Two people and a robot walked into the house. The house didn't look like a clinic, but a normal apartment, but the familiar smell of disinfectant in the air made Ji Cheying's brows slightly loose some.

Go to a room inside, open the door, the woman turns on the light, the room is quite spacious, there are some medical equipment, medicine cabinets, etc., and even expensive professional medical equipment.

The woman temporarily took off her coat, put on a white coat, and then put on gloves, "What's the situation?"

Ji Cheying leaned against the door and looked at them, Xie Quan was facing him at the moment.

Xie Quan lifted the fabric of his abdomen, exposing the terrifying bruise on his abdomen, he said succinctly: "Check if there is any internal organ rupture."

Ruptured internal organs? !

As soon as Ji Cheying heard this, her body leaning against the door immediately stood up.

He strode to Xie Quan's side, and saw the terrifying bruise mottle on his lean abdomen, the area was the size of his two palms, and some places were even almost black.

Is that why he was holding his stomach before?

"Why didn't you say you were hurt so badly?" His voice was tense.

Seeing him, Xie Quan put down his clothes and covered the wound. He corrected: "You can only know if it is serious after inspection."

Ji Cheying took a deep breath and was about to say something, but noticed a searchlight-like sight that made him turn his head uncomfortably, and saw the woman looking at them with interest .

When the woman saw him, she shrugged, "Don't look at me, you continue." Then she turned around and sighed with emotion while preparing the equipment for inspection, "Little couple, it's really annoying."

Xie Quan was lying on the examination chair, the woman pulled the illuminator over to point it at his abdomen, while Ji Cheying hugged his arm, tapped his arm with his fingers, and stared at him blankly.

The woman first pressed Xie Quan's abdomen with her hands and saw him frown. She said, "You are quite calm when there is a possibility of internal organ rupture." Her lips twitched badly , "If you get infected, you will die."

Xie Quan said calmly: "I'm not dead yet, what are you afraid of."

The woman stared at Xie Quan's face, "You look good, sleep with me one night, how about I waive your medical bills?"

"Cough." Ji Cheying coughed heavily.

The woman turned her head and raised her eyebrows seductively, "You can join too, I don't mind."

Ji Cheying glared angrily, he turned his head and looked to the side, this small medical room obviously also undertakes tasks such as surgery, and there are surgical tools in the cabinet next to him, even a roller next to him There was also a row of scalpels neatly arranged in the car.

Seeing those scalpels, Ji Cheying suddenly remembered the wound inspection report that Henry brought before. The medical device that caused the wound on the victim's head is different from the regular device circulating in the market.

He picked up a handful.

"Sir, just watch and don't move." The woman warned in a light tone.

Ji Cheying put down the scalpel and asked, "Where did you get these instruments?"

The woman started the machine and raised her eyebrows, "What, comrade?"

"No, just curious."

Slippery, revealing her honey-colored thighs, "Why did you come to see a doctor here?"

Xie Quan, who was lying on the bed at this time, suddenly said, "I thought you should know what to ask and what not to ask."

The woman turned her gaze back to Xie Quan, "This gentleman didn't understand the rules first."

Xie Quan said: "It will be included in the medical expenses."

The woman pursed her lips, and then said cheerfully: "There is a medicine smuggler. He has access to unregistered medical equipment and medicines. As far as I know, the black people in Noai City No matter where the clinic goes to buy things, the supply comes from him."

Ji Cheying frowned, "Don't the police know him?"

The woman looked at the image obtained on the display screen and replied casually: "Every place has its own rules, and Noai City also has its own rules, and he has channels to get those Things, naturally there are ways to keep themselves from being discovered.”

Pushing the irradiator away, the woman said: "There was a slight rupture in the liver, but it did not cause a complete rupture of the capsule of the solid organ. It can recover on its own with more bed rest."

Hearing this, Ji Cheying's heart relaxed a little.

The woman stood up, took some pills and medicines from her medicine cabinet, "You can go after you pay." After speaking, she yawned, "I'm going back to sleep. already."

This kind of black clinic has always been expensive to see a doctor, Ji Cheying walked up to prepare to pay, but Xie Quan had already taken out the light brain from his pocket to complete the payment.

The woman looked a little surprised at the amount.

Because she received an extra amount of money.

But she certainly wouldn't think it was Xie Quan's kindness to give a 'tip'.

At this moment, there was the sound of things falling in the living room. The woman and Xie Quan turned to look, Ji Cheying walked to the corridor to confirm, "It's Xiaobai, I'll go take a look."

"Xiaobai?" The woman frowned.

"My robot." Xie Quan replied simply.

The woman shrugged and didn't pay more attention to the matter, just asked, "So sir, do you want any more service?" She winked her eyes ambiguous.

Ji Cheying restored the thing Xiaobai knocked off, and was about to go back to find Xie Quan, but at this time Xie Quan had come out with the thing.

The woman followed behind Xie Quan and asked, "Are you really not considering staying for one night? I promise you will enjoy it."

Ji Cheying's temple jumped and strode forward, avoiding the place where Xie Quan's wrist was injured, he pulled Xie Quan, "Let's go."

"Tsk, that's stingy. Let's go, and remember to close the door when you go out."

Going outside, the group of gangsters smoking on the road are still there, the taxi can't get in here, Xie Quan and the others can only go back to the previous place and leave by car.

He used a little force, Ji Cheying was stunned for a moment, and released his hand slightly, and Xie Quan immediately took the opportunity to retract his hand.

When I got back there, the taxi I ordered in advance was already there.

Carrying Xiaobai into the car again, Ji Cheying just got into the car.

The vehicle drove smoothly towards their apartment.

This long day is finally coming to an end.

In the vehicle full of Xiaobai chattering navigation sounds, Xie Quan suddenly asked, "How do you know that something happened to me?"

Ji Cheying was sitting next to Xie Quan, he turned to look at him, and found that Xie Quan was looking out the window.

"It was Xie Yi who called the police. Xie Yi said that he saw you being taken away at the entrance of the hotel. After returning to the apartment, he waited for a while and found that you hadn't returned, so he called the police."

"Xie Yi?" Xie Quan turned his head in surprise.

"He seems to be looking for you for something, I don't know the specifics."

Xie Quan tilted his head, "Then how did you find me?"

Ji Cheying replied casually: "The police have their own tracking methods."

Xiaobai imitated the voice of the navigation and said: "Turn left ahead, there are still 2.6 kilometers to the destination!"

The street lights outside the window formed a water-like light strip, which sparkled in Xie Quan's eyes.

Ji Cheying looked at Xie Quan and asked, "I have a question for you too."


Ji Cheying asked the question that had been lingering in her mind, "You seem to be familiar with that kind of place, why?"

Not just red. From the light district and the attitude of communicating with the woman, it can be seen that Xie Quan is very familiar with the rules of this underground world.

The woman could see that he was not from the underground world, but she never said that Xie Quan was not.

And Xie Quan didn't seem to take the expensive medical fees in his eyes.

Of course, these are just another brick on the matter of 'Xie Quan is unusual'.

Ji Cheying knew that Xie Quan was unusual, and he also confirmed this from surveillance video and various aspects. But whenever he has begun to accept it, he always finds that Xie Quan seems to be more unusual than he thought before.

The love and ability of the robot is beyond ordinary people.

Familiar with noble etiquette.

Now you know the rules of the underworld.

However, the identity of such a person in the data book is just a poor nephew whose property has been embezzled?

Xie Quan didn't seem surprised by Ji Cheying's question, and his expression was still calm.

He replied indifferently: "Because, I have a secret."

After a pause, he looked at Ji Cheying and continued: "And you also have secrets."

Then Xie Quan took out a note from his pocket and handed it to Ji Cheying.

Ji Cheying reached out and took the note, opened it, and found a name and a string of addresses on it.

He frowned and looked up at Xie Quan.

At this time, he had a guess in his heart, but he did not speak.

He guessed that this was the name and address of the person who could provide the illegal medical equipment that the woman said.

What did Xie Quan know?

At this time, Xiaobai cheered: "We have arrived at the destination, please bring your personal belongings and the robot to get off!"

Xie Quan opened the door.

Maybe it's time to think about moving.

The author has something to say:

Pre-receive "Apart from the prophecy, I will have a million points"

As the only remaining seed of the Wen family in the metaphysics family, Wenluo has studied gossip, Fengshui and astrology since childhood.


Although the quality of the prophecy is worrying, Wen Luo is very familiar with making the prophecy come true manually.

It is predicted that the villain will have a **** disaster within half a month.

—It's okay, just put on a glove sack and beat yourself up.

Foretelling that a singer's good things are coming, but the singer's boyfriend is exposed to cheating?

—It’s okay, write a song to make the singer popular, good thing!

Wen·All skills except prophecy·Luo: Don't worry, my prophecy is very accurate!

Everyone: …? ? ? ? ? Can you still play like this?


Wen Luo said: That's not it, man will conquer the sky!

It's just like he predicted that the metaphysician genius would be lonely for a lifetime, but he accidentally fell asleep that night, and immediately got up and ran away the next day!

Are you going to run again?

Wen Luo: … Why did you come out too? !

Zhou Yijue: Oh, what do you think?


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