The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1894 Public Opinion of Demons and Ghosts

Mike's coming to China to seek medical treatment has caused quite a stir internationally. As an international superstar, his every move can be said to be observed by the media with a magnifying glass.

Before going to the hospital for sudden cardiac arrest in my own villa, many media got the news immediately and blocked the entrance of the hospital.

After waking up and confirming that he had saved his life with traditional Chinese medicine, he, who was eager to get Huaxia to receive treatment, had no time to hide his whereabouts. It can be said that where he went was exposed by the media as soon as possible.

Although traditional Chinese medicine has already gained some international fame, it mainly focuses on Chinese Chinatown and physiotherapy for sports stars.

Many people still feel that Chinese medicine is similar to the era of Indian witchcraft, an international superstar, an international superstar rescued from sudden cardiac arrest.

Regardless of the weakness and danger of the body, he insisted on flying to Huaxia for treatment immediately, which made many people feel that the media played a big joke on April Fool's Day.

Looking at the whole world now, who doesn't know that Europe and the United States have the most developed medical level, only to see countless wealthy presidents from China and other countries, who say they charter flights to Europe and the United States to spend a lot of medical expenses on medical treatment. Who has seen someone travel thousands of miles to Huaxia for medical treatment?

Only those poor people who have been issued a death notice by Western medicine, or who cannot afford the high medical expenses in Europe and the United States. Only then did I run to Huaxia to receive some Chinese medicine treatment with the faint hope in my heart.

And Michael is undoubtedly not a person short of money, and it can even be said that he is a very rich person. And if he wants to enjoy the top treatment, there will be many top western doctors who are willing to be his attending doctor.

Because in the West, top Western medicine wants to make a lot of money, not only must you have excellent medical skills, but you also need to have a great reputation. And treating an international superstar like Michael is undoubtedly the best way to quickly increase his reputation.

But when many famous doctors from top Western hospitals were eagerly waiting to treat this international superstar, this superstar actually went to China to seek treatment from traditional Chinese medicine, which is not well-known internationally.

As a result, the entire Internet exploded. Many people questioned Michael's decision, and some even swore that it must be the Huaxia doctor who cast witchcraft on Michael, and that Michael was kidnapped and even deposed.

In short, there is everything to say, and some crazy fans even organized rescue meetings, prepared to use crowdfunding, and assembled demonstrations.

Double pressure from money and politics to let the US government come forward to rescue Michael, so he can't just be kidnapped by Huaxia's doctors.

There are even many celebrities who have left the stage one after another. These celebrities who have ended up include well-known media, famous stars, and even professional well-known doctors. They all questioned Michael's going to China to seek medical treatment.

He felt that Michael must have suffered a cardiac arrest because the brain was injured due to insufficient blood supply, otherwise he would never have made such a muddled decision.

"A superstar is a superstar. This illness is just a medical treatment. It is bigger than the publicity of those big movies that spend hundreds of millions of publicity fees on big productions." Yang Dongxu looked at the newspapers in front of him with a teasing smile on his face. A look of emotion.

Half of the hospital bed opposite him was raised, and Michael, who was lying on the bed, gave him a speechless look.

For the old friend in front of him, sometimes he is very childish, which makes him feel a little funny, but also very kind.

As a superstar, as the center of many fame and fortune, those people who approached him actively, those so-called friends, and even those so-called relatives often made Michael physically and mentally exhausted.

The ones who can really talk to each other are not because of fame and fortune, nor are they hiding their inner demands. Just sit down and chat, and have a casual meal.

Yang Dongxu is the only one who can make him relax and defenseless after so many years. It's a pity that my real friend is too busy, and he is also very busy.

The two of them don't have much time to drink together, chat together, and go fishing together for leisure.

"When you look better, I'll contact the media for you. You can hold a media conference. If you don't sit down and announce to the public, the United States may send fighter planes and aircraft carriers to save you. Even now, many of your fans They all think I made you into a mummy." Yang Dongxu, who ignored Michael, continued to speak.

There was nothing wrong with Michael flying in to seek medical treatment because he had a legal passport in his hand. But those European and American media who want to follow up and report are different.

Although they also have passports and can buy air tickets to China, as a foreign reporter, you must have a permit if you want to cover news in China.

Coupled with the fact that international superstars like Michael are originally the focus of the public, it is obviously impossible for these people to imagine that those irresponsible Tudou media secretly filmed and reported.

And even with an interview permit, it is impossible for Huayi Hospital to let these media in to disturb the treatment of patients.

Therefore, Michael has not appeared in the media during this time, and the headlines of the major media. There are various post bars and forums on the Internet that say everything.

It is said that Michael has been killed by Doctor Huaxia, and he is secretly studying his brain, and there are reports to extract the superstar cells in his brain.

There are still many people who believe in such a bizarre report, and the people who believe are not only Michael's brainless fans, but also many passers-by who are not Michael's fans at all. Say something in the media: "The brain is a good thing!"

"I have already asked Gutavo to prepare, and I need you to prepare a venue for me. There is no way for the press conference to leave in the hospital ward, otherwise it will disturb other patients."

Compared with those stars who are injured and rubbed off a little skin, it's like a dead end, and a cold is hospitalized for a drip, it's like a terminal illness, and I can't wait for all the media to rush to the hospital to slap their faces and pat their faces to gain attention.

Michael as a superstar, or many other stars whose brains are not dangling water. Both character and temper are very kind, even if some have a bad temper, they still have the quality of maintaining the most basic politeness in public.

It's a world of difference from those starlets who are a little bit famous, who want to contract the airport for the next plane, and spend money to ask them to pick up fans.

"Then go to the big conference room of the hospital. There are no conferences in the hospital recently, and the conference room is empty."

"Will it be troublesome in the hospital? After all, there will be a lot of media coming, and there are still so many patients in the hospital." Michael said.

"It's okay. When the time comes, let the hospital's side door open and create a special channel to separate the reporters and patients who come over. Anyway, the big conference room is empty, and it's not for nothing. At the same time, it can also promote the hospital." Yang Dongxu smiled. said.

Compared with Joe's secrecy in the treatment of the gang leader, Michael has no such scruples. Whether it was a sudden cardiac arrest and hospitalization, or a rush to China for treatment, these things have long been exposed in the media and there is no need to keep them secret.

It just happens to be a spotlight for TCM publicity to the outside world, and Michael undoubtedly agrees with this, as TCM can save his life after all.

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