The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1992 1965th only you know

In the university town of Yanjing Institute of Physical Education, the university town is not nothing but schools. The so-called university town is a business circle built around several universities gathered together.

In addition to universities and various shops, there are also residential areas. The nearby houses are all houses in the very hot school district.

In fact, under normal circumstances, the school district houses are mainly aimed at elementary schools and junior high schools, and not many high schools are involved. Because going to high school depends on grades, let alone college.

So the houses around the university are also called school district houses, because the university has its own primary school. Or simply, there are many primary and secondary schools near the university town.

Therefore, it is no problem to say that the houses around the university town are the houses in the school district.

And the house price linked to the school district is definitely not cheap, let alone the rent of the shops here where the house price is so expensive.

Even if Yang Dongjie's studio and Internet cafe are not the kind of shops facing the street, but turn in the side alley. But for such a large-scale store, it is impossible to get hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and this is still the discounted price of acquaintances.

Otherwise, the current price increase in Yanjing, even if it is 200,000 in the first year, you will not discuss the 20% increase in your rent in the second year.

"Have you read the design drawings? Here is a bar counter, and there is a drink cabinet. Then here are green plants and water dispensers. The network cable runs between the computer desks, and then there is a power board." The first floor of the renovated Internet cafe Dong Yao and The person in charge of the decoration compares the area on the drawing.

In fact, the decoration of the first floor is the simplest, because the first floor is an Internet cafe, and there is a bar in the Internet cafe. The other areas are basically rows of computer desks. At most, it is in the bar, or other suitable areas, and then create a separate space. The location of the Internet cafe host. There's really not much to say about the rest of the place.

The main work of the decoration is actually on the second floor. The second floor is currently roughly divided into two areas. One is the work area, which is similar to the Internet cafe downstairs, and there are rows of computers.

Then there is the office area, such as the reception room, some compartments of the office. The mainframes of the Internet cafe and the studio need to be separated, so there is also a mainframe room on the second floor. Then pull a high-speed optical cable to share.

After going upstairs and downstairs to make sure that there are no problems with the drawings, Dong Yao continued, "It's best to complete the decoration in half a month, and we will write this into the contract.

If there is no problem with the acceptance, I will pay directly. I will be happy, and you will need to work a little bit, otherwise everyone will look bad if they fail the acceptance. "

"Don't worry, Ms. Dong, your manager personally explained your renovation, and I will definitely give you the quality on time and without any problems." The person in charge of the decoration company repeatedly assured.

This guarantee is definitely not a nice word, it is the real deal. Can he not care about what the general manager personally explained?

You must know that such small renovations are generally not accepted by their companies at all, not to mention that the labor and materials are good and do not make money, even if they earn such a small project, a big company like them will not look down on them.

But for such a disdainful project, the manager personally explained it. As long as he is not mentally ill, he must know that there must be no jerry-building.

"Okay, Dong Yao, it's been a while since I've seen you, you are becoming more and more like a proprietress." Coming out of the shop, a girl with small canine teeth and a sweet smile next to her gave Dong Yao a thumbs up and praised road.

"What kind of lady boss am I?" Dong Yao smiled self-deprecatingly.

In the eyes of the friends next to her, she was being modest, but Dong Yao knew she was telling the truth. For example, compared with Yang Dongjie's cousin Baiqian, even compared with that designer Zhuo Qing'er. In front of the other party, her aura of being a proprietress is also insignificant.

"I haven't seen you in a few days." The girl who spoke patted her on the shoulder, and the smile on her face was sincerely happy for her friend to be able to do business.

"Don't just talk about me, how are you doing over there, Yaya?" Dong Yao asked.

The person who came to see the decoration with her was none other than her good friend Tong Yaya. Both of them graduated from Chinese opera, which is different from Zhang Qian, another high school classmate.

In fact, she and Dong Yaya have a closer relationship, because the two have been running around to pick up plays before and have a common language.

But now she basically bid farewell to the entertainment industry for the time being, and Dong Yaya is still taking plays everywhere.

"What else can I do, just like that. The film and television works I play don't like us, so I can only hang out in the small crew." Tong Yaya said helplessly.

In terms of appearance, she and Dong Yao are not bad, but there are too many film and television academies who are not bad in appearance, and there is no one to support them. If you don't meet Bole, it is difficult to get ahead in the entertainment industry just by appearance.

Even the grassroots Wang Baoqiang took advantage of the wind because of the support of Liu Tianwang.

People like Dong Yao and Tong Yaya are considered lucky. At any rate, Dong Yao has starred in big productions, although now she is suppressed because of her ex-boyfriend.

But because of the big productions before, there are still opportunities to go to some small crews.

Tong Yaya is from an ethnic minority, plus she is a specially recruited folk dancer, a folk dance promotion ambassador and other titles. Accepting plays also has a lot of advantages over ordinary drama school graduates.

But even so without the support of noble people, she is still in various small production groups, and there has been no big production to borrow the wind. One can imagine the situation of other more ordinary actors.

"Work hard, you will definitely have a chance if you work so hard." Dong Yao said.

Although such encouragement is very pale, she really can't help her friend too much in this matter. After all, she doesn't even know how to revitalize her acting career now.

"I don't care. If I have a chance, I will do it. If there is no chance, I will fail. At worst, I will go back to my hometown school to become a dance teacher. But you, are you really planning to quit the industry and stop acting?"

Tong Yaya really feels sorry for her good friend. It's not just for saying that she passed the assessment of the film and television academy with the first place in the professional course.

In addition, Dong Yao also worked very hard when she was in school. Many people said that she was able to make big productions because of her connections. But you can't deny that the other party's performance in it is definitely not hip-pull. He really has real talents and learning, and he is not someone who just squeezed in through relationships.

So for Dong Yao, she quit the circle like this, and now she has acted like the proprietress really wants to support her husband and teach her children. Tong Yaya really felt that this friend of hers was a bit unworthy.

Especially that Yang Dongjie she had seen before, and she felt that there was nothing special about it. The only possibility that can be obtained is that the family has some money, and when they are still in college, they spend a few million to start a business.

"It's not that you don't know about my situation, so let's leave it at that for now, it feels good to be a lady boss." Dong Yao said with a smile.

Now everything is still inconclusive, and she can't say too much to her friends.

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