The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 796 Marriage (1)

The Li family belongs to Samsung, but Samsung no longer completely belongs to the Li family. So Li Fuzhen actually separated Samsung from the Li family, obviously saying that the Samsung investment belongs to Samsung, and the Li family investment belongs to the Li family.

Of course, the Li family can't benefit themselves without Samsung, after all, whether it's South Korea's economic policy or the pressure from Europe and the United States. It is impossible for the Li family to develop a new consortium.

Besides, there is also a share of the Li family in Samsung's assets, and he has no reason to depreciate this huge wealth. Therefore, Samsung Investment and Li's investment are separated.

It must still be dominated by Samsung, supplemented by the Li family. Then look at where it is appropriate to enrich the Li family's own small coffers, which are also in line with everyone's default unspoken rules.

For example, it is definitely impossible for the children of some big families to inherit this huge family together, and those who harm the interests of the family and enrich themselves must be eliminated.

But for those who take the family as the main body and develop their own industries to spread out, even if they are attached to the main family to absorb nutrition, they will also give feedback to the main body. This is a virtuous circle, grasp the Just balance.

In other words, if your contribution to the main family is greater than the benefits you take away from the main family, then the main family is happy to see you absorb nutrients from them to develop yourself, otherwise it will be ruthlessly swallowed by the main family.

The Li family expands their own industry, but puts the industry in a secondary position, and the main development depends on Samsung. Even if the European and American major shareholders know about such a thing, they will not stop it, because this is also the default way of dividing the family in their family.

After the domestic retail industry was in full swing in October and November, it entered December and Carrefour changed its plan to expand its market and temporarily withdrew. Fight again in a short time.

But under the calm surface, there are turbulent tides, because anyone who looks at it knows that Carrefour is a little unconvinced. Unexpectedly, the consistent pressure test policy of joint foreign investment was pushed back by Millennium Supermarket waving the banner of a national enterprise.

In the case that logistics, supply chain, and even the number of stores cannot take advantage. Carrefour had to put away its own expansion minions temporarily, and focus on stabilizing flagship stores in some economically developed cities.

It is conceivable that after Carrefour smoothes out its own logistics and suppliers, it will definitely declare war on Millennium Supermarket. At that time, the real hand-to-hand combat with bayonets became popular.

Compared with Millennium Supermarket and Carrefour in the retail market, Wal-Mart is standing on the sidelines, and there is a great posture that the three giants of the retail industry will dominate the retail market.

There was a lot of contention in the online game market. Yang Dongxu had never heard of many games, and they suddenly appeared in the game market as if they jumped out of the cracks in the stones.

Although games that appear suddenly like this usually come and die quickly, there are always a few that are good, so many players are diverted away.

When Yang Dongxu held a meeting in Yanjing before, he proposed the idea of ​​sending home appliances to the countryside, which received the attention of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Now he has begun to draft a group for implementation next year.

However, he proposed the introduction of computers into the home and further liberalization of the game market. Although it was adopted, no specific results have been discussed yet.

At present, almost all the parents in the country turn pale when they talk about computer games. When they talk about computer games, it is like seeing a scourge. Some people even say that video games are Internet opium, and even professional Internet addiction treatment clinics have come out, which shows everyone's attitude towards this market.

However, the higher-ups also know that they should not give up eating because of choking. Although the domestic game industry has just started, there are also leaders with long-term vision who have seen the prospects of this market. But after all, the concept of domestic parents is here, so how to find a balance point is a question that needs to be cautious, so it is understandable that the discussion process is a bit slow.

First, I held a meeting with Zhang Tianming and Hu Dashan to confirm the expansion plan of the Millennium Supermarket next year. Then there is also a meeting at the game company.

The number of Legendary online users has repeatedly hit new highs, and it has made a profit of 150 million for the company so far, which has caused the envy and hatred of the peers, so a large wave of imitation games emerged.

There are even quite a few game companies that seem to see the prospect of stable income from point card games, and have begun to invest a lot of money in developing their own point card games.

Yang Dongxu just sneered at these imitators. There are only three games at the pinnacle of domestic point card games, "Swordsman Love", "Fantasy Westward Journey" and "Westward Journey", and the others are scum.

The only reason why there is no "Legend" is because Legend was imported from South Korea, and "World of Warcraft" is not domestic. Among the three games, Swordsman has already started to play inside, and it is estimated that the public beta will be available next summer. Dream and Dahua are two games, Netease is currently developing Dahua, and Dream has not yet come out.

However, according to the results of Yang Dongxu's investigation, NetEase seems to be more optimistic about Big Talk. There is a proposal for Fantasy Westward Journey, but because the game mode is very similar to Big Talk, some management considers it to be repeated investment in resources. Start the development program.

So during this period of time, Yang Dongxu was like a chicken thief, watching silently by himself, and then let Dongxu Technology and NetEase make various contacts.

Now NetEase’s main business targets are portal websites and mailboxes. After all, this is the era of portals. As one of the current domestic portal traffic occupants, NetEase attaches great importance to the construction of portal websites as a core industry.

As for the game, I just saw that the current game market is so hot, so I played a game of voting. Until 2000, the domestic portal competition was too fierce.

Although "A Chinese Journey to the West" was kneeling once when it was first launched, the market still has a certain reverse, and the game market is so hot, so it increased investment in game research and development, and then "Journey to the West 2" was released in an instant. Red became the masterpiece of NetEase's transformation from a portal website to a game company.

After the meeting at the game company, Yang Dongxu and Chen Xin met, and then they didn’t go to Sanwan. It happened that Qiandao Lake was going to be shut down at the end of the year. Many company managements were here to deal with the shutdown, so they opened a meeting.

After that, Yang Dongxu basically started flying around on the plane, first to Huaxiu, then to the Hurricane Construction and Automobile Company in Shanghai, and then to Xiushui Trading.

When I usually look at the information, it doesn't make much sense that so many company names can be summed up on one piece of paper. But when one company after another made year-end summaries, he became exhausted in an instant.

This is just a summary of the end of the year, and it does not include the project planning for next year. For example, in Hurricane Architecture, Yang Dongxu had asked Zhao Yu to prepare the construction plan of Hangzhou Hurricane Square, and the land of the machine factory in Shanghai was finally won, and a square was also needed.

For the cooperation between Huaxiu and Samsung First Textile, besides the car company in Italy, the first batch of cars in the imported car factory in the United States has already rolled off the assembly line. Another example is that Haina and BS are preparing to further cooperate and use the influence of both parties to deepen the control of the Southeast Asian market.

And the industry in Japan cannot relax. In addition to the major telecommunications companies invested by Softbank, the market influence of animation is growing. In addition, Japan’s unique film, TV series and song markets in Asia need to be targeted. absorption.

Yang Dongxu feels that splitting himself into eight pieces is not enough, and this year Zhou Ya seems to intend to leave everything in Asia to him, and she is in charge of Europe and America.

And began to hire professional managers on a large scale. I don't know if it is to prepare for the marriage of the two, or if I really plan to have children to make time.

In short, Yang Dongxu was tired and dizzy, he was still in Shanghai for lunch, and he had dinner in Yanjing in the afternoon, and then he woke up on the plane and came to Shenzhen, the southernmost part of the motherland.

Even though he still has a good appetite after surviving a busy trip, the thinness of his cheeks is very obvious. But no matter how tired he is, the year must still be over. For some troublesome but not too urgent matters, Yang Dongxu will take care of them until next year.

"You should eat more, you've lost weight." At Wu Xue's home in the magical city, Wu Xue's mother was serving Yang Dongxu some vegetables, and this time Wu Xue's father was also there.

At the end of the year, I was very busy and didn't have much time to come and visit, so I still go home to celebrate the New Year this year. Because Yang Dongxu and Zhou Ya have already discussed it, after a few days when Zhou Ya comes back, the two of them will get the certificate, and now they will hold a banquet in the countryside.

So Yang Dongxu took advantage of dealing with work matters in Shanghai, and first went to Wu Xue's house to pay his respects in the early years, so as not to lose his etiquette when he was busy with the wedding.

"It's better to be thinner. I'm about to gain weight at this age, so I have to maintain my figure." Yang Dongxu said with a smile.

"It's better for a boy to be a little fatter. A little fatter is a blessing." Wu Xue's mother said.

She looked at Yang Dongxu, then at her daughter secretly, and couldn't help sighing. Regardless of appearance or character, she felt that Yang Dongxu was the most suitable son-in-law for her.

What's more, he and Wu Xue can be regarded as childhood sweethearts who grew up together, but sometimes there are many things that they can't get by themselves.

After hearing that Yang Dongxu's marriage partner was Zhou Ya, Wu Xue's mother didn't know what to say for a while. She has seen that girl Zhou Ya before, and knows that she is a poor and strong girl.

If Zhou Ya married someone else, she would definitely wish her sincere blessings and give him a big gift, but this exclusive wedding privilege is Yang Dongxu, although there are countless reasons in his heart that the two people are not suitable, such as age, or dryness My seniority.

But she really couldn't say these words, if another woman's own daughter might still have the possibility of competing. But Zhou Ya can only do the ideological work of her own girl, and hope she can come out as soon as possible.

That's right, this time, apart from visiting to pay respects to the early years, Yang Dongxu still came to send invitations. However, it is inconvenient to travel back and forth to hold banquets in the countryside at the end of the year.

So at the banquet in the countryside at the end of the year, only some relatives and friends from the countryside are invited. Wu Xue's invitation is for the twelfth day of the first lunar month of the new year, and a banquet will be held at the Yang Family Banquet in Yanjing to entertain the guests.

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