The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1756 Follow me first

Yang Dongxu flipped through the information about Xiangjiang Real Estate Company in his hand, and he had to say that the four major families are really powerful, even if he is in this life to disrupt the situation.

The money in the hands of others still occupies about 70% of the currently allowed development land in Xiangjiang.

You must know that Xiangjiang not only has four big families and four real estate companies, Swire Properties, Wharf, Hang Lung Properties, etc. are all famous real estate companies.

And all the remaining real estate companies plus Yang Dongxu, the spoiler, only have 30% of the development plots in their hands, and the land plots in the hands of the four major families are 70%. The control of Xiangjiang Real Estate.

Of course, Hurricane Architecture is not as good as the four big families in terms of developable land, but the four big families are not as good as Hurricane Architecture in terms of the number of existing houses.

After all, the operating procedures of the four major families are basically acquiring land, developing, and buying houses, and rarely buy houses on a large scale. Not to mention the behavior of Yang Dongxu's crazy bottom-hunting before, so the existing house in hand is not as good as Hurricane Architecture.

But it must make more money than Hurricane Construction. After all, people buy land at a low price to build houses and sell them at a high price. Although Yang Dongxu bought a batch of houses to support the stability of the Xiangjiang real estate market.

But in order to keep those troublemakers from running away, he bought a lot of existing houses at high prices, and those who wanted to leave Xiangjiang with their assets have been locked up here until now.

At the price of killing the enemy by 1,000 and losing 800 to eat the house, even if the house price of Xiangjiang in 2008 is sold, it still suffers.

The land and construction costs that seem to be free of money with the four major families are naturally incomparable in the profits earned by selling the highest house prices today.

This is also the reason why Zhao Yu did not agree to continue to acquire land in Xiangjiang, although Yang Dongxu had been locked up with the group of people who wanted to escape at a high price before, and there were other subsidies from above.

However, Hurricane Construction's large sum of money is pressing on it. It is true that it has not been fully resolved yet. I don't know when it will be sold, and then I will acquire land to develop new real estate. This is not me and myself. Are you in the ring?

"Coordinate the company's funds here, and buy in according to half of the land released by the Xiangjiang government." Yang Dongxu closed the document in his hand and said to Yu Yi next to him.

"Half of this batch, or?" Yu Yi asked.

"Every time half of the land is released, I will let the charter continue to eat without calling for a stop." Yang Dongxu said, but he pondered for a moment after speaking.

"Now the development plots that the Xiangjiang government can take out are limited, so let's first take up the three consecutive large-scale auction lands in proportion, and then whether to continue to take it depends on the situation."

He didn't intend to fight with the four big families on Xiangjiang real estate, and he didn't even have the idea of ​​fighting real estate in China.

In recent years, Hurricane Construction has continuously developed businesses such as tourism, hotels, theaters, Hurricane Plaza, highways, bridges, finance, etc., all of which are expanding the depth of the enterprise.

Real estate is only the source and channel of funds for these in-depth constructions. It is a shell placed on the outside. He does not intend to spend his whole life on real estate.

This kind of business that relies on resources to acquire land, and then borrow money from banks to build houses to earn the price difference, is actually pitifully shallow with a moat. With a little bit of iron-fisted policy from above, the shallow moat might be filled in an instant.

Therefore, the focus of Hurricane Architecture's development in recent years seems to be singing all the way in real estate, but in fact it has been hardening its own internal strength.

In short, even if real estate prices are cut in half in the future, Hurricane Architecture will still be the most nourishing one.

So since he didn't intend to go all the way to the end of the real estate road, as long as the houses in Xiangjiang were cashed out in a few years, he could make a lot of money.

Yang Dongxu has no plans to go head-to-head with Xiangjiang real estate and the four major families.

This matter is a matter for the Xiangjiang government. In fact, there is still a lot of undeveloped land in the north of Xiangjiang.

After the real estate development in Xiangjiang becomes deformed and the pigeon cages come out. If the Xiangjiang government has the determination, it can directly release a large area of ​​land in the north for development.

Even if you can't stand the pressure of the four big families and the real estate family, Yang Dongxu will naturally not foolishly put his head in front of you.

Therefore, the follow-up of the large-scale purchase of land this time is actually a simple hoarding of land. Although there is no plan to fight with the four major families, nor do they expect to do real estate pensions, but the money that should be earned is still to be earned.

Although there will definitely be a turning point in real estate due to one or another thing in the future, no matter how it turns, housing prices in top-tier cities such as Xiangjiang, Macau, Shanghai, Guangzhou, etc. will be very strong.

In other words, land in these cities can continue to be obtained, as long as you don't go to those second- and third-tier cities to eat bad money, you won't be locked up. So this acquisition of land is purely for investment, not for Tou Tie wanting to declare war.

Of course, he didn't mean that. As for what the four major families think and how Li Chaoren, who is against him, will make a decision, it has nothing to do with him.

"Understood." Yu Yi nodded, and then handed over a document that required his signature for confirmation, "This is the new tourism development route plan by Mr. Li.

It includes a part of cooperation with the local government to develop the protection of tourist attraction infrastructure, and there are several projects that require a lot of capital expenditure and require your signature to confirm. "

Yang Dongxu took a look at the documents and found that they were all island country tourism development plans, some of which were okay. He had heard the names of these resorts in his previous life, and some of them frowned.

"The reputation of these countries is not very good. After the infrastructure construction is launched, is there any restraint method for the other party not to fulfill the agreement?" Yang Dongxu asked.

"There are several projects that will be jointly developed by some partners such as South Korea and the United States. Hurricane Construction and South Korea will contribute money, and the partners from the United States will provide other things." Yu Yi glanced at the development projects that Yang Dongxu was concerned about and said.

Yang Dongxu frowned and let go, and directly signed his name on the document.

Although sometimes I feel that American politicians are shameless, but I have to say that sometimes hooligans are better than gentlemen. There are some collaborators in the United States, these villains, blocking the front.

Presumably, as long as the governments of these island countries have a normal mind, they will not drive out the infrastructure and drive away the hurricane buildings to occupy the magpie's nest.

Otherwise, it would not be doves occupying the magpie's nest, but their old nest would be taken over by one pot. This is the deterrent force of hooligans.

"There are still some approval documents for major projects over there. You'd better read them all and reply as soon as possible." After receiving the document signed by Yang Dongxu, Yu Yi stood up and gestured for it. She just put it on his desk after entering the door That pile of papers.

As long as you can catch your big boss and use it directly to your death, it is a tacit consensus reached by the bosses of every company.

Anyway, as long as the boss comes to the company to start working, no matter how much work is done, he will naturally get all the work that needs to be dealt with, and let the big boss solve it, so that even if the big boss is not in the company for a while in the future, there is no need to rush to make phone calls Find someone.

Yang Dongxu glanced sideways at the documents on the desk, picked up his phone and sent a text message, "My wife doesn't have to prepare my dinner today, I have to work overtime."

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