The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1150 Someone Follows

In early April, the negotiation between Huaxia BMW and Daier Investment Company was in full swing. That's right, it's an investment company with Dai'er. This woman is so capricious in her work.

To set up a company from scratch to facilitate the allocation of resources to cooperate with Huaxia BMW, but the name was chosen so casually.

However, regardless of the name, he didn't care about it. When the feasibility plan to help Huaxia BMW Motor Company expand the European and American markets was put on the negotiating table. This company with an unreliable name is quite reliable in doing things.

Although this cooperation seems to many people, Yang Dongxu is the kind who is taken advantage of. Because the feasible plans that Dai'er came up with are all good.

But the good premise is that Huaxia BMW's own cars are of excellent quality and can be accepted by European and American consumers. In other words, the plan is real without any problems, but no one has confidence in Huaxia BMW.

Faced with these doubts and eyes like looking at a fool, Yang Dongxu directly chose to ignore them. A bunch of scumbags, you know what a fart, even after paying so much, in the end, Huaxia BMW is still in a downturn in the European and American markets.

But he can still make a lot of money just by exporting to domestic sales, and then if he can let Daier and some British nobles drive Huaxia BMW cars or Maseratis. Then the improvement of brand value is not a star and a half.

What he has never cared about is the car sales in the European and American markets. Compared with China, the European and American car markets that have been controlled by the Germans and Japanese do not give him much room for survival. What's more, South Korea and France are still watching.

So his goal from the beginning to the end was the Chinese market, so he carried out such a troublesome operation. It is also because of the strangeness of domestic consumers that he can't help it.

But as long as this part is added, it proves that Huaxia BMW is considered a luxury car in the world, and it is also driven by rich people and superstars abroad, and it has a certain sales volume. As for sales, what the hell is that? How many cars does Lamborghini sell in a year?

What he wants is this title, as long as he has this title. So when other auto markets are under the banner of imported cars, he also has imported luxury cars to sell. Even though more than half of imported luxury cars use domestic components, consumers are willing to pay for this. What can you do?

"Who is that person who looks familiar?" At the beginning of the negotiation, Dai'er and Yang Dongxu each led a large group of people behind them to start talking.

After the rough rules are set, Yang Dongxu and Dai'er can relax. Then the negotiating team began to deduct every item and every word in the general framework to strive for greater benefits for their boss.

However, from time to time, the two bosses still need to appear on the negotiating table. Today, the negotiations have achieved certain results. Then the boss came to report to witness the results, and then continued to let the people under him talk.

So after getting off the negotiating table, I saw Yang Dongxu chatting and laughing with a foreigner with European and American faces, and the foreigner himself was a little curious because he had never met Dai Er.

"Mr. Abron Brutt, one of the shareholders of Dawei Law Firm, Mr. Yang's legal adviser. He took over the case of the Howard family before. During that time, he and the Howard family often appeared in newspapers. He also It's in the camera, so you feel familiar." The assistant behind Dai'er introduced in a low voice.

"It seems that Mr. Yang is his big client." Dai'er's tone was ridiculed, but also curious.

Because Davis Law Firm's reputation is too great, the other party not only helps a large number of rich people work in the United States. Moreover, there are law firms distributed in almost all economically active regions and countries around the world.

Countless major cases are handled every year, especially economic cases are the specialty of this lawyer practice. Of course, economic cases do not only refer to litigation, but also various professional economic and legal assistance, which are also included in their business.

"I've never heard a gossip, so I don't know if it's true. In fact, Abram was not a shareholder of Dawei at the beginning, but just a well-known senior legal adviser in Dawei Law Firm.

But then he did not know where he got a big client. It is said that this big client handled economic cases and needed economic services in one year. At its peak, it accounted for one-tenth of the business volume of Dawei Law Firm.

It was because of this big client that Abram was able to rise all the way, and finally became a senior legal adviser to an executive of a law firm, and later became one of the shareholders of the firm. "Assistant Daier said.

"That's really a big client. Is no one curious about his big client?" Although Dawei Law Firm has developed rapidly in recent years, it has the momentum to hit the top five international law firms.

However, Davis Polk was also one of the well-known law firms in the United States. One-tenth of the business volume of such a large law firm is serving a large client. This large client is really not ordinary.

"The legend is that the investment queen who has disappeared for several years and hasn't shown up."

"That oriental woman?" Dai'er showed a dumb look on her face.

As a very outstanding woman, there are very few women that Daier can remember. And there are even fewer who can make her admire, and the investment queen who has not shown up in the past few years is one of the women she admires.

It's just that the other party is too mysterious and very low-key. Even at high-level banquets, she might not be able to see her figure, so she has been in love with her all the time but has no chance to know her.

"I'm sorry to bother you this time, and I'll let you go there yourself." Yang Dongxu didn't know that Dai'er, who had left with his assistant, was discussing Abrang in front of him after he glanced here a few times not far away.

And the topic of discussion extended to Zhou Ya.

"Providing customers with the best service has always been the purpose of our law firm. For a big customer like you, I naturally have to show a 200% service attitude.

Tomorrow, I will have dinner with the leaders of the London Bureau of Commerce. As for the tax issues in several countries in Europe and America, I will also ask someone to sort them out. When you sign a contract and start to roll out the car sales network, there will be no problems with the official Commerce Bureau and Taxation Bureau. " Abron said with a smile.

Although now he is already a shareholder of Davis Law Firm, and even a member of the upper class in the United States. But he still maintained respect and humility for the oriental man in front of him.

Because no one knows better than him what kind of amazing wealth and resources the man in front of him holds in his hands, and this is only part of what he handles.

You must know that the empress who made him dare not take a breath and respected her work was at the peak of her assets. Surrounded by at least three law firms about the same size as Dawei and five accounting firms.

"I've always been relieved of your work." Yang Dongxu shook hands with Abrang.

Legal aid obviously not only aids the law, each law firm is actually a complex of huge resources, especially when dealing with the whole business, part-time jobs are not very useful.

For a good lawyer and a good law firm to become bigger and stronger, it is not only about being able to win lawsuits. It is also necessary to have a personal relationship outside of the lawsuit, so that all problems can be solved for customers.

In this regard, South Korea has gone to the extreme. For example, the top executives of all famous law firms in South Korea are basically retired justices from the government, or high-level executives who worked in the courts.

So doing business in Korea, if you can find such a law firm to work for you. That's basically the problem you have in Korea, there's nothing money can't fix. If you can't solve it, it only means that you haven't spent enough money.

Therefore, some corruption cases in South Korea are always involved. Even if you check it, it will be nothing, or you will make some eye-catching operations.

When you learn how these law firms are structured and how crazy the people who use their power for personal gain are. It's really not surprising, and I won't feel any surprise.

"Your satisfaction is the biggest motivation for my work." Abron was very polite, then looked around and saw no one said, "Technology stocks seem to show signs of recovery this year, and the hot money in the hands of many investment companies has begun to The return of technology companies. Those company shares in your hand may need to be covered up when appropriate."

"Give me a complete plan." With the lessons learned from SoftBank, Yang Dongxu does have some headaches for the shares of those American technology companies in his hands.

Because no one knows better than him that now it seems that a technology company that almost fell to the bottom and almost died, and it seems that it can barely stand up after healing. How in the next few years, it will start to go crazy at the speed of eating expander.

So in order to get the maximum benefits from the shares of these technology companies in your hand, you can't wait until it grows up and is choked by someone and has to deal with it before thinking about how to deal with it.

However, it is necessary to start using various reasonable means a few years in advance to maximize the profit of the shares in your hands. Of course, this matter will definitely not be confessed to Abron.

Although he has great trust in Abron, the shares in the technology company in his hand are too amazing. Even an angel would fall if he saw such a big benefit.

Therefore, he can only tell Abron to pay attention to the development and international situation of technology stocks and technology companies every quarter. In particular, the government adjusts its plan at any time to the new regulations and emphasis on this area, and tries to avoid those high-voltage lines as much as possible.

"The plan will be placed on several desks tomorrow morning." Abron said with a smile.

Yang Dongxu patted him on the shoulder very satisfied, then sent him to the car and watched him leave.

A self-made gate stopped in front of Yang Dongxu, Wang Sheng got out of the car and helped Yang Dongxu open the door. But when he got in the car, he didn't return to his co-pilot's seat. Instead, he sat in the back seat with Yang Dongxu.

"Someone is following us?"

"Can you be sure who it is?" It's not surprising that someone followed Yang Dongxu, this kind of thing didn't happen once or twice. What's more, with the negotiation between him and Dai'er, many people have begun to pay attention to him.

And he has always lived in Toy's manor, which makes it easier to provoke some tails.

"I'm not sure yet, but we'd better go back to China as soon as possible. Or I can contact the Blade Security Company and have a team of professionals who are familiar with the situation in the UK rush back from the Middle East." Wang Sheng said.

"Is this necessary?" Yang Dongxu was startled, the matter seemed to be more serious than he imagined.

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