Xingwang Forum exploded.

I was just looking for the true identity of the dark blue mecha.

But I don't want to,It seems that I have discovered a big secret.

Why does a person who looks so similar to the first three princes appear in this way in Prince Lu Wu's courtyard?

This is where everyone finds it weird.

It's also a therapeutic capsule.

Since the treatment capsule is used, the person inside must be injured.

[Do you still remember the first leaking post,it said that the whereabouts of the emperor’s grandson were unknown,not that the emperor’s grandson had died? 】

[Someone noticed in that post at that time! Whereabouts unknown! It means that people may still be alive! 】

[The grandson was five or six years old,Seventeen years later, he is in his twenties,The age in this picture is exactly the same. 】

[This person appeared in the courtyard of Prince LW,related to the royal family, and looks so similar,How can there be so many coincidences? 】

【So why is the grandson in that place? Seems to be injured? 】

There is a lot of noise on the Internet.

The palace is not peaceful.

In the main hall,The Great Emperor Hea in dark clothes sat on his throne,He put his face in one hand, closed his eyes, and looked at his well-maintained face No emotion whatsoever.

"Have you found out who that person is?"

However, unlike Emperor Hea's seemingly careless state,The three military ministers standing under the throne, and the four noble ministers lowered their heads one after another, their expressions solemn, Even breathing is very light,I'm afraid that a big gasp will cause death.

No one said anything, only Lieutenant General Shige, the head of the Second Legion in charge of the security of the imperial capital, replied under pressure, "Report to Your Majesty, not yet."

The Great Emperor Hea did not get angry, and even his tone did not change in the slightest, he still asked slowly: "Isn't there a photo already? How did this person enter the imperial capital,  "Can't you even find this out?"

The fingers supporting the face were gently moving, without any sound, but the person standing at the bottom felt that the finger was like a sharp sword, gesturing in front of his chest on.

"That mecha, did it just disappear out of thin air?"

Because of the tension, the dry throat made them swallow heavily.

Among them, Duke Zena replied bravely: "We will quickly find the whereabouts of that mecha."

"Well." Emperor Hea slowly opened his eyes and looked at the person below, "Of course," he said lightly: "Otherwise, you don't have to stand here."


The Great Emperor Hea changed his posture slightly, but his body was still stretched and relaxed, with a kind of lazy temperament.

"I heard a lot about traveling. What's going on?"

The head of the third regiment replied: "Headed by Dewu in the southern city, with Chelo City as the focal point in the west, and the northern Kenshi City, a parade was launched. The main appeal is to The protests of the two Royal Highnesses and the questioning of the arrest of Lieutenant General Harris."

Hea the Great raised his eyebrows slightly, "Harris?"

At this time, the public relations minister next to him said: "In fact, the main cause of this incident is that the incident of the two His Royal Highnesses aroused public anger. Regarding the matter of the lieutenant general, I am also not convinced by the ruling of the royal family.”

"The rabble." Emperor Hea commented coldly.

Then he asked, "Is there any action on Ji Shanhong's side?"

"Not yet. Marshal Ji doesn't seem to pay much attention to Harris, and he doesn't even ask."

The Great Emperor Hea chuckled lightly, "Don't pay attention?" He stretched his body slightly and stood up from his chair, "Do you think the public will really pay so much attention to a lieutenant general? Is it about being dismissed for investigation?" The Chinese clothes were loose, and it seemed that Emperor Hea was a little thin, but no one dared to despise him.

"Ji Shanhong, the fox, check the tour carefully. The identity of the organizer behind the tour."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The Minister of Public Relations hesitated for a moment and asked, "Your Majesty, on the side of the people, do we need to take any measures?"

Tour. The identity of the organizer behind the trip has to be checked.

However, Emperor Hea said: "It's all about Harris, the royal family, if I remember well, talking about the royal family can be punished as a crime."

The Minister of Public Relations immediately understood the meaning of Emperor Hea's words, and he anxiously wanted to stop it, "But, Your Majesty..." How can public opinion be suppressed by force?

Hea the Great didn't let him finish his words, his contemptuous expression was full of arrogance, "I ordered the disbandment of all parades. Let the chiefs of security in various places be in charge, but a group of chickens without restraint Civilians of the power, how much do you want to be useless?"

The Duke of Zena next to him said quickly: "Your Majesty, when dealing with such a mob, as long as you make them suffer, they will naturally not dare to come forward." Seeing the expression on Emperor Hea's face Her expression softened a little, and she changed her words, "I have a suggestion for this."

The Great Emperor Hea raised his eyebrows, then slowly sat back to his position, "You said."

Duke Zena said: "We naturally don't need to pay attention to the public opinion, otherwise, where is the majesty of the royal family? It's just... If the royal family can make some positive statements on this matter, the people will I will definitely praise your majesty for his wiseness."

She gently persuaded: "The royal family only needs to announce the suspension of the crown prince's election, and will investigate the matter of the two royal highnesses in detail."

"In this way, if the people still insist on marching, they must be outlaws who want to deliberately disturb the public order and endanger the safety of the people, so it is more reasonable to arrest and convict."

At this moment, Ji Cheying knew what happened last night.

He was sitting on the soft sofa in the living room, his back was straight by habit, but he didn't look stiff, he just felt upright. Ji Cheying half-closed his eyes, the crow-like eyelashes like a curtain covering the thoughts in his eyes tightly.

That heroic profile is like a sculpture in an art gallery, a work of art.

His fingers clasped on his legs and tapped lightly. With such an unhurried rhythm, the thoughts in his mind were gradually sorted out.

Unlike others, for what happened last night, his focus was not on the two princes, or even the injured prince.

On another person.

The turmoil last night could not have been a coincidence.

Someone must be driving this.

And that person is definitely not in the center of the stage.

He stood in the shadow of the stage lights and silently designed everything.

But what is his purpose?

It's Xie Quan.

Yan Siyu left long ago.

He got up from the sofa and strode downstairs. Xie Quan's room did not close the door. As long as he stood in the corridor, he could see him sitting in the wheelchair, looking into the void, looking a little lonely.

Ji Cheying's heart suddenly bluntly pierced.

He raised his hand and knocked on the door without hesitation.

Xie Quan looked in Ji Cheying's direction, that face was indeed very similar to the man in the photo.

Even if you look at it like this, you can tell that there must be a deep relationship between the two.

Ji Cheying suddenly remembered Xie Quan's familiarity with aristocratic dining etiquette in the restaurant before.

It must be nurtured from a young age, and rigorous training can be engraved into the bone marrow.

As soon as Xie Quan's pheromone came out yesterday, he realized that Xie Quan was not just an Omega, his pheromone was extremely pure, he must be a high-level Omega.

How come he never thought that Xie Quan might be related to the royal family?

"Your friend is gone?"

Seeing that Ji Cheying didn't speak for a long time after knocking on the door, Xie Quan simply took the initiative to speak, breaking the strange silence between them.

"Well, let's go." Ji Cheying replied, staring at Xie Quan, he sighed, and he didn't know what determination he made, he slowly and solemnly took a step towards Xie Quan.

"Your situation, he told me, then we will find a way to get you equipment to treat your eyes and legs."

Xie Quan nodded, "Excuse me."

Warmly smoked away, a little less cold and a little more tender.

And he was wrapped in such a smell, which made Ji Cheying feel warm and happy unconsciously.

Seeing my Omega makes me happy.

But this is the cold-hearted Xie Quan.

Even this mark is nothing but Xie Quan's 'once and for all' solution to solve the accompanying ailments.

Thinking of this, Ji Cheying felt that her joy was ridiculous.

But none of that matters right now.

Ji Cheying finally approached Xie Quan, his knees that never bend down easily touched the ground. He was half-kneeling and looked at the young man in the wheelchair, leaning on the handle of the wheelchair, with a slight distance from Xie Quan's hand, he could feel each other's temperature, but did not touch each other.

His voice was calm and a little soft, so it could be seen that he was not trying to scare people, but he looked as gentle as a bird and a butterfly in fear.

He didn't hesitate much, and asked bluntly: "Xie Quan, what is your relationship with the royal family?"

Xie Quan frowned.

Ji Cheying didn't stop, he asked again, "What's your relationship with Ji Shanhong?"

The author has something to say:In general, for the transition chapter, I am stuck on QAQ.

Watch the Age of Awakening, it's really nice.


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