, That is the news about the Devil Mother Tree. Legend has it that all Devil Fruits first grew on a tree, some of which fell into the sea, were eaten by intelligent life, and then reborn round after round, and some were still in the mother tree. Breeding within.

O'Hara scholars have done some research on this, but unfortunately, Robin was too young at the time, and the recorded information was incomplete, and he can't say much now.

However, Weiwei and Robin are very sure that if there really is a Demon Mother Tree, then this tree must be under the control of the World Government, or even Wulaoxing and Im.

A tree full of devil fruits? The roots penetrated from the Red Earth Continent to the fishman island at a depth of 10,000 meters, and then continued to go deep underground, and appeared on the other side of the planet? How long is this tree alive?

Weiwei thought for a while and said, "Waiting for the tide in May is definitely unrealistic. Now it's only March, and General Yixiao has already returned to Marin Vanduo. We can't wait that long. The Devil's Strait doesn't sound like a good place... ...How about this, let's put the film on the battleship, then go to the bottom of the sea, find the roots of this Yangshu Eve, follow the roots, and return to Murloc Island."

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