After taking a taxi to Liuying Village, he hesitated in the car, but Yang Dongxu still paid to get out of the car and let Chen Xin walk to the small courtyard where Chen Xin lived.

As soon as he entered the small courtyard, he saw a woman standing at the door of Chen Xin. The obese woman raised one leg and kicked on the door frame, blocked the door, and pointed at the room, spitting all over the place.

Many people stretched their heads and brains to watch the excitement in the yard.

"Next month, next month I will give you the rent together. Can you let me go to work now, I will be fired if I don't go to work, how can I give you the rent if I can't get salary after being fired?" Chen Xin in the room explained anxiously.

Seeing that the time was about to be late, the director wanted to find excuses to tease him if he didn't hurry up.

"Pay the money, pay the rent first and then go to work. Aren't several men coming to you every day, will you have no money?" The renter blocked the door and refused to let go.

"You don't want to spout blood, I have nothing to do with them?"

"It's okay if you say it's okay? Didn't a young man come back with you behind his back yesterday? I also heard that because of you, he almost got into a fight with a man who often came to look for you at night? Give me the money, or give me the money today I'll move away, lest you, a coquettish fox, spoil the Feng Shui of my house."

"Don't talk nonsense." Chen Xin blushed and explained.

But how could her eloquence be a match for the renter-in-law, and she was overwhelmed by the renter-in-law's half-meat and non-vegetarian words without saying a few words.

"How much rent does she owe you?" Yang Dongxu walked over with a sullen face.

"50." The charter woman looked Yang Dongxu up and down, then curled her lips and looked at Chen Xin sideways, as if she meant to say that she didn't raise a wild man, and they found him again.

"How can there be so many?" Chen Xin exclaimed.

"You don't need to increase the interest on the rent you owe for so long."

"That can't be so much, you..."

"Put your legs away." Yang Dongxu took out a 50 from his wallet and put it in front of the renter.

"Huh." Snatching the money from Yang Dongxu's hand, twisting it in his hand, and then facing the sun, the charter woman snorted coldly before letting go of her leg that was stuck on the door frame, "It's time for next month." Pay the rent immediately, or you will get out of here. And next time I pay the rent, if my husband comes home and says that the rent will be paid to him, be careful."

After speaking, the charter woman walked away with her fat body dangling.

"You can't leave, the rent is not that much, you are robbing." Chen Xin wanted to chase him out to get the money back, but Yang Dongxu stopped him at the door.

The charter woman, who seemed to be showing off slowly at first, shook her fat body in an instant, and rushed out of the small yard in a few steps, as if she didn't hear the voice behind her.

"Get out of the way, you don't want so much money, you hurry up and get it back." Chen Xin looked at Yang Dongxu anxiously.

"Forget it, stop chasing."

"Forget it, how could it be forgotten, you paid a lot more." Chen Xin pushed Yang Dongxu to get him out of the way.

"How do you chase after this?" Yang Dongxu took a look at her jumping on one foot.

"That can't be so much." Chen Xin wanted to push Yang Dongxu away and chase him out.

Yang Dongxu simply hugged her, put her on the bed while she was screaming, and then grabbed her sprained foot without waiting for Chen Xin to struggle.

"Didn't I buy Dieda wine for you? Why didn't I rub it last night?" Looking at his ankle that was swollen like a steamed bun, Yang Dongxu waited for Chen Xin.

"I... I forgot, I woke up and rubbed it in the morning." Chen Xin lowered her head and dared not look at Yang Dongxu.

"Be patient." Yang Dongxu glared at Chen Xin angrily, and Yang Dongxu took off her socks and rolled up her trousers at the same time.

"I can knead it myself, and besides, I kneaded it in the morning, so I don't need... ah..."

Yang Dongxu ignored Chen Xin, took the medicinal wine next to him, poured it on his hands and rubbed them to warm them up. Then he pressed her legs on his knees with his arms, wrapped her swollen ankles with both hands and rubbed them, and Chen Xin cried out in pain.

Wrap the ankles with your hands and don't rub them all, otherwise it will hurt more. So it seems that the two hands are wrapped and rubbed continuously, but in fact, Yang Dongxu's fingertips, palms and other places where he is rubbing hard are acupuncture points. So in an instant, Chen Xin's painful forehead began to sweat coldly.

"Don't use force on this foot in the past few days. It's best to get a crutch to lean on." After massaging for more than ten minutes, Chen Xin's swollen and blue ankle turned red before letting go.

"En." Chen Hong lowered her head and bit her lips and nodded, then she thought of something and suddenly wanted to stand up: "Ah, I'm late."

"You're late, sit down, do you want to go to the hospital for a plaster cast?" Yang Dongxu pushed her back angrily.


"But shit, you said that you can't use your foot hard these days, are you deaf?" Yang Dongxu stared at Chen Xin, she found that you can't speak well with this woman, you have to be tough, otherwise she won't listen to you.

Chen Xin lowered her head and did not speak.

"Have you had breakfast?" Yang Dongxu broke the silence after feeling a bit awkward in the room after a while.

"Yeah." Chen Xin nodded without looking up.

"It's too dangerous for you as a girl to live here. Let me help you find a house and move out. Treat the money as a loan from me, and pay it back when you have it." Yang Dongxu continued.

"Yeah." Chen Xin continued to nod her head.

For a while, the room fell into silence again, neither of them knew what to talk about.

"Pack up your things and move today." After thinking for a long time, Yang Dongxu thought of another topic.

Chen Xin did not respond this time.

"Did you hear that? I packed up my things. I heard a response."

Chen Xin still did not respond.

"I said you..." Yang Dongxu wanted to push Chen Xin with his hands, but when he stretched his hand halfway, he realized something, and pushed Chen Xin's hand to her forehead.

"I'll go..." Chen Xin's forehead was burning hot. When he touched Chen Xin's ankle just now, he felt that the temperature was a little abnormal. It's a high fever.

In fact, Chen Xin felt dizzy when she woke up in the morning. Yesterday she sat on the ground and cried loudly. She didn't know when she fell asleep, so she slept on the ground all night.

When I woke up in the morning, I saw that it was going to be late, so I endured the pain in my ankle and hurried to wash up, and I ate some of the food Yang Dongxu bought yesterday, and was about to go to work, but the landlord blocked the door.

With emotional ups and downs, coupled with a high fever, she felt a sense of security from Yang Dongxu, and she couldn't hold back anymore and passed out.


Chen Xin had a dream, and she seemed to have returned to her childhood when she was drowsy. Although the family was very poor at that time, sometimes there was not enough to eat, and there was still a lot of work to be done, but she felt really happy to be with her family.

Suddenly, her body tightened suddenly, and her body subconsciously tightened up. It was a thunderstorm night, and my uncle came back drunk again...

Looking at Chen Xin on the hospital bed with a smile on his face, he seemed to be having a sweet dream. But at the next moment, his brows were furrowed and his expression became terrified. Yang Dongxu frowned, stretched out his hand to grab Chen Xin's hand, and gently slapped his mouth with the other hand to comfort him in a low voice.

After being beaten violently, Chen Xin, who cried but didn't dare to cry, could only bear the pain, felt a pair of big hands caressing her, her bruised body no longer hurt as much as before, and she slowly relaxed her brows and fell asleep peacefully.

"Doctor, how's the situation?" Yang Dongxu looked up when he heard the doorbell, and found that the doctor got up quickly to ask about his condition, but Chen Xin grabbed his hand and didn't get up all of a sudden.

"It's okay, sit and sit, it's not a big deal, it's just the wind and cold entering the body, and the patient seems to be malnourished and weak recently, that's why he passed out. After the fever subsides, he will be fine after recuperating." The doctor comforted.

Yang Dongxu heaved a sigh of relief, and turned his head to look at Chen Xin, who was indeed much thinner than before, feeling a little distressed. Seeing her now, he couldn't help but think of the time when he saw Zhou Ya. It's the same as a kitten's fear and anxiety when entering a strange environment, trying every means to wrap itself up tightly to find safety.

"Then when will she wake up?" Yang Dongxu asked.

"Hehe, she's not in a coma. She's too weak, she's just asleep. So when she wakes up, she'll wake up naturally. You'll go to the cold medicine below. After she wakes up, she can go home and take care of it. Hospitalized."

Compared with the minor illnesses in later generations who would like to let you stay in the hospital for surgery, especially when facing Yang Dongxu, who needs a separate ward as soon as he enters the hospital, and looks at the master who is not short of money, I am sorry for myself if I don’t cut two catties of flesh. doctors in this profession. The doctor in front of him was obviously more responsible, and he came to the other side of the bed to check on Chen Xin's condition and said.

"Okay, thank you doctor, thank you very much."

"This is what I should do. You sit down for a while, and I will check other patients." The doctor smiled and nodded, then turned around and left the ward with a few young white coats who looked like apprentices.

It was not until the afternoon that Chen Xin, who seemed to have had enough sleep, opened her eyes.

Seeing the unfamiliar environment, Chen Xin hurriedly got up, with a look of vigilance in his eyes, and stretched out his hand to grab the side, as if he wanted to hold some weapon to increase his sense of security.

"Hey, you're awake, do you still have any discomfort, do you want to have another examination?" Yang Dongxu pushed the door and walked in with the medicine in his hand.

"here it is……"

"Hospital, you can't remember when you passed out?" Yang Dongxu said.

Chen Xin frowned and thought for a while, she only remembered that Yang Dongxu massaged his swollen ankle, but she couldn't remember anything after that, even the dream became blurred and became unclear.

"It's fine if you can't remember. This is a hospital. I didn't do anything else to you this time. I just hugged you on the way here. The doctors and nurses can prove it to me."

Chen Xin's face turned red, obviously thinking of the hotel incident last time.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, let's take medicine. Er... No, it's not good to take medicine on an empty stomach. Do you have anything you want to eat? I'll buy some for you and take medicine after eating."

"I'm not hungry, don't bother, medical expenses..."


"Wait a minute, I'll go down and buy some porridge for you, eat some first and then we'll talk." As he spoke, he put the medicine in his hand on the table next to him, and Yang Dongxu walked out of the ward to avoid embarrassment for Chen Xin.

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