The Paper Fruit Among the Pirates

Chapter 146 Chapter 146

"Block them!!"

"Don't let these pirates get close to the sea train!"

The sound of guns and swords clashing kept ringing at the station, and then faced with the Straw Hats in good condition, only fifty naval soldiers and hundreds of agents could not stop their footsteps at all! Even if they are all elites with vigorous skills and strong will.

As for the best of them:

"I hate unscrupulous sword techniques the most—"

"Right Angle Flash Penn Aircut!"

The long sword swung a right-angled sword wave in the air, and then swung the sword to form a rectangular slash towards Sauron! However, Zoro fought attack without fear, and suddenly raised the three knives.

"Three-sword style, bull ghost, and magic break!"

Sauron rushed into the opponent's sword light arrogantly, and the three-handled sword deftly pushed away the opponent's long sword, and then suddenly twisted towards the opponent's long sword.

Oops, being caught by the opponent——


The long sword exploded, Captain T Penn was startled, and then the sharp katana had already sliced ​​through his chest! The blood soared, and it was a force that passed quickly.


The captain of the navy who was half kneeling on the ground supported by a dagger still refused to fall because:

"I can still fight!"

"If you pirates are allowed to act recklessly, I don't know how many ordinary people will shed blood and tears! Even in this unjust world, I want to prove that there is still justice and justice in this place—"


The back of the knife struck him on the back of the head, forcing Colonel T. Penn to the ground. Behind him is Zoro taking off his hood.

"Then I'm really sorry. We should be the ones who suffer injustice, right? Although it doesn't matter to me."

Sauron's goal has always been the number one swordsman in the world!

Not a hero who maintains world peace.

the other side····

"Ramen Fist—"

"Plastic SHOOT-Eyes-Nose-Cheek-Mouth-Teeth-Jin!!"

The CP7 spy leader who was kicked in the face by Sanji in an instant with six legs, the ramen boxing master Wajie touched his handsome cheek and burst into anger!

"How dare you disfigure my face! I can't spare you—"


No no no, this is plastic surgery, right? Definitely a facelift, right? !

Could it be the legendary 'unrecognizable feet'...

A guy with protruding eyes and buck teeth, a horse face and three chins, was suddenly changed into a handsome face by Sanji's kicking skills. What kind of chef is there with this technology? Isn't he a cosmetician?

While complaining inwardly, Roman sprinted forward at high speed! Relying on the super high defense of the white knight, he completely ignored the attacks of the navy soldiers and CP agents. His whole body was like a flash of lightning across the battlefield.

In comparison, Luffy on the other side is much more terrifying!

Fist shadows filled the sky, and a figure flew upside down! With Luffy's physical fitness, even the "Xia Ji Eight Dozens" are fatal attacks. It's time to test the hardness of these 'elite' bodies~~

On the contrary, because Nami started too slowly, the opponent was almost lying down before making a move...

The momentum is like a broken bamboo, and those who block it are invincible!


"It seems that the escort troops have all been wiped out."

On the fast-moving sea train, the members of CP9 breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time felt a burst of shame.

Although for these 'legitimate' killers who put orders first, in the face of unexpected powerful enemies, the best choice is to survive and complete the task with a docked tail. But 'best' is often not so comfortable.

"Be careful, the other party is not an ordinary ability user."

Rob Lucci, who was standing next to the window, watched vigilantly at the Straw Hats who broke through to the station, as expected! The knight in white armor who broke through to the coast first grabbed the air, and a long spear appeared in his hand, and then he raised his waist and made a throwing motion with power.

"Go, White Hound!"

As Roman's voice came out from the helmet, he threw his whole body forward.

The body of the armored knight burst out with powerful force as if a spring had been rebounded, causing the whole body to straighten with this arc, and the spear flew out of his hand.

As soon as the spear was released, a circle of silver light exploded and was thrown out like a straight silver light. The sound was like a tsunami landslide, and the sea below the silver light began to crack and splash! Following the trajectory of the silver light, a straight ditch was drawn.

Throwing a gun is like a terrifying missile, chasing the distant sea train!


The figure of Rob Lucci appeared outside the carriage in a flash, and the whole person instantly entered the form of a 'orc', and kicked out in the face of the oncoming spear.

"Lanjiao'Kai Bird'!"

This is Lu Qi's special stretching skill of the rain foot, kicking out a huge bird-shaped rain foot, its power can easily cut through the iron plate covering the navy warship more than 100 meters wide and tens of meters thick! The combat power of a warship is definitely the strength of a rear admiral.

Even weaker lieutenant generals are no more than that.


A huge cracking sound burst out at the place where the two sides met, sonorous and powerful! The cracking sound after the violent collision of the spear and the foot of the rain is not what the explosion of gunpowder can make. At the same time, a figure has stepped into the air and rushed towards the sea train.

That's right, it's 'flying'!

The only ones in the Straw Hats who can do this are:

"Sanji, be careful!"

As the 'blast shell' on the shoes continuously ejected waves of scorching white air, Sanji flew towards the sea train as if he had mastered the moon steps.

But in the face of the continuous haze from several people on the other side, he couldn't even get close by himself, and in the end he could only watch helplessly as the sea train left and returned to the station helplessly.

But it doesn't matter, after all, whether it's Roman's throwing a gun or Sanji's flying approach, it's just a 'cover up'.

"Did something shoot through? U... the king of sniper."

Facing Roman's question, the masked long nose carried a huge slingshot and raised his thumb.


On the distant sea train carriage, an inconspicuous white arrow was inserted into it.

"Very good." After closing his eyes for a moment, Roman looked at the other people who had finished the battle.

"There's good news and bad news."

"The good news is that I can locate the Sea Train, and as long as I catch up with it, I can get Robin back."

"Then what are you waiting for, set sail—"

Facing Luffy's yelling, Roman had to remind him.

"Luffy, we don't have a boat."

You just 'lost' the Merry to Usopp, what are we going to take to sea now?

"Hey hey?"

Luffy's jaw dropped to his chest in shock.

"Can't you use your 'Bai Meili' just now to catch up?"

"...Theoretically it is possible, but you have to consider the battle ahead! Flying all the way like this, I'm afraid I'll be exhausted when I get to Judiciary Island."

"Ah, won't eating meat immediately refresh you when you're tired?"

·····I am really sorry for not learning the "Return Life to Eat Version"!

"Hey, Luffy!"

Nami next to her rubbed her temples.

"You should also think about the situation of us 'ordinary people'~~"

You common man with lightning and thunder...

"Anyway, we'd better get a boat. And—"

Pointing to the higher and higher waves outside, it is not an exaggeration to say that the waves are stormy. The whole sea seems to be rolling, and the waves like mountain peaks rise and fall one after another. To be on the safe side, let's use the abandoned sea train "Rocket Man" in the original book. "Then, let's go find Mr. Mayor here. See if we can..."

'Wait a minute, Mr Roman. '

? ?

Roman, who turned around suddenly, and the sniper king next to him were both shocked. Although Usopp's face was covered by a mask under the alias 'Sniper King', his trembling appearance showed the shock in his heart. ——Because in their 'sight', there was a 'child' holding a mallet and wearing a raincoat standing on the shore not far away.

This... Could it be the ship elf of the Merry? !

But it shouldn't be, Roman wrapped in the white knight frowned.

Usopp can see each other because Usopp has been acting as the 'boatman' of the Straw Hats. Moreover, in Usopp's heart, the Golden Merry still entrusts his hometown and Kaya's thoughts. How can I...

‘Mr. Roman, if it weren’t for your help along the way, I wouldn’t be able to sail today at all. '

The child's voice was very soft, as if the wind would dissipate it.

‘Please help me one more time, in order to save my companion, I can persist! '

"Sniper King!"

Roman, wrapped in the 'White Knight', turned to look at the person next to him wearing a cloak and a mask. Although both of them were in 'camouflage', there was no doubt that they knew each other's identities.

"We're going to use the 'Golden Merry' to recover Robin, where Usopp is..."

"Usopp agrees!"

"No..., it was Usopp who agreed to let me use his ship at will when he left, so—"

"Take Melly, please."


"Luffy, what do you think?"

Facing Roman and Usopp who were looking over, and a vague figure of a child. Luffy pressed his straw hat and grinned.

"Of course, let's go get our partner back together!"

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