"How could this be?" I frowned, puzzled: "Where is the city lord? What about the young master? What about the second young master? Do they care about this?"

Master Hall's tone was extremely bitter, and said: "This is the latest order they have issued. If you save the essence and get rid of the bad, those who are able can live a happy life in Erri City. The safety of the incompetent and their families cannot be guaranteed. ."

"Fuck it!" I was shocked. What kind of **** is his mother's order: "Aren't all those who are not adventurer professions finished?"

"No" Master Hall said: "Non-adventurer professions are not included in the regulations. This regulation specifically targets adventurers."

"Huh?" My brows stretched out, with a smile but a smile: "It seems that this order is not that bastard, but what does this have to do with your elders? Why do you have to send it back forcibly?"

"I ask you, what does Teacher Zhang do?" Master Hall said.

"Elder? The one who manages the adventurer base."

"Then I will ask you again, what does the Adventurer Base do?"

"The adventurer base... is for adventurers, right?" I'm a bit unsure.

"Incomplete" Master Hall said: "Actually, the Adventurer Base is an organization used to serve, restrain and govern adventurers."

"So..." I nodded.

"Since the adventurer is under the jurisdiction of the adventurer base, the adventurer base should also be solely responsible for events such as turmoil in the adventurer, but" he paused and said: "when this turmoil connects the adventurer When the base is powerless, the adventurer base loses its meaning."

"You mean... because of the turmoil caused by the new regulations, you need the senior leaders of your adventurer base to be responsible?" I said with a look of astonishment: "This is too much of his mother! This is obviously the city owner. Guy's pot! How can I let you memorize it?"

Master Hall laughed twice. I guess his expression must be very helpless now: "This is their purpose, to use the chaotic situation to set off the incompetence of the adventurer's base, so as to expel us who are in power and take the adventurer's base. , In the end, make it a puppet organization that can be controlled by the city lord."

"It feels...a bit bad..." My eyes twitched and murmured.

"It's not a bit bad, but very bad, very bad" Master Hall said: "The adventurer base was established to contain the dictatorship of the city lord family. Now the diversionary role of the adventurer base in Ai Ruicheng has been abolished. If you continue to wantonly Don’t do anything wrong, and it won’t be long before Ai Ruicheng will become the second town abandoned by the God of Creation."

"Which is the first one?" I blurted out.

"Yorkham City" Master Hall said, "It has been a town abandoned by the God of Creation many years ago."

"What will happen to the abandoned town?" I asked, "Is it just destroyed?"

"It will not be destroyed," Master Hall said: "It means that the level will decline in all aspects, such as life, technology, and even fertility."

"I'm going? Can the fertility aspect be affected?" I suddenly had a bad taste, and said with a smile: "Could the whole city be infertile, right?"

"You are too naive, child," Master Hall said. "The fertility of the people in York City is not affected, but the survival rate of the children they give birth to is very low, even less than one-fifth of the fertility rate in Erri City."

"Oh!" I couldn't help exclaiming: "With such a low viability, it is not easy for York Seoul to keep running for so many years. I guess it should be easy to find a job in their town, right?"

"It's not easy" Master Hall said: "The survival rate of newborns in York City is low, but they can't hold back that they are very capable of giving birth. There are ten children in a family, and there are still four children who die six. If the children under the government can thrive, the operation of York City will not be a problem."

"Hey, cow!" I couldn't help giving a thumbs up, praised, and then asked: "People say that if you want to be rich and have fewer children and more trees, everyone in York and Seoul should not be poor. Right?"

"Poor?" Master Hall paused, and said: "It is indeed very poor. Taking the example of Ai Ruicheng, York Seoul is only between the common people and the poor."

"That's really a bit miserable..." I sighed, and said, "Actually, you don't need to be so pessimistic, you think, this Eric City adventurer base is not only the capital, but not other towns. ....."

"The adventurer base elders in other towns follow the elders of the capital town. Once we are sent back, they will also leave with them." Master Hall's tone was low, he sighed and said, "Operation After so many years, I lost everything in one day, hey."

"Don't say that, Master Hall" I said hehe: "Don't forget, Ai Rui City is just your working place, Fort Witch is your home!"

"You mean Fort Witchcraft?" Master Hall sneered, and said: "This is being sent back, not returning home in good looks. Maybe the old guy David would laugh at me!"

"David?" The name sounded familiar.

"Oh, it's our king" Master Hall explained.

No wonder this name is familiar. The last time I heard this name, Dewey said it himself.

"Don't worry about this. Last time I listened to the goblin king and Dewey chatting, the goblin king also sighed, saying that he missed your old friend very much, and I don’t know if there is any chance to meet in this life. It just so happens that you were sent off. Going back, it can be regarded as fulfilling a wish of the Goblin King."

"This old boy really said that?" Master Hall asked dubiously.

"Look at what you said, can I still lie to you?" I sighed intentionally, and pretended to be helpless: "I am a real failure. Even the respected Master Hall doesn't trust me, hey. ....."

"Don't say that, kid" Master Hall hurriedly apologized, "I only said such rude words because I was too sentimental. It's not that I didn't believe you. You are a good boy. How could you lie to me!" "

Hearing what Master Hall said, I pretended to sigh, and said, "Master Hall, you don’t know anything. During your absence...oh, I mean the last time I went to Fort Witch At that time, when I was having dinner with the Goblin King and Master Dewey, I kept listening to them talking about you, especially the Goblin King. Although they did not shed tears when they were talking about you, the expression, hiss, how do you think it makes you feel When it comes to grief, it's like a child has lost his best friend. I'm tugging when I see it. Don't you know, those few days, I didn't have a good meal!"

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