The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 437 Whitebeard vs Red Dog

After Akainu realized that internal and external pressure made him impatient, he made another mistake. He was too credulous in the investigations of these spy agencies.

Which link went wrong?

It is true that Whitebeard is sick, but the illness is far less severe than what the outside world or the intelligence department reported.

After fiercely attacking for more than 80 moves, Akainu saw that he could not gain any advantage, so he immediately changed his fighting style.

He is more than 20 years younger than Whitebeard, and this is his advantage. For Whitebeard's powerful empty shock fist, he began to evade and parry, first let himself be invincible, consume the enemy's physical strength a little bit, and finally win It still belongs to him, he doesn't care if he plays well or not, he only cares about the result.

Akainu played very conservatively, and he rarely spoke a word with Whitebeard in battle.

"Your good son Tiki betrayed you, do you know?" Akainu sneered, without any hesitation, he sold the spy who was bought by the navy in the early stage.

Whitebeard's pupils shrank, is this true? Some signs can actually be seen. He has lived for more than seventy years. Why hasn't he seen it? He has seen too many intrigues among pirates.

At this moment, he felt that two knives were piercing his heart.

His combat experience is definitely rich, and he feels uncomfortable, but there is no change on his face.

Whitebeard even proved his anger with actions. He was very angry and the consequences were serious.

Unable to question Tiqi, he can only vent his anger on the dog in front of him.

Cong Yunqie's move covered a huge sweep, and Akainu used a textbook response, then jumped up to dodge. He was in mid-air, and was about to move out of the opponent's attack range with moon steps, but Whitebeard suddenly faced Catch the air!

Akainu is a magma fruit capable person. He does not have the ability to fly in the usual sense. He loses the air that can be used as an object of leverage, and his body instantly falls to the ground.

"Let you sow discord!" White Beard charged for two seconds, and a milky white light flashed on his left fist, which was the light from the Zhenzhen Fruit. Dog punched.

There was another loud noise like thunder. The shock wave caused by the shaking fruit centered on the area where the two fought, and spread rapidly to the surroundings. The ground shook and the mountains shook, countless trees were uprooted, and a large amount of soil and stones flew into the sky, shaking The shock wave completely changed the landscape.

Needless to say, the red dog at the center of the attack.

Whitebeard used his rich combat experience,

Played a little trick that didn't get on the table at all, and successfully made Akainu fall into the trap.

Akainu was punched in the lower abdomen by Whitebeard. The impact was too strong. Even though his physique was considered top in this world, he was still unable to avoid the damage caused by the shocking fruit. His internal organs were damaged, and blood spurted out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose. , He gritted his teeth and released the big flame again and again, and then opened the distance again.

White Beard held a knife in one hand and clenched a fist in the other, like a god descending from the world, majestic and majestic, making it impossible to look directly at.

Most of the battlefield fell silent, and everyone looked at the central battle area in unison. Akainu was injured, his face and white shirt were covered with blood, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

The Marshal is injured! The sailors who got the news were terrified, and inevitably had a bad forecast for this war.

"Jie ha ha ha ha—all of you lackeys of the world government will die here today!" The golden lion shouted excitedly, excited, and the power of his sword moves increased by 10%.

Weiwei had to use all her strength to suppress the opponent's crazy attack.

"Gion, I still have to deal with the Golden Lion here, you go and take over the command and appease the army." She used her status as a general to issue an order.

Taotu's promotion path is firmly blocked by her. Facing the powerful hawks, the two sides must not tear each other apart and must maintain harmony. So what is the future of Taotu? That is to be a staff officer, just like Lieutenant General He before.

Facing the three old friends Karp, Sengoku and Zefa in the past, He took a step back and gave them the chance to be promoted to general. Karp was very passionate when he was young. He didn't want to be promoted. After that, General He Zhong served as the chief staff officer of the headquarters. On the one hand, his personal strength was slightly weaker, and on the other hand, he was forced by the situation.

The current situation is similar to that of the past. Whether it is Lieutenant General He of the old school or Weiwei who is gradually taking over the pigeon school, they all hope that Taotu will develop in the direction of a staff officer.

Akainu disagreed with this change in position before, and now is a good opportunity.

The marshal and the general are both fighting, and as a candidate for the general, Momotu can set up his own staff in the name of stabilizing the morale of the army.

Momotu immediately agreed, gave up the foil vista that she had beaten so badly, returned to the flagship, took over the commanding phone bug, appeased the army, and redeployed troops.

Relying on the reputation and strict orders accumulated in the past, the turmoil caused by the injury of Akainu in the navy was temporarily suppressed by Momotu. They are all soldiers who have received strict training. As for the marshal being punched, everyone fled in swarms, but the morale of the troops of the joining countries inevitably declined.

Akainu has no time to care about the morale of ordinary soldiers, he has more serious things to worry about, and that is Whitebeard!

Whitebeard put all the fire on Akainu.

He is old after all. In the previous battles, he tried to minimize the use of domineering. Almost all of them were level A, and he didn’t use much moves. It’s because domineering damages the body more, the armed color is better, and the energy of the domineering color is very strong. Violent, when using it, it will cause great damage to the body. Weiwei and Kaido use it casually. It is because of their good physique. Even if they are damaged, they can recover quickly by relying on self-healing power. waste.

Akainu's "sowing dissension" made him completely angry. The old man's naginata Cong Yunqie swung it up, the overlord color wound up, and with a loud roar, he slashed at Akainu's armed color defense, and the armed color shattered on the spot. After that, he condescended , with his left hand pressing Akainu's head with a seemingly slow but fast speed, he forcibly smashed the admiral into the ground, and then shook violently.

Cobweb-like cracks spread all over the ground, and Akakenu spewed blood from his mouth, spitting out pieces of internal organs.

Whitebeard's moves are simple and direct. Relying on his rich combat experience and the invincible attack method of overlord color entanglement, he launched a series of fierce attacks. In less than ten minutes, Akainu received three punches, and one A punch is heavier than a punch.

It can be seen that the continuous use of air shock and overlord color winding is a heavy burden on White Beard. His complexion is very bad, but the situation of Akainu can be said to be even worse.

With the last punch, Whitebeard knocked him into the air, smashing a big human-shaped hole with his limbs spread out on the solid mountain.

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