The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 813 The Spoiler

Originally, I wanted to meet my idol, so I would be very excited to have a meal and talk together. As a result, the scene was a bit embarrassing because of the contract.

In addition, the current Dayao is a young 20-year-old guy, who does not have the domineering power of Optimus Prime after this year. In addition, he seems to be a little shy and doesn't know how to chat, so he can only eat a simple meal. leave.

Then Yang Dongxu made a phone call to Coulson, the manager of the American team. He ignored a question because he wanted to see Yao Ming.

I am not in such a hurry at all, I leave this kind of matter to the team to deal with, let the team communicate with government officials, I want to see my idol and wait until all the dust settles.

It is actually somewhat illegal to be the first to contact players, but Yao Ming is a Chinese player and not an American, and he probably won't be able to enter this year's lottery draft, and he is likely to be in the second round of the draft.

Therefore, such private contracts are not so strict now, and there are still many loopholes that can be exploited. In addition, the current NBA president David Stern is committed to the process of NBA globalization.

Therefore, such an innocuous little move will not be taken too seriously. Besides, there are strong teams like the 76ers who manage Chinese players and help the NBA open the door to this mysterious ancient eastern country. He is too happy. How could he be stopped or punished?

So Yang Dongxu feels that if he does such a thing in the future, it is better to let go of his personal feelings and work. Professional negotiations are entrusted to professional people, and he, the boss, can easily end up with no room for manoeuvre.

Therefore, after the meal, he behaved neither cold nor indifferent, and after expressing his apology to the nervous Dayao in his heart. Yang Dongxu directly dumped this matter to Buck Coulson. I began to continue to focus on the development of the company.

The acquisition of land in Hangzhou went very smoothly. After all, the land acquisition this time will not only build a CBD in Hangzhou, but also help transform some old urban areas. It is an absolute win-win cooperation, and the government has no reason to refuse.

Since the acquisition of the land went smoothly, there are many professionals in the demolition and construction of Hurricane buildings, so he doesn't need to ask him, so his main energy is still on the Rising Sun Technology side.

Originally, I felt that the acquisition of the 123 web page had encountered a little problem. It is not only Tunghsu Technology that is eyeing 123, but also Baidu, which was just established in January this year.

Compared with the embarrassment of other Internet companies when they were first established, for example, Xiao Ma almost sold QQ for 100,000 yuan in the last life. The spirit flickered over and formed it.

Robin Li of Baidu is much more powerful. Although he can't compare with Zhang Chaoyang, who is the boss of Sohu, he has a higher start than Xiao Ma and Ma Fengyun.

First of all, he was originally a company executive with a very high annual salary in Silicon Valley, an absolutely successful person. Secondly, when they came back to start a business, they had a high enough starting point. Not only did they have a patent for hyperchain analysis, but they also received $1.2 million in venture capital before returning to China.

What is the concept of $1.2 million now? If you convert it, it is tens of millions of RMB. Compared with Ma Fengyun, whose hair is turning gray and whose wife is helping to raise money to start a business, this is definitely rich, handsome and has a high starting point.

But although the starting point is high enough, doing webpages in China will definitely be surrounded by major portal websites, even if you say that you are doing a search engine instead of a portal website in the traditional sense.

But whether it's Sohu, Google, or Yahoo, they all have this business. Although it's not the main business, I don't want to see people coming in to grab jobs.

So when the company was founded, Baidu took a fancy to the 123 browser, and planned to use it to reverse Baidu's development, and use it as a rocker to harvest a wave of netizens, and then continue to get venture capital after completing the concept.

That's right, Baidu, which was just established in January this year, even though the office is now rented in two rooms in a hotel, is very shabby. Li Yanhong has already started to prepare to burn out the tens of millions of RMB in his hand, and then continue to invest.

There is one popular concept that wants to get venture capital investment, and the other is a real product. So Baidu took a fancy to 123. After all, there are only two entry ports for search engines, either a browser or a portal.

Now all the bosses of the portal are fighting and he can't afford to get involved. So I am going to take down the browser to drain myself, so that at least half of my life is in my hands.

Of course, this decision is actually just one of the means to increase venture capital investment. Baidu is doing search engine technology, and its main product is to provide Chinese web page information retrieval services to portal websites such as Sina and Sohu.

Buying 123 is just one of the options to increase your chips, and search is the core. However, when they found out that someone wanted to acquire 123, they immediately became vigilant, and decided to hold on to this and observe it, regardless of whether it will be acquired in the end.

And in this way, 123 is naturally very happy. It was originally a leading website in the country. Compared with the high-end portal websites, it is a younger brother with no reputation at all, and even no source of income.

Now that it is suddenly favored by two companies at the same time, it is natural to sit on the Diaoyutai and see what the prices are. Then choose an object that is most beneficial to you to trade.

"If you don't take the opportunity to make your own search engine, what kind of browser do you want?" Yang Dongxu was taken aback when he heard that the competitor was Baidu, and at the same time he was also a little dazed.

Now Baidu shouldn't be taking advantage of the fact that Google and Yahoo are fighting, and that the National Computer Information Security Center in China built a world-famous "Great Wall of the Internet" in June this year to isolate China's Internet from the world.

Although Google and Yahoo expanded wildly while fighting, they were unable to enter the country. This is an opportunity for Baidu to rise. It is estimated that Li Yanhong also saw this, so he returned to China to create Baidu.

So if you don't take the opportunity to do a good job of your search engine, what browser do you come here to get? Could it be that seeing the mess of the domestic portal website fire also intends to get involved?

This is a big hole, besides, even if you have technical patents and funds in your hand, compared to Ma Fengyun, he is absolutely tall, rich and handsome, but you are too small to do it in front of Sohu and Sina. Believe it or not, if you dare to show a little bit of this sign, several major portal websites will join forces to kill you in an instant?

"The acquisition of 123 seems to just want to grasp a drainage port. This is a very ambitious person, and he doesn't want his life to be in the hands of others." Qiu Bosong said.

He did a very comprehensive survey of competitors. After all, Baidu is a younger brother to Sina and Sohu, and it is also a younger brother to Tunghsu Technology. It is not a big problem to learn more about it.

"How much is the price of 123?" Yang Dongxu thought for a while and seemed to feel that this should be the purpose, and then asked.


"They know that Dongxu Technology is buying?" Yang Dongxu couldn't help but asked in surprise.

At present, although most of the Internet industry in his hands is integrated in the hands of Tunghsu Technology, his external claims are different. For example, the browser department that Qiu Bosong is in charge of now claims to be a newly established 361 Internet company focusing on browsers, and the registered capital is only one million, which is very inconspicuous.

This is also the method that Yang Dongxu came up with after being a little annoyed by those who followed suit. Otherwise, when others see that Dongxu Technology is going to acquire 123, they will not only follow suit. It is estimated that even the boss of 123 will instantly feel that there is something in his hand that Dongxu Technology has taken a fancy to.

Otherwise, a company as big as others will buy our small website company? Therefore, it is estimated that the quotation at that time will definitely bite Dongxu Technology hard.

But the newly established 361 small company is different. It is obviously an independent company that does not know where to get venture capital and wants to occupy the browser market. Acquisition of competitors is very common and unobtrusive in business.

"I probably didn't know it. At the beginning, this quotation must have been a puffed up quotation by a colleague or an enemy. After all, in terms of market share, 361 seems to be just a concept to the outside world, and I haven't seen the product with my own eyes.

And 123 has reached the top 30 in the domestic web page ranking. However, Baidu made such a horizontal move, and the other party seemed to make this false price into a real meaning. " Qiu Bosong said.

"Is it difficult to launch the 361 browser without acquiring it?" Yang Dongxu asked.

"There is no difficulty. This product has already passed the inner side without any problems. The acquisition of 123 is just another stepping stone to start higher, and after the acquisition, it can be supplemented by technical personnel in an instant. It is conducive to secondary development and upgrades."

"Then forget about 123, and put 361 on the market to see the effect." Yang Dongxu rubbed his chin.

"I thought about this. If we follow the previous promotion channels, we will start with Internet cafes first, and then install the computer in the computer city, and automatically install the 361 browser. The promotion cost seems to be a little more than the purchase of 123, so I plan to Buy 123 first. After all, we can get a group of programmers for nothing after spending the same money on the acquisition.”

"5 million promotion fee?" Yang Dongxu asked coldly.

"It's not a promotion fee of 1 million. 5 million is the quotation of 123. When I bought it, I only wanted to ask for 1 million." Qiu Bosong shook his head and explained.

"Then discuss it again. If you don't know the current affairs, then follow the previous promotion plan, and then use better 361 products to squeeze its market share and destroy it. When the company collapses, it's not just you digging ?”

"Then why don't you promote and poach people together, let him die faster. It is estimated that without market share, Baidu will not want it. After all, no matter who wants to acquire this kind of website, they only look at the market share data Yes." Qiu Bosong felt annoyed when someone raised the price on the floor and acted like he wouldn't sell it.

I think he is known as the number one person on the Internet in China. Backed by the big tree of Dongxu Technology, a small webpage with less than 100,000 hits a day dares to explode in front of me. I am so impatient. .

"Look at it!" Yang Dongxu naturally had no objection.

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