The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1263 Big tree with many moths

Knock knock!

There was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

"Boss, Manager Wu is here." Wu Sheng opened the door and said.

"Let him in." Yang Dongxu responded.

Wu Sheng opened the door and Wu Aibing walked in. Mama Cui came in with a cup of tea, exited the study and closed the door.

"Eleventh, you should also have a holiday. You husband and wife are working harder than the other. If this goes on like this, I feel like a black-hearted boss." Looking at Wu Aibing with a tired face, Yang Dongxu couldn't help but care.

Speaking of his arms on the way to start a business, Wu Aibing and his wife are definitely the right-hand man. Especially those old people who have worked hard with him for so many years, some of them are not safe at night.

Some were dismissed by the company even though he showed mercy. I really followed him from starting a business to becoming famous now, and he has been loyal and has never done anything tricky, so there are only Wu Aibing and his wife.

"After I retire, I will have time to rest. This is the investigation report. If I didn't find out that this rat was my negligence." Wu Aibing handed the folder in front of Yang Dongxu.

"Okay, don't take responsibility on yourself. There are many people who dare to do the business of killing people for the sake of benefit, let alone secretly doing small tricks under our hands.

What's more, although these 4S points bear the name of Huaxia BMW, they are not directly managed by our company. "Yang Dongxu signaled Wu Aibing to sit down and said.

To be honest, the Ministry of Supervision was established with the help of Wu Aibing, who is extremely loyal and selfless to him. Those companies under his hands, some sneaky and unhealthy practices, have really been rectified.

Moreover, not only corruption was dealt with, but some of the company's confidentiality regulations and employees' confidentiality ethics have also risen to a higher level. Therefore, although Wu Aibing has not participated in the specific operations of his company in the past few years, his contribution is still not small.

Saying this, Yang Dongxu opened the investigation report and took a look. He didn't look at the specific content, but just flipped through it roughly and then looked at the final statistics. chill.

"This courage is not ordinary. I have worked so hard to build brand value, and I have to go to the street to shout it myself. These people are lucky to co-author a business that is not their own. I don't feel bad.

In just two years, 13 accident cars and 22 soaked cars were sold. The amount involved in the case is more than 14 million. This is not counting reselling parts and secretly cutting our after-sales service. . "

If it is said that Yang Dongxu was calm when he knew that someone was lying on Huaxia BMW to suck blood. After all, when a small tree is small, you can see bugs and so on at a glance, and you can deal with them immediately.

But the current Huaxia BMW is considered a towering tree, with such a large trunk and lush branches and leaves, it is normal to occasionally have a few borers that have not been found, just pull them out and deal with them.

But who would have thought that this is more than just a moth, it is simply a fat rat. Just such a 4S store used the name of the Huaxia BMW brand in just two years of meeting, and the amount involved went straight to 20 million.

There are so many 4S points across the country, and this one in Hangzhou is obviously not an exception. And in other 4S stores, even if they are not as daring as this one in Hangzhou, there must be a lot of petty theft. It is not an exaggeration to be eaten up by these rats for hundreds of millions in a year.

What is even more annoying is that these rats not only steal food, but also shit and urinate in the granary, not only eating the grain but also polluting the granary.

"Sort out the exact evidence, accuse them of financial fraud and hand it over to the judiciary. Not only will I make them spit out everything they eat, but I will also make them sit in prison with these things." Yang Dongxu smashed the folder in his hand on the table.

This kind of thing is not only irritating, but also disgusting. If he was a little narrow-minded, he might not be defeated by his opponent, but he would be pissed to death by this sneaky mouse.

"It's already going through the judicial process, and I can't run away from the people of the sharp blade security company. I came here this time except to report this matter to you.

I am going to re-examine all 4S points across the country. Especially the after-sales complaints, I didn't pay much attention before. During this period of time, I checked it a little bit and found that there are many loopholes in it, and the management is chaotic.

Not only the 4S after-sales service, but also our company's own after-sales service, there are many violations. Many maintenance engineers in the after-sales department did not perform after-sales maintenance services in accordance with the company's rules and regulations.

Not to mention arbitrarily increasing prices without permission, but also privately contacting customers to take original parts from the after-sales warehouse to do private work to make money. Many customers have complained about our after-sales service. "

"What role does Zhou Chengfeng play here?" Zhou Chengfeng can be regarded as an old man in the company, and it can be said that he grew up from the grassroots step by step.

As early as when Huaxia BMW and Volkswagen Audi competed for official car quotas, he was a salesman with extremely good performance at the grassroots level. Later, because of his excellent sales performance, he began to lead the team leader.

Then he went to the sales team supervisor, regional manager, deputy general manager, until he was promoted to the current boss of a department. So Zhou Chengfeng is a talent, and can even be said to be the benchmark for the company's grassroots counterattack. He really doesn't want anything to happen to this person.

"Manager Zhou has no major financial problems, but he has come up step by step from the grassroots level. This is a proof of his strength. At the same time, he has so-called friends of all kinds around him.

For example, the subordinates who led the team before, or the bosses I met when I was doing sales, etc. Interpersonal relationships become complicated, and sometimes it is difficult to pass the human relationship. " Wu Aibing said.

He can be said to have a deep understanding of this point, after all, the job of the monitoring team is to offend people. And in many cases, the subjects of the investigation are colleagues or even friends whom I have known before.

You must know that Wu Aibing also followed Yang Dongxu when he was still in the grass, and followed him step by step to the current big project. He basically knows people in all the companies under Yang Dongxu, and even worked with many of them for a while.

So when the person in charge of the monitoring team had to investigate and deal with these people. Wu Aibing is also suffering, but his military career and his poor life at the beginning have built him a heart of steel.

Facing these heart-wrenching things, he dealt with them one by one. But things have survived, but in terms of interpersonal relationships, he is basically becoming an estimated widow.

At least he doesn't have any friends in the company, and everyone privately calls him 'the dog who wants to kill you'. However, apart from not being involved in the company's affairs, he has his own intersection.

For example, he is also an old man in the company, and now he is basically a Dongzi waiting to die with his dividends. He has a good relationship with Li Yihang and others.

"I will communicate with Zhao Yu and transfer Zhou Chengfeng away from the after-sales department. It just so happens that many urban complexes have been completed, and Wang Qing's job of attracting investment and leasing is very heavy. He is a professional in buying houses. Let him be demoted Go do what you do professionally.

I will personally catch up with the after-sales department and carry out a comprehensive and thorough rectification. Regardless of whether water is involved, whoever dragged in the relationship, let them go if they violate the rules, and let them go to jail if it is serious. "

"Then I'll arrange it now."

"Wait a minute, why are you in such a hurry? I said during the 11th holiday that you are not allowed to work. Whether you are traveling with your family or traveling around the world with your wife, you are not allowed to work.

Besides, freezing three feet is not a one-day cold, these things are easy to grasp, but it is definitely not something that can be done in a short time to completely clean them up.

After October 1, you should first catch a few typical models to frighten you. Don’t let the after-sales service be messy, and catch other small fish and shrimps slowly.

In this way, dealing with a few from time to time can also constantly deter those who are plotting wrongdoing. "Yang Dongxu quickly called to stop Wu Aibing, who was in a hurry: "Why don't you stay and have dinner together at night?" "

"I agreed to the holiday on October 1, but I won't have to eat. I'd better go back and sort out the materials. Otherwise, arrange these things, and I won't feel comfortable during this holiday." Wu Aibing waved his hand.

"You've got it, you still act like you're resisting the big boss giving you a holiday." Yang Dongxu teased.

Then he stood up from behind the desk and led Wu Aibing to the door.

"Send a few more good men to Lao Wu, and the key point is to protect his safety." Watching Wu Aibing get in the car and leave, Yang Dongxu said to Wu Sheng.

Although Wu Aibing was the boss of the sharp blade security company before, he shouldn't need to worry about this. But don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, besides, the sharp blade security company is also divided into two parts.

Wu Aibing was in charge of domestic work, as well as the coordination work with Du Suo in the Middle East. But for the business part in the Middle East, Du Suo will take care of it, and he will not intervene at all.

And the masters Yang Dongxu mentioned obviously refer to those powerful masters who have seen blood. It's still the same sentence. Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case. These people are doing illegal things, and they can do anything once their brains get hot.

"I will make arrangements. Zhang Yue's flight attendant and co-pilot's supplementary personnel, as well as a few rotation security candidates, have been found. Do you want to take the time to screen them?"

Zhang Yue obviously learned something because of the accidents of several crew members of the private jet. For example, even though Yang Dongxu is very reassuring to him and leaves everything on the private jet to him, now he won't make the decision completely, and will ask for instructions on some things.

"Let's leave this to Zhou Ya. It happens that the crew will fly to Zhucheng with her in two days. I don't need a plane here. They will stay in Zhucheng for a week, and then fly back after Xiao Wenchen's vacation is over. Come to Shanghai, one week of vacation, there is plenty of time for screening." Yang Dongxu said.

"Okay, I'll notify Zhang Yue." Wu Sheng nodded, but he didn't leave after speaking. Instead, he stood there with some hesitation on his face, and his eyes kept glancing into the room.

"Is there anything else?"

"That Chunni."

"Hey! It's pretty quick. The relationship has been confirmed in less than a month?" Yang Dongxu had a gossip smile on his face.

"No, no, it's not what you said." Wu Sheng's face became anxious.

Yang Dongxu, who always had a cold face, wondered if he was the facially paralyzed Wu Sheng, but now he lost his square inch because of being too excited, and his face turned red, which was something he had never seen before.

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