The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 2101 one step ahead

"Is this a big shot?" Li Ming frowned while holding the summary report in his hand.

Although the Dynasty team is now the favorite to win the championship, and the team members are all star-level players, as a veteran of this industry, Sun Yizhou suggested to plan ahead.

You can take advantage of the current panic in the e-sports circle to buy some promising young people back. After a deep understanding of the game Qifan and the recent update of the game by Rising Sun Technology.

Sun Yizhou is very sure that the e-sports circle is an industry that eats young people. Although the current players of the Dynasty team are all good, they are a bit older.

There is no way that this is a common problem in the current domestic e-sports circle. Looking at the entire domestic e-sports circle, and even foreign e-sports circles, there are many professional e-sports players who are over 25 years old and will be called old players in the e-sports circle.

However, this phenomenon must have changed as the e-sports circle became more and more popular, and e-sports became more and more formal. So Sun Yizhou reminded Li Ming to start cultivating young players, so as to maintain the stability of the player ladder of the Dynasty team, then no matter what kind of situation they face in the future, the results of the Dynasty team will definitely not be bad.

As a result, what the two of them didn't expect was that Li Ming had just raised funds and wanted to sell people, and even wanted to try to buy those teams that were packaged and sold.

Now that he is going to continue working in this line of team Rising Sun Technology, Li Ming also has an adventurous spirit and is ready to make a big move. If it fails, the big deal is that it will not be a problem to continue to do the brick-moving business honestly and earn enough food and clothing.

But the two people on the other side were dumbfounded when they just started to buy, and the other party directly told them that the team had been sold.

Now that it has been sold, it is a pity that the two began to look for other targets at the same time, but they were told that they were sold again. I asked three or four companies back and forth, but in the end, not to mention buying a team, I didn't even buy a single player.

This confuses the two of them a bit. Isn't domestic e-sports in turmoil now?

Aren't those e-sports bosses who have been rectified tearful and ready to get out of the hole?

Why did you ask yourself a circle, not to mention buying bottoms, and didn't even get a hair?

"Could it be that Rising Sun Technology is backing up?" Sun Yizhou guessed.

I have to say that this guess is very reliable. After all, when everyone is tearing up the price of the property and selling it, if no one stands up to support the bottom line, the industry may collapse.

"Probably not." Li Ming shook his head, but Sun Yizhou continued to ask him to explain, "I know the person who acquired the company I asked yesterday."

"Who is it?"

"Chu Fei was a man of the hour in Hangzhou!" Li Ming said.

"Who is this?" Sun Yizhou was a little confused, obviously he had never heard of such a person.

"I don't want to talk about the specifics. I only found out about this person after a banquet with my friends. In short, he was the number one son in the Hangcheng row back then!" Li Ming said.

Sun Yizhou nodded thoughtfully. Li Ming could call him a son-in-law, and he only met him at a banquet. It is probably not just as simple as being rich.

Such a person buying a team at this time is obviously optimistic about this industry. Perhaps those big bosses who want to invest are not frightened by Rising Sun Technology's heavy-handed rectification, but quietly entered the team at a cheaper price. field.

"It's going to be a bit difficult to play in the future." Thinking of this, Sun Yizhou rubbed his face solemnly.

The entry of big capital can certainly make an industry rise rapidly, but also running on the same track with big capital, the pressure of survival is not ordinary.

"Let's take one step at a time." Li Ming obviously thought of this, "Anyway, we don't lose money, even if we buy the team in the end, we can still make money!"

Some people have noticed the undercurrent of the e-sports market, and Rising Sun Technology has also noticed it.

In the office of the chairman of Rising Sun Technology, Yang Dongxu, who was holding the report in his hand, pondered for a moment, and said to Sun Yang who was sitting opposite: "Forget it, let them toss about it, as long as it doesn't pass the line and a little market operation is fine, let's not The use of the pipe is too wide, otherwise everything is strictly required and there will be a pool of stagnant water. As long as you don’t go astray, it’s good to have such things to add some vitality.”

"Is the update of the version temporarily slowed down? After all, the situation of the major teams is still unclear. There is no professional team to develop the new version. The influence of passers-by alone is too limited." Sun Yang said.

"It needs attention, so let's slow down for now." Yang Dongxu nodded.

In fact, players have a lot of whimsical ideas, and even many passers-by have a better understanding of the version than professional teams.

But just like what Sun Yang said, the influence of passers-by is limited after all, unlike professional teams when countless people pay attention, what good routines, what powerful heroes, there are players here who are still in the game to start a game Imitation tried.

Therefore, when the e-sports circle is not calm at present, the major teams are constantly changing clubs, and the coaches and players below have no intention of competing at all, the update of this version has not played its due effect, and the next version will be updated.

Not only did the players not understand the game, but after a while the team stabilized, and after seeing the results of the game, several versions had been updated, they would probably be confused.

"How about the collection of online film and television works at 361 Film and Television?" After talking about the game, Yang Dongxu asked about the video platform. As a video platform without a variety of online works, this is undoubtedly very unqualified.

Although many people are not interested in online works, they say what kind of online TV dramas are made, and online movies are all kinds of shoddy. The short videos on the Internet are full of all kinds of monsters and ghosts. It's a mess.

But in Yang Dongxu's view, online works are actually an important supplementary part of film and television works, because compared to various movies and TV shows, various professional MVs, and even advertising videos.

These things played by high-ranking professionals, various online movies, TV series and even short videos are actually closer to life and more down-to-earth.

And there are quite a few eye-catching works. More importantly, they are no longer the stereotypes of those so-called professionals. They are like dogmas about how to shoot this, and what rules should be followed by that.

The production of this kind of works involving the participation of the whole people is more diverse, and a single flower is not spring, but a hundred flowers bloom together and spring is full of gardens. To promote the better and faster development of movies and TV series, the participation of these non-professional people is needed.

Otherwise, just like in the previous life, the director scolded the audience for not understanding movies. Is it because the audience does not understand movies?

It is obvious that these directors and screenwriters have been refilling old wine in new bottles, and the audience is tired of watching too much. What do these people produce after being bound by dogma? So it is obvious that the work is too old, but in turn scolds the audience who have improved their appreciation level for not knowing how to improve.

Every industry is developing, and development needs to move forward continuously, rather than a group of so-called professional people standing still and pointing the country.

Therefore, when a lot of capital has entered the video platform, it is still going to buy various copyrights step by step to fill up its own video library. 361 Film and Television has already begun to work with TV stations on variety shows, and has begun to collect online film and television works.

"It's in progress, and I found a lot of good works, some of which are very funny." Sun Yang seemed to think of the solicited works he saw and couldn't help laughing.

"What kind of work is so funny?"

"How should I say this? It's not very funny when you say it, but it's funny when you look at it, especially the work shot by Dapeng is too funny."

"Dapeng?" Yang Dongxu froze for a moment.

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