The Omniscient

Chapter 444: Supergravity field burst

   The All-Knowing Information Volume Chapter 444 Supergravity Field Explosion The three families are trapped in the formation, unable to advance or retreat. Exhausted, energy bottomed, and mechas ruptured, only waiting for the various bombs to finally fly away and disperse.

   That's it, it depends on luck. If a bomb with a short eye falls on them, I'm afraid it will be dead.

   But not long after, someone slowly stood up from the deck of the spacecraft.

   The killer who was knocked out by Huang Ji's punch did not die.

   The mecha was broken, and the whole person was passed into a coma, but the body's resilience was very strong, and he was faintly awake at this moment.

   "It's careless, I didn't expect him to be so fast..."

   The man lowered his head and looked at his split chest cavity, recalling the punch he had before.

   But he is not convinced, because his mecha warfare skills are not the best. In mecha, his body is always not warmed up, and he is better at using high-energy fighting to decide victory.

   I saw him take off the damaged mecha, showing a tall and mighty body, with a rough glazed surface, red and black.

  The killer with red and black glaze skin, did not see the teammates at the penalty station tens of thousands of kilometers away, and entered the spaceship instead.

   "Did everyone catch up? I have to take the spaceship."

   He canceled the inspection mode of the spacecraft, looked at the broken cabin, and the capital was about to be automatically repaired, and directly started to accelerate and chased in the direction of Sirius.


  The people trapped in the formation didn't notice it at first, but they were shocked when the spaceship approached.

   "Who is driving the spaceship!" Harrogan exclaimed.

   "Don't ask, get away!" Socia took him and flew away.

   The two-hundred-meter-long aircraft carrier passed by, and everyone fled in a hurry, but was not hit.

   But the aircraft carrier is so large, but it triggered the nearby anti-matter bomb.

   The energy shield suddenly lit up, and the aircraft carrier was not a major problem, but the people outside the ship were affected, and they were bombarded.

   The explosion was still some distance away from them, and the main damage was absorbed by the aircraft carrier's energy shield, otherwise it would almost wipe them out.

   "It's the third brother, it must be the third brother!" The other two killers of Wantong came back to their senses and realized who was sailing.

   I saw them quickly turn on the linker, but found that the linker was broken.

   "Who has the communication device, hurry up!" He waved his hand in space.

   The other people were scattered everywhere, but they also realized the situation, and quickly checked whether they had any good contacts.

   Fanny also held Varu's mech in her hand. At this moment, she also disassembled it for inspection. At the same time she took out its intact contactor, she moved her eyes and sprayed out the grain cells that she had merged with the nanobee colony, perfusing Varu's body.

   Valu, who was blown away by energy from the neck down, crystallized and solidified.

   This is a secret method that can temporarily freeze the opponent's state regardless of whether the opponent is dead or not.

   "Hey, a bunch of reckless men." After Fanny solidified Valu, she implanted a piece of software into the communication device with one hand, and then threw it to the oldest of the three special killing teams.

   Ah Da got the contact device and immediately questioned the third child in the spacecraft.

"what are you doing!"

   The third child was dealing with his injuries after speeding up the spacecraft. He heard the contact and replied: "The spacecraft is very fast, I will be able to chase you soon! Where did you chase? Give me a position!"

   "Chasing you! If you can't drive the carrier, don't drive, we are behind you!" Ah Da said.

   "What? Why don't you chase after!" The third child was surprised.

   Ada was too lazy to explain, but asked him to come back quickly to pick everyone up.

   The third child simply dealt with the injury, came to the control console, was about to slow down and turn, and suddenly noticed that the automatic scanning program had detected a spaceship ahead.

   "Wait a minute! Brother, I found Anunnaki's spacecraft. The speed is not as fast as I am. I can catch up with them without slowing down." The third child said excitedly.

   Ah Da hesitated for a moment, and asked: "How are you sure it is them? Not a passerby?"

   said the third child: "The spacecraft is not big, it should be only a few thousand tons, but the gravity probe shows that the other party has tens of millions of tons of mass! This must be carrying a lot of void life!"

   "The speed of their spacecraft is so slow, I am afraid it is too heavy!"

   Everyone here gathered together at this moment. Their communicators were broken, so they couldn't hear the conversation between the two. Only Ah Da's face changed repeatedly, and finally he was surprised.

   Ada said: "Okay, you don't have to come back! Catch up with him! Get the goods back for me!"

   "Be careful not to damage the restraint cabinet, our aircraft carrier is big enough to kill people and swallow them directly with an adsorber!"

   The third child expressed his understanding, and immediately accelerated the spacecraft even more fully.

   As a three-star system, the centroid of the Sirius galaxy is constantly changing.

   So different from the solar system, in the astronomical definition, where Toro is the parent star, it is the center of the Sirius Galaxy.

   At this moment, Na Toro is orbiting the Enmeya white dwarf star, and the other two stars are moving away from it.

   The third child chased after him and came to the blue dwarf star Sirius A.

   "Catch up!" The youngest first used electromagnetic weapons to destroy the opponent's navigation system, and then hit the tail of the small spacecraft that seemed to lose its steering ability and could only move forward by inertia.

   In this collision, the two large energy shields collided with each other, spewing out a gorgeous radioactive energy wave.

   "Light explosive bomb, blow me up!" The third child didn't use a stronger weapon for fear of hurting the goods inside.

   directly use the ship-based rapid-fire cannon to launch light bursts, trying to destroy the opponent's energy shield first.

   The third child used saturation shooting, and suddenly the opponent's small spacecraft was surrounded by various explosive clouds.

After    咚咚咚 exploded, the opponent's spacecraft deck was only slightly damaged, and the energy was refreshed with a new one, supporting the surface.

   "Huh? Recovery so fast?"

   The third child was stunned, but he did not expect that the opponent would perfectly hedge his anti-energy weapon.

   Light Explosive Bomb is how much energy the enemy shield has, it will explode as much as it is. If it is 100, it will explode a hundred, and if it is 10,000, it will explode 10,000.

   So the best way to deal with it is to release small decoy energy bombs in an ultra-fast and precise manner to deceive the opponent’s light explosive bombs.

   Various civilizations have different science and technology trees that they are good at.

  The anti-energy weapon of the dragon clan is the kind of force field in the arrow of the sun, which can directly cause the energy shield to fail, and then use other means to attack.

   Beziers are different. The pursuit of "the art of war is explosion", so the anti-energy weapon makes the opponent's energy shield unsteadily explode, and the power depends on the amount of energy released by the opponent.

   So the other party keeps releasing the shield, and the oneself has to burst its shield continuously. This requires a lot of energy, but it is powerful.

   It is impossible to say which of the two is better, and the universe only survives the fittest.

  The way of the dragon clan is to use small and big, with very little energy, to solve the other party's energy shield. This is very unsuitable for dealing with unfamiliar enemies, or for extremely high requirements on one's own detection capabilities. If you don't know the enemy's force field data, this trick is useless.

   On the contrary, the Bezier’s method is very suitable for torturing food, but when you encounter a stronger opponent than yourself, it becomes a kind of contradiction. If the opponent's energy shield is extremely advanced, a new one is spawned in an instant, and every time a weak energy shield is used to deceive it... then after a battle, they often consume more than the opponent.

  This method is not suitable for dragons.

Because the Dragon Race’s opponents are all large civilizations with anti-matter mineral sources, and he himself is pinched by the throat of energy imports, all his weapon designs are designed to avoid energy consumption and focus on the field of his expertise. Fist strikes, find a way to restore the decline.

  Different enemies, different national conditions, and different art of war, so the development direction of weapons is naturally different.

   "A lot of decoy bombs were prepared long ago... Hmph, I don't believe you can hit them every time."

   The third child switched to the spaceship mode, and saw the tip of the huge aircraft carrier suddenly unfolded, and the huge metal goat horns stretched out.

   Then it was like a pair of scissors, and it directly clamped the small spaceship!

   The powerful force field constrained it to the center of the goat's horns, and then all around it was madly releasing various light explosive bombs, large and small.

   The equivalent of each light blast bomb is different, the shooting angle is also different, the order, strength, and speed are different.

   Behind the light explosive bomb, there is an armor-piercing bomb, which can easily crack the molecular structure of the spacecraft's hull and track living things.

   It can be said that as long as a light blast bomb blasts out a path, the armor-piercing bomb behind it can plunge directly into the enemy's spacecraft, and then kill the enemy inside.

  The big spaceship hits the small spaceship, relying on saturation attack.

   However, the other party seems to be using the same computer as him, and the constant change of equivalent, angle, and speed is of no use at all.

   were all detonated in advance by small energy bombs that were accurately released.

   "What?" The old third was surprised, and then realized that it was not good. The opponent's spacecraft looked ordinary and had poor texture, but the control system inside seemed to crush his aircraft carrier.


   The third child knows that his civilized spaceship is more suitable for abuse of food. If the opponent is more skilled, then it will change offense and defense, and the small spacecraft can counterattack the big spacecraft with a point. UU reading

   is like a ‘flying knife’ of an advanced civilization that can defeat a giant ship several kilometers long.

   If the ship is of the same level or strong versus weak, the smaller the spacecraft, the more dominant.

  Especially at this moment the huge aircraft carrier is controlled by him alone, and there is no sharp soldier to control the small elite spacecraft to face it tit-for-tat, it would be too easy to be broken with a point and a giant capsule.

   "Boom! Boom!"

   I saw a flying shuttle, smashing through the shell, and taking the aircraft carrier's energy compartment directly!

   "Sure enough!"

   After the system showed that the casing was damaged, the youngest knew that the other party must have attacked the energy tank, because the reactor is the best locked position, and the energy response there is difficult to cover.

   "Then don't get the goods!" The third child was very decisive. When he realized that the other party's'software' was better than him, he knew he couldn't get the goods back!

   He immediately pumped all the energy and activated the ‘supergravity field explosion’!

   First, all energy is pumped so that even if the energy tank is blown, it will not blow up the spacecraft.

   Secondly, before losing the energy tank, he released a full-power hole card attack, and I don’t regret losing.

   In the end, this blow could theoretically kill the opponent in seconds, and the opponent is so close, the ‘supergravity field burst’ can instantly kill the people inside, including the void life.

   Of course, five billion is gone.

   But he is decisive, as a killer, even though he is asked to keep the goods, once he loses, his conditioned reflex is still more inclined to kill the opponent.

   This is his killer instinct.

   "I can't get it, and you don't even want to get it!"



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