The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1819 Hurricane Adjustment

In the new year, the cooperation with Hyundai Consortium is progressing steadily.

The conflict with the Morgan Consortium is also temporarily at a stalemate, and the Morgan Consortium continues to harvest wealth in front of its own international hooligans. Yang Dongxu watched eagerly, tossing and turning in the small space, trying to grasp any possibility of becoming stronger.

"Communications, high-speed rail, machinery, steel, aerospace." In the chairman's office of Hurricane Construction, Yang Dongxu kept moving his eyes on the chart in front of him.

Although I don't want to develop the company into a crab, it keeps expanding with its teeth and claws. In order not to touch the national barriers and be marked as a typical anti-monopoly, but after the enterprise has developed to a certain height, it is not that you do not expand if you want to, and the inertia of development will push you forward involuntarily.

For example, Hurricane Architecture, the reason why Hurricane Architecture was established at the beginning was because Yang Dongxu did not want to miss the dividends of domestic real estate development, so he had various land enclosures when he had money, and Hurricane Architecture gradually started.

When Hurricane Construction became the No. 1 real estate company in China, and it was a private company rather than a state-owned enterprise, it stands to reason that the purpose of entering the real estate industry to make money should have been realized, but now he obviously can't disband Hurricane Construction and just pat his ass. leave.

As for Hurricane Construction, which has grown up, even though he himself does not want to develop in the direction of monopoly, the business is being forced and constantly expanding.

For example, even if you do real estate without taking out loans, you still cannot avoid dealing with funds, so you naturally entered the financial industry. How can you do real estate without doing infrastructure, so in addition to the square, Hurricane Construction also has a branch of expressway construction.

And this branch is now in addition to building expressways, because of the inertia of development, it has begun to spread to urban infrastructure, such as subways, and national infrastructure such as high-speed rail.

In addition, the hotel after the Hurricane Square complex was built, and the Sanwan Travel Agency integrated because of the need for development. And Hurricane Cinema, which planned to dominate the domestic screen from the beginning.

Even though Yang Dongxu never thought of developing Hurricane Construction into a monopolistic chaebol enterprise, the volume of Hurricane Construction has unknowingly become a behemoth under the action of inertia.

His eyes wandered on the chart in front of him, and finally he focused on the high-speed rail and aerospace.

High-speed rail is not just a high-speed rail, the choice of high-speed rail is to indicate the future development direction of Hurricane Architecture, from various enclosures to national infrastructure.

Taking advantage of the rapid development of the domestic economy, the original intention of the infrastructure madman turned around Hurricane Construction.

Therefore, high-speed rail does not only refer to high-speed railways, urban infrastructure, such as subways, and even cross-bank gas pipelines, tap water, etc. are all good options.

No matter how underdeveloped the economy is, no matter how cold the real estate industry will go through in the future, these basic residents will not lose money in terms of basic necessities of life.

If it weren't for the fact that nuclear power plants are too sensitive in China, Yang Dongxu would like to taste what it's like to be an electric tiger.

As for aerospace, of course, you can't just launch your own rockets like that foreign rocket expert. The focus of aerospace is still on launching commercial satellites.

This point can complement his own communication industry. You don’t need to think about private rocket launches in China, but it is still very convenient for Yang Dongxu to get a few commercial satellites.

Knock knock!

"Come in!"

"Chairman, the financial approval report for this year's project plan that you want, as well as the company's capital reserve and flow plan for this year." Yu Yi, who was wearing high heels and dressed in business attire, walked in.

Time really favors some people, such as Yu Yi, who can't help but improve his skin when he is approaching middle age. Not only did the years not leave many traces on her body, on the contrary, that kind of mature beauty became more and more intense, and Yujie's temperament was so young that there was no way to stop her.

So this professional attire is worn on the body, and the part of the upper body that should be plump follows the walk, making the apex of the heart tremble.

It is a pity that such a beautiful scenery cannot be appreciated by ordinary people. As the finance minister of Hurricane Construction, he even holds administrative power in his hands.

This person's status in the company is no less than that of the general manager Zhao Yu, and ordinary employees would not dare to appreciate him unscrupulously.

But those who dare to appreciate it unscrupulously take into account the existence of Yang Dongxu.

After all, with this beautiful woman by his side, he is still in an important position in Hurricane Architecture. Although Yang Dongxu and Yu Yi are really innocent, part of Yu Yi's achievements today is because of his bole, and part is because of his own ability. There is no shady deal between the two of them.

But if this is said, someone must believe it, right?

Ever since Yang Dongxu sent people like Song Lixing abroad, no one dared to stroke his beard when he saw him again, a man with sharp tiger claws.

And for those who don't know, just being the senior leader and shareholder of Hurricane Construction is enough to make these people intimidated and afraid to come forward, so Yu Yi is now in the mall, and in Hurricane Construction, his special status is somewhat criticized , But the criticism can only be kept in the heart and dare not speak out.

Yang Dongxu took the information handed over by Yu Yi and didn't read it carefully. He mainly looked at the total investment amount of a big project and the current capital operation of the company.

"Other projects are funded according to the plan to keep up with steady progress. You can inform Manager Zhou to come to the headquarters for a meeting. Starting from this year, Hurricane Construction's major projects in national infrastructure projects need to increase."

"Okay." Yu Yi nodded and didn't feel anything wrong, nor did he notice that the chairman Yang Dongxu began to adjust the development direction of Hurricane Architecture invisibly.

Because infrastructure construction is very profitable no matter which country it is in. Although many of them may not be settled in cash, the additional benefits brought are enough to make the people involved in infrastructure construction earn a lot of money.

Therefore, it is normal for Yang Dongxu to pay attention to the expressway infrastructure branch led by Zhou Huaiguo. After all, the chairman at home is well-connected and deep.

It is not difficult to win a few large-scale infrastructure projects, after all, except for Yang Dongxu's contacts and relationships.

The capabilities of the Hurricane Construction Infrastructure Branch led by Zhou Huaiguo are in the forefront. Whether it is machinery, employees, or engineering quality, they are all benchmarks in the industry.

If you don't rely on any black-box manipulation of related parties, you can win the competition for any project. Now Yang Dongxu pays more attention to tilting some resources, and he can hold the project firmly.

"Let the tap water be released first, so that the gas company can start up. So many resources were given up before, but they have been idle for these years. If you don't use them again, you may not be named Yang anymore."

After Yu Yi came out, Yang Dongxu looked at the icon again and couldn't help muttering.

Sheng Mien fights Mi Qiu, and the environment did not allow it to support the country's construction before, so there is no way to participate with his domineering temperament.

It is different now, it is no longer a planned economy, but a market economy era. Then he must take back what is due to him, otherwise others will think that what he gave up is their own stuff, and they really won't return it to him after a long time.

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