The Paper Fruit Among the Pirates

Chapter 43 Strange Routes Domineering Ambition


On the deck of the Golden Merry on the great route, Roman at the helm gave instructions to Nami next to him.

"My recent fruit ability development has fallen into a bottleneck, and I need to enter the 'deep development' mode to seek a breakthrough..."

Roman was talking nonsense nonsense in a serious manner, without blinking his eyes.

"So I will fall into a state of 'sluggishness', manifested in: loss of active response ability, most of the sensory functions are turned off, and..."

"Okay." Looking at Nami's blank expression, Roman decided to use a simple example to illustrate.

"Just treat me as the 'White Knight'."

White Knight is a skill that Roman has been developing during this time. A puppet made of paper can do most of the chores, has a certain combat effectiveness, and:

Low-level intelligence that does what you tell it to do.


"In short, everything is about the same as usual. If there is any danger, just remember to use the 'password' to wake me up."

As he spoke, Roman's eyes darkened, and he instantly changed from sharp and agile to dazed, as if he were a real 'puppet'.

Of course, only by the side of your companions can you dare to play such a dangerous act of "hanging up" by the main body. As for Roman's "spirit"...


"Gol D. Roger?"

Kulocas looked at Roman who controlled the puppet "White Knight", his eyes gradually narrowed.

"You know a lot, young man."

It is intriguing that the One Piece in Roman's mouth is "Gol D. Roger" instead of "Goldo Roger".

Don't look at this small difference. For some reason, the World Government has made many changes to Roger's past, the biggest of which is to hide the 'D' in his name.

So in the eyes of most people, One Piece is 'Goldo Roger'! Anyone who knows his real name will definitely not be an ordinary person——

"Senior, I just read more 'idle books' than others..."

As the old man named Kulokas slowly approached, cracks began to appear out of thin air on 'Roman', and some places even turned into pieces of blank paper, as if they were about to collapse!


"Senior Kulocas, I left this puppet not to be your enemy, nor to blackmail you."

Roman quickly stated his intentions.

"I just want to make a deal with Senior!"

Ka Ka Ka,

As the old man walked step by step, Roman's puppet centered on the 'White Knight' suddenly became shorter out of thin air, wrinkled and about to die! Fortunately, the opponent slowly put away his terrifying aura.


"Yes," as long as you don't do it immediately, but enter the "talk" session, Roman has the confidence to convince the other party!

After all, many 'secrets' in this world are not secrets to him.

"for example:"

"The whereabouts of the Rumba Pirates."

— Press! !


'Roman' seemed to be hit by a punching machine! In an instant, it turned into a pile of 'round cake'-shaped paper balls, but fortunately, this was something created by his fruit ability. And although the aura of the old man Kulocas was astonishing, and even turned into a physical attack, it was not an unreasonable 'overbearing arrogance' after all, and it would not hurt Roman who was far away on the Golden Merry.

"Old man, I said it."

Among the paper balls, Roman's voice came clearly.

"I am not your enemy, nor am I threatening to intimidate..."

"Well, let me express my sincerity first: the Rumba Pirates have not been wiped out!"


As soon as his aura was withdrawn, the old man named Kurokas seemed to become the ordinary old man who read the newspaper and basked in the sun again. But there was no need for him to continue to pretend in front of Roman, he just uttered a word indifferently.



The balls of paper on the ground flew up one after another and assembled into the shape of 'Roman' again.

This is also the reason why he used the 'puppet' to come here - as the weak side, he would not and could not be so reckless in such things as letting his own life and death depend on other people's moods.

"The Rumba Pirates. Led by the captain 'Ban Biao Yankee' Yuki, the West Sea Pirates are full of cowboy style. The members are good at playing musical instruments. They were wiped out by other pirates in the Devil's Triangle 50 years ago. The thief's banner is a skull with horns..."

As Roman slowly said, Kurokas could not help but subconsciously clenched his hands behind his back! He thought he had underestimated life and death, but when he learned the exact news of the deaths of his friends, he couldn't help feeling suffocated.

"However, this pirate group is not completely wiped out!"

"Among them is a man named Brook, who ate a devil fruit called 'Yellow Spring Fruit' before that,"

"This fruit has no effect during life, it just turns people into a landlubber who can't go into the sea. But after the person dies—"

Only the ability of this fruit will be activated.

"That's bringing people back from the dead!"

What a heaven-defying ability this is! I believe that if the world government finds out, all three generals will win this fruit.

"It's a pity that Brooke's soul got lost in the Devil's Triangle..."

"When he found his body, there was only a skeleton left. That is to say, he was resurrected in the form of a skeleton."

After speaking, Roman stopped, waiting for the old man opposite to digest the information in his words.


After a while, the old man named Kurokas nodded.

"...a wonderful story."

Ha ha,

"Old man, I know that people in the Roger Pirates don't like 'Devil Fruit', and think it's crooked."

Indeed, all the members are domineering - the only one who is not domineering is Bucky, the holder of the 'Overlord Color Luck'. Such a pirate group will certainly look down on devil fruit capable users, but:

"However, you cannot deny the magic of devil fruit."

'Roman' spread out his hands,

"Just like me."

In terms of strength, Roman is definitely not as good as the old ship doctor. But compared to 'miraculous', the old ship doctor who has always remained in the category of 'human' can't compare with Roman. So after confirming that he couldn't really hurt Roman unless he left Rab to chase after the Golden Merry, Kulocas had to seriously consider the 'deal' that Roman said.

"What do you want from me?"

Facing the old man's question, Roman said what he had long coveted.

"Domineering training!"


On the other side, on the Golden Merry in the snowstorm.

That's right, the sun was still shining brightly when we were in Twin Gorges, but it didn't take long for the sky to become gloomy, and even heavy snow fell!

"Hahaha, not bad not bad——"

"This way, this way..."


Kicking Fluffy and Usopp, Nami, who was wearing a padded coat, patted Roman who had been piled up into a 'snowman' by the two of them, and helplessly drove away the two guys with excess energy.

"Go, go, go make a snowman! Don't play Roman."

Roman's 'energy' is mainly concentrated on the 'White Knight', the puppet clone of the Gemini Gorge who has been far away, while the main body here is very dull and mentally retarded. ——At first, Roman asked Luffy and the others to take care of their body, but unexpectedly, it became their toy...

"Hahaha, look at my 'Mr. Snowman'~~"

Pushed aside, the duo resumed their activities. A classic snowman with one big ball, one small ball, two wooden branches and one carrot, of course it was made by Luffy.

"Hmph, look at my 'Snow Queen'—"

The crystal clear, elegant, and real-like ice sculptures are of course the masterpiece of the artist Usopp who was delayed by the work of pirates!

"Snowman Flying Punch!"

Since he couldn't defeat his opponent in terms of 'art', Luffy immediately chose to pull his opponent to his own 'level', and then defeated him with his rich experience.

"Ahhhhhh~~~ My Snow White Queen!!"


"These two guys,"

Nami looked at the serious face in front of her as she helped Roman, who was sailing, wipe off the snow. ——I don't know why, he is obviously the most comprehensive person among them, but Roman always gives Nami a feeling of 'urgency', as if there is some strong beast behind him chasing him.

"What are you afraid of, Roman..."

As a partner, if there is any difficulty, everyone should not bear it together... Or, do you think my strength can't help you at all?


"Hmph, what an arrogant fellow."

In Gemini Gorge, the old man Kulokas with his hands behind his back just glanced at Roman indifferently after listening to Roman's 'deal'.

"So anxious to improve your strength, don't you trust your companions?"

"Do not,"

Roman shook his head.

"Of course I trust them, and I want to protect them—"

It is because of this that Roman wants to improve his strength eagerly. Otherwise: based on his understanding of the world, wouldn't it be nice to find a place where he can practice the three-color arrogance to an advanced level, and then come out to pretend to be X and punch his face? Wouldn't it be nice to renovate the world?

But he can't because...

"That's why I say you're arrogant, boy."

Kulocas shook his head, but finally agreed to Roman's deal.

"I can tell you how to practice domineering, but—"

Whether you can learn it or not is another question.


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