The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 2229 Do well and be scolded

During the Qingming Festival, there is a lot of rain, and Yanjing, which is about to heat up, has become cold again because of the continuous rain. If someone does not have a thorough understanding of the idiom "warm and cold again", then you can say that you can directly experience it in the recent period.

Whether he is going to another city or going abroad, what Yang Dongxu does most is to hold meetings with the company's top management, and then hold secret meetings with other people.

Most of the time I come to Yanjing for meetings, but most of them are with government departments, and then I go to the company for meetings. It's not just that the head of the TV show came to Yang Dongxu to discuss how to develop domestic films.

Many official solicitation symposiums often send invitations to him. Even though he often does not go, invitations are still sent. After all, as an outstanding representative of domestic private enterprises, I always feel that the economic symposium is not up-to-date if I don’t send invitations to him during the economic symposium.

In addition to the economic symposium, there are also various Internet symposiums. In short, after Yang Dongxu arrived in Yanjing, there were only two words: a meeting, a meeting, or a meeting!

"Don't think so much, the current development path of Rising Sun Technology can only go in this way, and it is impossible to change." Yang Dongxu patted Sun Yang's shoulder with emotion and helplessness.

When I went to Hangzhou, I didn’t go to Rising Sun Technology because I was running out of time. I didn’t expect to sit down with Sun Yang and talk about Rising Sun Technology when I came to Yanjing.

Sun Yang came to Yanjing to participate in the National Network Development Forum. As the current overlord of the Internet, Rising Sun Technology was naturally one of the topics of the meeting, and Sun Yang also made a speech on stage.

But Rising Sun Technology is indeed the current leader in the domestic Internet industry, and the speed at which it makes money makes many people envious, but Rising Sun Technology's reputation has not always been good.

This is not because the peers are enemies and are seriously injured by other peers, but because Rising Sun Technology, one of the core games, is naturally on the opposite side of the parents.

Although the parents enjoy the games of Rising Sun Technology by themselves, it is very convenient to use YY, and now they feel very good when using WeChat. But this does not prevent them from scolding Rising Sun Technology.

Today's Rising Sun Technology is just like Tencent in the last generation. It is an absolute hegemony in the Internet industry. It can be said that the products are used by the whole people, but this does not prevent the whole people from scolding.

For example, if you play krypton gold games, the food is too ugly, and the king’s pesticides ruin children, etc. In short, games are scourges, especially krypton gold games, which are floods in floods and beasts of beasts. As for the fact that you can play for free without krypton gold, just ignore it.

This is the case of Rising Sun Technology now. Although the ecological chain of point card games is very healthy, many people can even support themselves by relying on games to move bricks, and even domestic point card games are made by Chinese people. Foreign games such as World of Warcraft are not Like the previous life, it attracted a lot of special dramas in China.

But there are still many people who criticize Rising Sun Technology for being too popular, and the point card game actually charges point cards.

Another example is the current Qifan platform, which can be said to have set off an upsurge of competitive games across the country, and even began to radiate to the world. It can be regarded as a very good game going abroad.

However, some people still criticize games for ruining their children. E-sports is not a sports competition at all, even if they can win the gold medal in the Asian Games by playing games.

Therefore, the entire Rising Sun Technology, except for the 361 webpage news because it never deletes posts because it is not afraid of power, which is considered a good reputation, the others do whatever they do, and it is very speechless to scold while using it.

Therefore, if Sun Yang, the CEO of the company, can't adjust his mentality in this regard, he will easily get depressed.

"Don't worry, there will definitely be no problem with my mentality. It's just that I've done a good job, but I'm still somewhat depressed when I'm scolded. Would it be better if the Honor phone wasn't separated?" Sun Yang said helplessly.

As a high-level executive who joined Rising Sun Technology very early, Sun Yang can be said to be full of expectations for the future of Rising Sun Technology, but it is clearly developing very well.

"Come on, the separation of the Honor mobile phone is just the separation of Lei Jun. Whether it is the hardware development of the smartphone or the software development, it is the credit of Tunghsu Technology. You just gave him a product manager.

Moreover, he is still a product manager who directly enjoys the benefits. In the past, he basically didn't have to worry about any technical problems and just took off directly. "Yang Dongxu very bluntly broke Sun Yang's self-comforting excuse, which instantly made Sun Yang even more depressed.

Looking at Sun Yang with a depressed face, Yang Dongxu couldn't help comforting him after poking his lung tube, "Okay, don't feel sorry for yourself.

If a sentence is mentioned at the meeting, it will be mentioned. Anyway, we have to develop without breaking the law, and without being anti-social. On the contrary, various charitable donations are among the best every year.

Although the public scolded them, no matter whether it was a video membership, all kinds of YY diamonds, or game krypton gold, they did not charge less. So if you are scolded by your parents for food and clothing, you can just scold them. The customer is God, understand? "

"Everyone understands the truth, but there are a few who can really do it indifferent." Sun Yang rolled his eyes.

But after rolling his eyes, Sun Yang obviously understood that it was fine to complain to his big boss, and it was impossible to keep complaining. The big boss was very busy, and it was already a face to hear him complain.

So he adjusted his mentality and said, "The QR code of WeChat has been made, but according to what you said, we did not scan the code for payment, but first made the function of scanning the recommended code."

Yang Dongxu can’t remember when he made the QR code when recommending friends on WeChat in the last life, that is, the personal QR code business card sent by friends. Yang Dongxu has just made it in this life.

The first development of this function is mainly to test the stability of scanning QR codes with smartphones, and to let the public know that there is a QR code.

So the current personal QR code business card, in addition to being sent to the recommender when recommended, also has a face-to-face scan code to add friends.

"When will it be available for testing?"

"If you don't have any other suggestions, you can do it tomorrow!" Sun Yang said.

"Then update it tomorrow, then collect user usage data, and launch the client scan code login function after a while."

It is only because the personal QR code business card is launched first, and then the computer client login requires the mobile phone scan code authentication function.

It’s because it doesn’t matter if there are any mistakes in the former. For example, if the recommendation fails, you can recommend it again. If you fail to add friends by face-to-face scanning, you can scan again.

However, once the client scan code verification is enabled, the scan code is unsuccessful and cannot be logged in normally, which will affect the user experience at once.

So first release a small function test, wait until the function is stable and safe, and then launch the scan code verification login, wait until this is stable and safe again, and then launch other important functions, so that everything is 100% guaranteed step by step, and then launch scan code payment. Ninety-nine out of ten.

Otherwise, the money of the user who made a mistake in scanning the code to pay will be lost, which is no small matter. Users can bear with other things, but if there is a problem with the money when paying by themselves, this will definitely not be tolerated.

"Alipay's side" others don't know, but Sun Yang can know that Alipay is also owned by his boss.

Therefore, if WeChat launches the scanning code payment function, it will undoubtedly compete with Alipay for business, because before launching the payment scanning function, WeChat will launch WeChat Wallet, which is basically the same function as Alipay, which is equivalent to the big boss himself and himself. Hit the ring.

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