The Paper Fruit Among the Pirates

Chapter 19 Drain from the bottom

"Well, I apologize to you for what happened before."

By the woods on the edge of the town,

Roman clasped his hands together and sincerely apologized to Usopp who was downcast.

"Let me heal you as an apology. But—"

"What I said before was not a joke. The butler next to Miss Keya is 'Baiji' Krow himself. It is normal for that Miss Keya to suddenly die suddenly if someone like him is left by his side. .”

Perhaps because of staying with Luffy and the others for a long time, Roman has gradually acquired the habit of joking. But now is not the time to be funny, because:

"No one believes me...everyone..."

Usopp, holding on to the arrest warrant, stood in front of Roman and the others, holding back tears in his eyes! He was also shot in the arm, but after cleaning the wound with Roman's 'surgery paper knife' and then bandaging it with 'paper bandage', he was fine.

"Even Kaya..."

"Okay, Usopp." Nami, who couldn't stand it anymore, comforted the other party, "Maybe it's just Roman's mistake; maybe that Captain Crowe really changed his ways..."

Poor Usopp, because he usually tells too many lies, but this time when he told the 'truth' no one believed him. Even though he was holding Crowe's arrest warrant, he was angrily denounced as "unscrupulous" to frame the other party.

Well, that's right.

Although the boy named Usopp is full of lies, he actually has three specialties: shooting, engineering, and art.

The arrest warrant was mistakenly thought to be "drawn" by him...

With this specialty, anyone who is a painter can easily get rich.

"Actually, it's very easy to prove whether it's the real Captain Crowe."

Roman on the side clapped his hands, attracting the attention of several people.

"I'll just chop him up."

The one who can avoid Roman's knife must be the captain of the Black Cat Pirates; as for the one who can't escape...

"Don't worry, trust my skills. ——There will never be an oolong like hacking people to death."

"Hey, hey, you said 'hacked to death', right..."

"Then what can you do?"

Facing the question Roman threw back, Luffy, Zoro, Nami, including Usopp shook their heads. ——Even if the butler is really a ruthless pirate, who would believe what the few people present said?

What they are facing now is not a problem that can be solved by beating, beating, stealing or deceiving...

"Then... we don't care about this?"

"Absolutely not!"

Facing Luffy who refused without hesitation, Roman spread his hands, "So, you can't think of a way, and you have to take care of this matter. How about:"

"Listen to me."


"Usopp is really..."

In the backyard of the mansion, on the bed by the window, Ke Ya, a weak girl who can only stay on the bed for a long time due to illness, opened the book in her hand, but couldn't read a single line.

"What did you say that Krabatelle is a pirate, and he vowed to produce a 'wanted warrant'..."

"This joke is too much!"

However, recalling the boy who insisted on telling stories every day to explain himself, the anger on the girl's face gradually disappeared and turned into a warm smile.

"...Well, if Usopp can apologize to Krabatelle, I will forgive—"


A familiar voice brought the girl back to her senses, she turned her head to look at the boy with his head down outside the window, and put down the book in surprise.

"Usopp? Your injury... cough cough,"

Realizing that she was too 'happy', the girl's expression was serious, and she seriously advised:

"I know you have a bad relationship with Clabattle...but you shouldn't be..."

"Good afternoon, Miss Keya."

A voice interrupted the weak girl's words, and a smiling Roman stood next to Usopp who lowered his head.

"You are·····"

"My name is Roman," the handsome boy introduced himself, "Tokevic-Roman."

"It's a pirate."



"Then, Miss Kaya."

Roman raised his hand, and sheets of white paper flew out of his palm.

"Please cooperate,"

"It's kidnapping time!"


The butler named Krabattel has his own separate room. Today, Usopp made a fuss with his "wanted warrant", and later found out that the gang of powerful pirates are still wandering around the town. , made him feel a little anxious.

Or, delay action?


"It's not good, Clabattle!"

The door was pushed open suddenly, and a housekeeper with sheep-shaped hair rushed in anxiously. ——He is another housekeeper of this family, named Merry.

"Miss Ke Ya has been kidnapped!"



Crowe, whose alias is Clabatel, but whose real identity is the (former) captain of the Black Cat Pirates, suddenly stood up! Seeing that his plan is about to come true, and the opportunity to cut off the past and become a respected gentleman is within reach, unexpectedly——

"what is the problem?"

Mei Li, who was picked up by him, thought that this "colleague" was just a simple lady who cared, and immediately said everything:

"It's Usopp!"

"He colluded with those foreign pirates and kidnapped Miss Kaya, and asked us to prepare a ransom—"


Leaving aside the butler named Melly, the anxious Crowe turned around and grabbed a long and narrow handbag in the room and strode out! ——Of course he is not worried about the owner here: Miss Ke Ya, but:

Damn it, we must find those pirates first!

Otherwise, if someone else finds it first, maybe all the property here will be exchanged for that sick trash!

gallop out,

However, this is a small town with people coming and going after all. No matter how anxious he was, the man named Crowe had to slow down, saying things like 'Mr. Clabattle', 'Mr. Butler, where are you going...' Zhong followed silently all the way. so:

Only then did the housekeeper Melly, who was desperately chasing after him, have a target.


"Miss Kaya."

"Please don't get excited, it will not be good for your health."

In a clearing in the woods, Miss Keya was tied to a chair with a long and narrow piece of paper, and a piece of paper was also stuck to her mouth. Facing Roman's words, the girl didn't feel scared, but looked at Usopp, who turned his face aside and didn't dare to look at her, with heartbroken eyes.

Beside them are Luffy wearing a captain's coat, Nami wearing an eye patch, and Zoro wiping his katana. Coupled with Roman with a cold smile on his face, the breath of 'pirate' rushed to his face!

"Don't worry, we just need a boat."

Roman, who played the "bad guy" in his true colors, folded white paper origami cranes, and sneered at Ke Ya, a weak girl with a face of resentment.

"When we receive the ransom, we will naturally release you."


"Don't talk!"

Turning his head and glaring at Luffy who was "posing" with a bitter face, Roman was afraid that the serious atmosphere would disappear immediately when this guy opened his mouth.



Not long after, Roman paused in the movement of folding the paper crane, and a figure had passed through the woods and came to the open space.

It was a man in a suit. He combed his hair back, wore glasses, and was wearing a suit. The pattern on the clothes seemed to be... poop. He was carrying a long, narrow handbag in one hand, and supported his glasses on his wrist with the other.

"Miss Keya! I'm here to save—"

"Crabattelle... no, Captain Crowe."

Roman waved his hand and interrupted the other party's 'performance' - being able to find this place so quickly shows that the other party is agile and good at tracking! But now this heavy step, panting appearance...

What about cheating ghosts?

"Although I'm curious that a pirate captain like you actually lives in seclusion in such a small place, but:"

"One hundred million Baileys," Roman shook his finger, "As long as we take out this money, we will pretend that nothing happened. At the same time:"

Flipping the wrist of the other hand, the paper crane in his hand turned into a dagger as if by magic.

"Let go of your lady."

The dagger in Roman's hand was placed next to the slender neck of the girl named Kaya, so that Usopp on the other side almost drew out his weapon and pointed it at him.


The man on the other side who was 'excited' just now changed his face and turned gloomy.

"Hey? What does Captain Crowe mean, I can't bear to-"

"Wait, wait a minute!"

"Ha ha ha ha····"

At this moment, a man with sheep hair ran over, also wearing a suit. At first glance, it looks like the butler of a big family.

"Please don't hurt Miss Kaya,"

The panting sheep-headed man leaned on his knees and looked eagerly at Roman and the group of 'kidnappers', even ignoring the 'accomplice' Usopp.

"Please give me some time, whether it's selling the property or borrowing usury, we will definitely—"

puff! !

However, this loyal sheep steward hadn't finished speaking, a few flashes of light flashed, and he fell to the ground with his chest bleeding! And the attacker is:

"That's all my money,"

At some point, the butler took out the weapon in the handbag from the glasses on his hand——Captain Crowe raised his head. There is only endless indifference and murderous intent in his eyes!

"Who gave you permission to save that piece of shit, huh?"

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