During the confrontation between Bessie Mo and Xie Quan,Ding Fei was watching the fun all the time.

At first she was admitted as a Beta,also received a lot of contempt,Later as her strength in the mechanical profession gradually showed,and with excellent No one has ever mocked her gender in front of her since she was awarded the badge of honor.

But she knew,Bessimer these Alphas still looked down on Beta, and Bessimer even felt insulted that one of her Betas could be on an equal footing with him.

It's really tolerable and unbearable.

She turned her head and assured Xie Quan: "Don't worry,I will never let you lose."

Xie Quan: "…"

Xie Quan looked at the growing crowd of onlookers and listened to the broken words whispering in their ears,he began to wander numbly.

Why did this happen?

Where did I start wrong?

From the time he couldn't help but come out to make a clearance?

No, it should start with entering this auditorium with that Miss Lilith—

He turned his gaze to the Miss Lilith,the pretty little girl stared blankly at the crowd around,faced him After looking away,a pair of watery eyes were full of regrets and worries,

He sighed heavily in his heart.

This is the end, what else can I do?

Anyway, it's the comparison of the two of them,It's enough for him to watch.


Although it is inexplicable, after all, it is the competition that determines the future number one of the Mechanical Academy, and it must not be treated arbitrarily.

Many participating students have given up this week's regular season in order to watch the show,Of course there are also many students who want to compete with Bessie Mo and Ding Fei Ready to show off your talents.

After thinking about it, the members of the student council of the School of Mechanical Engineering hurriedly ran to discuss with the professor, to see if they wanted to revise the rules or something.

The professor who was sitting as the referee today thought for a while and directly sent a message to the professor group of the School of Mechanical Engineering.

[Professor Elaine, Professor Morrison, your two students will compete in the regular season. 】

Among these two students, the only ones who deserve to be said in the professor group are the two future stars in the mechanical field.

Professor Elaine is Ding Fei's tutor, and Professor Morrison is Bessemer's tutor.

When these two professors heard it, they stopped sitting in their office out of curiosity and guarding their cubs, and appeared in the auditorium in unison.

These two professors definitely can't be judges, so two more professors are watching the fun and don't think it's a big deal, so they volunteered to be judges.

So, in a regular season, five professors gathered.

Student: Are professors so busy?

Professor: Professors are also people, and professors also like to watch theatre.

With so many professors around, this unusual regular season becomes even more compelling.

Think about it! If you perform well in this competition and are accepted as a student by a professor, then you will not have to worry about your academic and professional career in the future!

The number of participants, which had been reduced, increased sharply, and even attracted many students from other colleges.

Some people come to watch the show, and some people want to participate in the competition. After all, there are students in other colleges who want to transfer to the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

The students from the student council looked at the mess, pondered and restarted the game.

All previous competitions will be cancelled, and the candidates will be officially re-registered from now on, and then the competition will officially start in two hours!

With preparation time, the competition becomes more formal.

Other professors who were okay also decided to come and watch the game.

The game was spread around the school in an instant.

The only thing that has not been affected is probably the mecha class that Ji Cheying is taking now.

After all, a group of people were trained to death in the training room, and there was no chance at all to watch gossip.

The silver-white three-meter-tall humanoid mecha stood valiantly on the training ground.

There are so many mechs, but none of them can touch each other.

The students' combat uniforms that were replaced next to them seemed to have been soaked in water. They took a towel and wiped off their sweat. They looked at the tireless mecha on the training ground with admiration.

"As expected of the youngest five-star major general ever."

A student sighed in disbelief: "Will he not be tired?" You must know that operating the mecha requires extremely high physical and mental strength.

"From the beginning to now, no one has been able to touch him. It's terrible."

The student gasped and said with a bit of happiness: "Fortunately, fortunately, it is not the same class with him."

The other person nodded in agreement, "I heard that in those days, Major General Ji raised the entire school's grading line with one person."

"He's alone?"

"Because his score was too high, the students in their class worked hard to catch up, and they directly became the best class of students since the establishment of the school." That The student smacked his lips and said, "The newcomers in the military and the imperial government are basically from that class. They are called the god-like S17 class."

swallowed and watched the silver-white mecha on the training ground no longer evade, the long sword and firearms switched without stagnation like flowing water, and then neatly dismissed the Those mechs fell to the ground one after another.

The student said in admiration and fear: "It's the hellish S17 class."

The silver-white mecha stood there like a sharp sword stuck on the ground, the mecha cockpit was opened, and Ji Cheying, who was wearing a combat uniform, did not use the mecha’s lifting measures at all. The cabin jumped down.

Landing steadily on the ground, he pushed his wet forehead back with one hand, and wiped off the sweat with his hand. Time, he said, "Here today."

The training ground was full of cheers.

The coach who had been watching next to him walked forward with a towel contentedly, "Cheying, it's hard work, the military affairs are busy, please make this trip."

Ji Cheying took the towel and said respectfully: "Teacher is serious, because I just returned to the imperial capital recently, things are going well, and I also need training in the military, so it's not too much trouble to come and help. "

The coach was named Corey, who was Ji Cheying's mecha coach when he was a student at the time. This time, it was because of his request that Ji Cheying returned to the school to train the students of the mecha department.

Hands behind, Corey and Ji Cheying walked outside the training ground and said casually: "You were sent to Noai City by His Majesty a few months ago, I guess something happened The situation, but fortunately you can return safely, but when you come back at this time, I don’t know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing for you.”

Ji Cheying looked straight ahead without squinting, and after the mecha battle for more than two hours, he was still in good spirits and calm, "I made the teacher worry, but please rest assured, I know what I have in mind. ."

Corey nodded, "You can count." After speaking, Corey suddenly noticed that the students who should have been exhausted after the exercise suddenly became noisy, he raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then became angry He asked fully, "I see that you are quite energetic, why don't you practice for a while?"

The students froze, not knowing what to do.

If they practice for a while as the coach said, they will be really tired again.

One of the students struggled and said, "No, we just suddenly saw a news from the school."

Corey asked, "What news?"

Seeing that Corey's attention seemed to be attracted by the news, the student raised his spirit and replied: "The regular season of the Mechanical Academy has restarted, and now everyone is signing up."

Corey frowned, "The regular season is worth all the fuss about you here?"

He rolled his eyes, saw Ji Cheying standing next to him, and sighed in his heart, it was too far.

The students quickly defended themselves, "This time is quite special. Many professors from the Department of Mechanical Engineering will be present, and several honorary students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering will participate."

Standing beside Ji Cheying frowned slightly, for some reason, he had a strange premonition in his heart.

Corey thought he was talking about the military affairs, so he waved his hand cheerfully, "Go get busy."

Ji Che-ying nodded, turned and strode towards the locker room.

Sitting numbly in the competition area of ​​the auditorium, Xie Quan had no idea at this moment that this game had attracted the attention of the whole school.

He sat obediently on the bench, motionless.

Ding Fei was in charge of all registration and materials.

Although she is a female Beta, as a mechanical student, she often has to move some metal equipment up and down, and her arm strength is naturally exercised.

Move the five boxes of materials to Xie Quan's location, this is where they will build their works!

Ding Fei didn't think there was anything wrong with Xie Quan sitting there doing nothing. In her opinion, Xie Quan was a soy sauce player in this game. She rolled up her sleeves and Bending down and starting to unpack, she said, "You will help me later. You don't need to do anything complicated, just hand me something." At this point, she straightened up, stared at Xie Quan, and grabbed her hands. He took a handful of parts and brought them to Xie Quan, and asked a little worriedly: "You... should know the model of the screw?"

If you don't even know this, it will be very troublesome to hand over the materials!

Fortunately, Xie Quan nodded.

Ding Fei breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately, she asked again, "Do you recognize all the tools?" She took out several fine irons of various shapes from the box, "Do you recognize these ?"

Xie Quan nodded, then said fluently from left to right: "Single-hole square beam, 0.33mm triangular connecting piece, 413 double-hole connecting rod, 0707 single-hole beam, chip connecting plate. "

Ding Fei blinked, and then praised: "You are not bad! Have you studied mechanics?" She thought the other party was a complete novice.

Xie Quan pondered for a while, then said flatly: "I understand a little."

I thought that the other party would know nothing, but I didn't want to have some mechanical foundation. Even if I only knew a little, I would be very lucky!

Ding Fei put those materials back in the box, then patted her chest and said, "It doesn't matter, with me, I won't lose."

Seeing the girl's promise, Xie Quan temporarily asked, "What are you going to do?"

Such a short game will not have time to do detailed design and draw plans, which requires mechanics to have an excellent overall view in mechanical construction and excellent detail control ability.

This is very strict on the comprehensive ability of the mechanic.

Although the competition has resumed, Bessie Mo and his works have been completed nearly half before, which is a great advantage. They are more familiar with the materials in the box and have previous experience in building. Have more control over the design of the work.

But Concubine Ding is different, Concubine Ding is really starting from scratch.

Ding Fei is not unaware that she is in a weak position, but she is confident enough in her strength.

Because in order to exercise herself, she often takes a random pile of materials to practice building.

She looked at these five boxes of things, and if she wanted to beat Bessie Mo, those ordinary things would definitely not work, she thought for a while, "Beast-shaped mecha power compartment."

overall capability.

Designing and building a mecha power cabin is the most straightforward way to show your strength in a short time.

Of course, what Ding Fei said was not a real power cabin, but a reduced version. After all, these materials and tools are not enough to build a real powerhouse.

But even if it is a model, building a power cabin is a project that ordinary students dare not challenge. In fact, Ding Fei is not sure, she even thought that she would be discouraged by the other party after she said it.

But I didn't want to, the handsome young man's expression didn't change at all after listening to it, he just nodded lightly, there was an inexplicable reassuring power in his soft voice, "It's good Yes, the power compartment is great for racing."

The author has something to say:Another chapter 3800! I'm great! Got it, got it, you all want to watch the double update.

Yesterday, a little angel said that if you don't update quickly, you will only be fattened when school starts, me:! !

You managed to scare the author.

Alright alright, working hard.

This is the author's Weibo: Feitang_s.mile, (remove.) Welcome to play with the author, although there is nothing yet hh


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