The Omniscient

Chapter 569: I didn't plan to be emperor

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Han Bi did not stand on a high platform, but directly stood in the crowd and talked with people like a passerby.

He is not afraid of being concealed by the people. The cold shelter at this moment is in complete form, with a three-state mixture of carbon, silicon and neon, and a height of 80 meters.

As a top powerhouse who has played prestige in Galaxy City, he is extraordinary, and his appearance is still very powerful and determined.

Right now he stands out from the crowd, and he is the brightest star in the crowd.

"Everyone, I grew up in this city since I was a child, and everyone in the neighborhood, there is no need to hold me like this. I help you to uphold justice, but I empathize. In fact, I can't be the emperor."

Having said that, it seemed that I felt that I was standing too high, so I just sat down, bowed and said, "I want to get my justice back when I participate in the election."

"I was discredited for playing counterfeit matches and accepted bribes...I have been expelled from the Civilization Team."

"The person who fired me was a cabinet minister, and I was just an athlete. I am a low-profile person, and he has political protection, and he doesn't even need to be summoned. You can send a lawyer to entangle me to the end."

"Next year will be a big event. He deprived me of my opportunity just because he was unhappy with me, and promoted a cronie to replace me... I don't want to say that he has any deal with the newcomer. I have no evidence, but this Opportunity, reason, reason, and reasonableness should be mine! His words wiped out my thousand years of struggle!"

"So I campaigned, hoping that my demands would be heard by more people."

"I, Han avoid! I am innocent and worthy of admiration! Whatever I ask for, I just want to win glory for civilization! But if I ask for one time, reach the top and win the championship, I want the silver heart black hole to shine the name of our civilization!"

"For this ideal, even if it is a lot of hardships, I am willing to devote my whole life to it! I go to his mother's minister, why should he expel me!"

His campaign philosophy is simply weird, like a reckless man.

When others are in politics, the original intention is not to serve the people or to promote the rise of civilization. In short, they promise a lot.

In the end, Mao didn't promise, and he even came to politics in order to cleanse himself.

Since the person who wronged him was a cabinet minister, and ordinary methods cannot be used to seek justice, he should enter politics and compete with him.

He didn't plan to be emperor at all, he just wanted to be fair. If his affairs are equal, he plans to withdraw from the election. So what to promise? There is nothing to promise.

Of course, this is the emperor's election. He was a person who didn't intend to be the emperor, so he couldn't justify coming here to ask for votes, so he offered to help supporters resolve the injustice in exchange.

Who caused trouble, who was treated unfairly in life, who was wronged by power.

Han Bi did his best to help investigate clearly, or fight for fair treatment.

Who hasn't experienced injustice these years?

After two months, Han Bi did a lot of practical things.

Or to reverse the case for civilians who can't afford a lawyer, or to provide legal advice to people who are scammed in the workplace, the biggest thing they do is to offend the chaebol for a worker.

This is something that almost all candidates will not do. It is not because of fear of death, but because the chaebol has too many votes.

The so-called chaebol not only needs to have money and power, but also to control the votes of his employees. Otherwise, no matter how much money and employees there are, it is not a chaebol, but just a big company.

Shacha civilization, there are dozens of age-old chaebols, who together dominate 80% of the votes of civilization, what concept? If they unite, whoever wants to be the emperor is the emperor.

Of course, they cannot unite and have different interests. Often compete with each other, each has its own support objects, and even a chaebol supports several, and bets separately. So the remaining 20% ​​of the people who are relatively free are still very important.

But in general, the more support from the chaebol that can be won, the more likely it is to gain the throne.

In this case, no candidate will offend the chaebol. Even if it is offended, it is for greater benefit. For example, the other party is completely hostile to oneself and cannot fight for a chaebol, but offending it can please another chaebol who supports him.

However, Han Bi was a strange thing. He didn't intend to be an emperor at all, so he didn't have any psychological burden when he presided over justice. He did what he had to do, and offended the chaebol who had intended to give him some support.

Most people don't understand his mentality, but the people think that this candidate is trustworthy.

"Han avoid! You must be emperor!"

"I have given you the ticket, and the whole family has given it to you!"

"Han avoid, come on, you are already ranked thirty-seven."

Many supporters enthusiastically supported Hanshi and waved for him.

Hanbai is a big star. After all, there are only 16 emperors belonging to the Shacha civilization in the Galactic Battle Conference. Hanbai is one of them and he is very famous.

After he participated in the election, a group of diehard fans directly gave him the votes. Coupled with all the help he has provided to supporters in the past two months, Han shelter is now the royal family with the most supporters in this city.

Han Bi looked at his ranking and said gratefully: "Thank you, my goal is the top ten thousand, so that I can enter the capital city with an administrative title and can initiate impeachment against cabinet ministers."

"The first ten thousand is not enough! I have already promoted it to you everywhere! We all want you to be emperor!" The supporters were excited.

Hanbi waved his hand and smiled: "I know that I have a few kilograms by myself. My votes are definitely not enough to be the emperor, so I can't promise you anything."

"I myself came to campaign for fairness. So what I can return to you is fairness."

"My strength is limited. When I return to the representative team, everyone can vote for the royal family you really like."

"I really can't do anything about the rise of civilization. I don't understand politics at all, but next year's grand event, I am confident of getting good results."

The supporters shouted: "Don't, our favorite royal family is you! We want you to be the emperor!"

"When the emperor wants to understand the politics of shit, we need to be fair!"

"Regardless of whether you want to compete, we will carry you into the palace even if we do!"

Han Bi laughed and said: "Ha! Do whatever you want, anyway, my votes are definitely not enough."

"Okay, I still have several appeals that I haven't dealt with. If you need legal aid in the future, please contact my assistant directly."

"As for... Spike, are you here?"

A dejected Shacha man in the crowd soared, blinking a few circles of light to show that he was there.

Han Bi looked dark, and said: "I'm sorry, Spike, I still couldn't find out why your lover committed suicide. Although there were witnesses at the time, what they saw was that your lover personally took a lot of carbon-based poison. ."

Naspeake clenched a fist and said: "She can't commit suicide. We said we would take time off and go to the holiday planet together. I even arranged the schedule. She was very happy. How could she suddenly commit suicide? No reason!"

"I firmly believe that there must have been someone with high authority in front of her that killed her! It's just that my neighbors couldn't see her!"

Han Bi said helplessly: "Maybe you are right, but the system monitoring report given to me by the City Lord's Mansion proves that there were no invisible high-privileged persons near your wife before and after the incident. At least the clue I can get is suicide. ."

Spike was silent, his expression depressed.

At this time, someone in the crowd told him privately: "The City Lord's Mansion lied."

Han Bi frowned and found that the other party's message displayed by the communicator was a Nomother family, a special employee brought in by a higher-ranking person.

"Who are you? Why do you say that?" Han Bi asked quickly.

This mother of Nuo is naturally a match, he calmly said: "I saw the woman you mentioned, she was still alive and well at the time. It's just that I have a high level of authority, and no one saw me in that place."

"But the system report you asked the City Lord's Mansion to come up with said that there were no high-privileged people near her before and after the incident... This is obviously false. Am I not a human?"

Han Bi was shocked, and the City Lord's Mansion actually produced a fake system report.

This is obviously a huge trick, otherwise the notary can't lie.

why? That's just an ordinary female mechanic, who will kill her?

"Why are you helping me?" Han Bi asked.

He is a very large public figure, and his authority is not low, but he is also limited to combat, media, biological resources and other fields.

In many places, he is not qualified to contact. Somewhat fair, he is powerless.

One thing that caused the City Lord's Mansion to lie, this Nuo mother took the initiative to help him by providing such an important clue, wouldn't he be afraid to set him on fire?

The game method earnestly said: "I know you, I watched all the games of Emperor Ziwei, and you also helped."

Han Bi suddenly said, "Are you a fan of Huang Ji? Well, I didn't help much..."

"But thank you for the clue."

After that, Hanbi shouted at Spike: "Spike, I will continue to check it for you, don't worry."

"If there is really a problem with this matter, I will ask the City Lord's Mansion to give you justice."

In this city, Han Bi still has some right to speak. He is the pride of this city, and everyone knows him.

Therefore, as soon as he campaigned, coupled with the decision for the people, he got all the free votes in this city at once.

Next, Han Bi took Spike and Game Law and left the scene.

On the way, when he said about the game, Spike was very excited!

"Sure enough! Sure enough! I knew there was a problem! She really couldn't commit suicide. Someone definitely harmed her! Damn, the City Lord's Mansion actually provided perjury!" Although Spike was angry, he did not. Saying anything that was made public, it was looking for death, so he just turned to look at Han avoid with expectation.

"Master Hanbi, can you help me? What should I do? I believe you!"

The cold avoidance is very helpless. If you change to someone else, you must be perfunctory. After all, the mess of the City Lord's Mansion, can this be caused casually?

However, he is not a politician, he is a fighter, a pair of iron fists for his current status.

As long as the evidence can be obtained, the city lord is considered a gross. Although there is no lack of darkness in Shacha, because of the election mechanism and the legal order of higher civilization, justice will always prevail on the bright side.

Of course, he is happy, and there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

But Han avoid is not afraid, he doesn't want to be emperor, he wants to play the game! That place should belong to him. As long as he can get into the top 10,000, become a member of Parliament, and impeach Cabinet Secretary Sakura, his position in the delegation is unshakable.

Therefore, Han Bi thought for a while and said: "Since I have agreed to help you find out, I will help to the end. If the murderer really exists, no matter who he is, he must give me the law!"

"Master Hanbi! Thank you!" Spike burst into tears with excitement.

He has never seen a candidate like this, saying that it is for the people to make it sound better, but it’s so hard to hear it!

For his vote, he dared to offend the dignitaries who may have hundreds of millions of votes in the City Lord's Mansion... Throughout the ages, this has never happened.

Han Bi has not yet become the emperor. When he has the supreme power, he can play this kind of drama, but Han Bi is still a middle-ranked candidate who needs votes and dare to do so.

It can only be said that in his heart, it is really fair.


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