Under an explanation,Anna finally calmed down. Although there is still a lot of anger in her heart, she also realizes that what she needs to do now is to restore her vision and mobility according to Xie Quan's plan.

Otherwise, in such a state, it would be really difficult for them to escape.

"I seem to have seen the laboratory you mentioned.There are some people guarding it nearby,It should be where the instruments are." Anna looked at Xie Quan, who was in a wheelchair, looked at Sophia next to her, she judged: "It would be inconvenient for you to go there together,I went over to deal with the people first, and then you come back."

"Have you seen it?" Xie Quan asked suddenly.

Anna nodded,"I took a look from a distance in a corner when I just came from outside, I saw someone guarding in the dark,I thought it was You are in there."

Xie Quan was suddenly silent.

Anna tilted her head, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"How many people are there?"

"About ten or so."

Xie Quan frowned,he asked again: "Anna,How did you know I was here?"

Although Anna didn't know what she meant,but she answered succinctly: "We monitored your locker at the Imperial Bank, and someone took your key a few days ago. To get something, we followed it all the way."

"What was the situation?"

"The specific situation... Just an Alpha came out of the Imperial Bank with something,Then walked for a while, got on a black hover car, and the hover car drove directly into this house... that's it."

Come here, but it is not safe here after all, not to mention that they have to treat Xie Quan first, there is really not much time to delay.

However, Xie Quan said in a cold and decisive voice at this moment: "Anna,You leave quickly."

Ana and Sophia were both suspicious and startled, "Why?"

Anna said with great disapproval, "Why should I leave? What do you do when I leave? Are you not leaving with me?"

Sophia also helped: "Yes, Mr. Yan, if Miss Anna is gone, it will be more difficult for the two of us to escape."

However, in the face of Anna's question, Xie Quan answered decisively: "Don't delay, you hurry up, they are deliberately tempting you to come here."

Before he and Sophia left the bedroom, there were only a few guards nearby, and it was easy to escape.

He thought that it might be because of the banquet, and the people were transferred away, not to mention that he is still a blind man who can't walk on his own, and they are not so defensive about him. Original.

But just now Anna mentioned that there are many people guarding the vicinity of the laboratory.

That would be a contradiction.

If he wasn't on guard, he shouldn't be so heavily guarded outside the lab.

They guarded the laboratory because they were afraid that someone would enter.

But in this house, who else would want to break in except him?

The man kept no one outside his room in order to lure him out.

But he was afraid that he really entered the laboratory and released the control of his body, so he still had people guarding the laboratory in the dark.

And what Anna described about the scene they were tracking at the time also confirmed this conjecture.

Although Xie Quan told 'Rod' the location of his safe key at the beginning, the purpose was to make him alert Anna and others, so that Anna and the others could follow.

But the process should never be that simple.

Judging from the experience of dealing with 'Rod' these days, this person is sinister and sinister, and he is extremely worried about revealing his identity. Even the people who waited in the house did not know his name and identity.

How could someone like this reveal the location of their mansion so easily?

I'm afraid he just wants to use this as a bait to attract people.

Anna was stunned for a moment, she frowned, and she didn't feel too surprised by the possibility that Xie Quan proposed. This feeling of 'not surprised' made me even more shocked.

It turned out that deep in her heart, she didn't want to believe that everything would be so easy.

But what? She still didn't want to leave.

"Even if they have an ambush, I'll take you away—"

"Don't be self-willed." Xie Quan was not carried away by Anna's desperate 'friendship'.

"Since there is an ambush, it is not something you can handle alone. Leave here now and be ready to come back."

"..." Although Anna was unwilling, she calmed down when she saw Xie Quan's eyes. His eyes faded from emotion after being blind, and he showed his coldness like hard ice that doesn't melt easily.

It seems that no matter when, he can always look at everything so calmly, even if he is in the game.

"Go before they do."

Anna's hands hanging by her side were loose and tight, and finally she bit her lip and nodded, "You wait for me, I will definitely come back."

Although Xie Quan couldn't see it, he could still hear Anna's footsteps moving away, agile and light, like a cat.

Listening to the sound of the footsteps gradually disappearing, Xie Quan's brows gradually loosened, but Sophia, who was standing behind Xie Quan, was very flustered, "Mr. That Yan, what should we do now?"

"Go back." Xie Quan replied.

"Go back?"

Xie Quan nodded, since he knew that the other party had set a trap ahead, no matter what plan he had before, it was impossible to implement it today.

Xie Quan asked, "Xiao Bai, go back to the bedroom."

Xiaobai's innocent and innocent voice sounded from the wheelchair's control panel, "Okay! Mr. Yan!"

"Mr. Yan! Turn left ahead!"

"Go straight!"


"Further right!"

"..." Sophia suddenly stopped, "Mr. Yan." She said hesitantly.

"What's wrong?"

"Is this way...is it wrong?"

Xie Quan's wheelchair did not stop, and was still rolling forward slowly.

And Sophia looked at the heavy door ahead, her eyes widened, and she muttered: "This is not your bedroom, and this is not the way to your bedroom—"

Xie Quan was stunned for a moment, and then his brows frowned.

The reason is very simple, this wheelchair is not listening to its own instructions at all.

At this time, Xiaobai's voice was still resounding, "Go forward! Go forward! The door is open!"

Like the 'Open Sesame' in a fairy tale, the cold and heavy door actually opened with Xiaobai's voice.

And Sophia's trembling voice also sounded again after a short silence.

"Mr. Yan...this is not a bedroom...this is...a laboratory."

Not the lab they went to in the first place, but another lab.

A room that no servant wants to approach.

In that laboratory, on the pale and cold floor lay Anna who should have just left safely. At this moment, her hands were tied behind her back, and she fell unconscious on the ground.

Xie Quan couldn't see it, he only felt a coldness that hit him.

This coldness came from the front and also from his heart.

Although he couldn't see it, he still seemed to see a huge net unfolding in front of him, tightly wrapping himself.

This moment of panic was something he hadn't felt for a long time, even when his life was in danger before, he never panicked.

But at this moment, he found that his artificial intelligence Xiaobai had betrayed him, and a huge wave turned up in his heart.

He has always relied on his works, because machines do not deceive people, and intelligent systems always act according to the programs engraved in them.

Now, his artificial intelligence has been tampered with the program and betrayed himself.

He suddenly became a little confused.

What should he do?

At this moment, a pair of hands suddenly grabbed the handle of his wheelchair from behind—

The author has something to say:I will say, I am very busy on weekends.



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