138 Seeing the host like this, he also hid and didn't dare to say anything

, he forced Aoba to take it away, and now the old couple of the Zhou family are gone, and there is also part of the reason for it, and after Aoba walked out of the courtyard in despair, he was seen by the woman of the neighbor's house next to

him, and saw that someone came out of the Zhou family, the woman was suspicious, and after taking a closer look at Aoba's appearance,

she exclaimed in disbelief: "Are you

Lao Zhou's son Qingye?!Oh, we all thought you were missing, but we didn't expect you to come back!" The woman's voice attracted several families nearby, and after seeing that the young man was really Zhou Qingye, they all showed surprise

, "It's really Xiao Zhou! Didn't the police say that he was missing?!" "

That's right, back then, Lao Zhou and his family went to the city to go through the formalities for their son! I heard that Xiao Zhou's company also lost a lot of money to them!"

No, he should be nearly forty this year, why

is he still so young, he can't be Xiao Zhou's son!" "No, my son can't be born so similar, it should be him, you don't understand, the beauty industry is very developed in big cities now, Xiao Zhou must often go to the plastic surgery hospital

for beauty!" When the women next to them heard this, they couldn't help but yearn for the future, when they have money, they will also go to the big city for beauty

Aoba heard the neighbor's words, and showed embarrassment on his face, but it was not easy to explain, but

the woman who recognized Aoba was the first to say: "Go and go, what are you talking about, people Xiao Zhou is naturally beautiful, he has been different from our countrymen since he was a child, and he has always been so handsome, you haven't seen it!"

After dispersing the several families who were watching the excitement, the woman invited Aoba into her house, and then poured a glass of water for Aoba,

" Xiao Zhou, do your parents know about your return?"

Hearing the woman's question, Aoba was overjoyed, could it be ......

"Auntie, do you mean that my parents are still ......

" the woman was also stunned when she heard this, "You don't think that Lao Zhou and them are ...... Also, you can call me Auntie as before, what is Auntie, I'm not Xi to it

," Aoba obediently changed his words: "Lady, I just came back, I don't know much about the situation, do you know, where are my parents

now?" "You know, just the second year after your accident, Lao Zhou and his family were picked up by his niece from the provincial capital

," "Niece?" "Niece?" Aoba was puzzled, he hadn't heard the old couple mention what niece he had,

"That's right, we were also puzzled at the time, and then we heard Lao Zhou say that the girl was

his sister's child born outside," "Auntie's child?" Aoba was even more puzzled, he didn't know that Zhou Qingye actually had an aunt

, "That's all a long time, Lao Zhou did have a younger sister back then, but he went outside after going to college, and he never came back,"

the old woman said very specifically, and Aoba listened very carefully

It turned out that Zhou's father's sister went to college in other places decades ago, but then slowly cut off contact with her

family, and later in the second year of Zhou Qingye's accident, a young woman who claimed to be the daughter of Aunt Zhou's found the Zhou family

, and after understanding their current situation, she offered to take care of their old couple

Later, women often came to see them, and took good care of them, seeing that there was no news from their son

, the old couple was relieved, and went to the provincial capital with the woman, Aoba heard the words and asked the woman, the old couple's current address, after getting the address

, they said goodbye to the old woman, and when they left, Aoba also quietly left a string of beads for the woman, and the aura on it can make the old man's body better and better

After sending Aoba out the door, the woman returned to the house and saw a string of beads suddenly appear on the table, this string of turquoise beads was crystal clear, and there was a faint fluorescence on it,

"Oops! This is ...... Xiao Zhou, you have forgotten something here!

" The woman shouted and went out, but it was the time of this meeting, and the green leaves who had just walked out of the door were nowhere

to be seen, "This child, go so fast!" the woman muttered

, helpless, so she had to put the things away first, thinking that the next time she saw Aoba, she would return the things to him

It's just that the woman waited for decades, until she died, she didn't know that she could live to be more than 150 years old, all because she wore this string of green beads closely

, before dying, she warned her children and grandchildren that if the Zhou family came back in the future, they must pay respect, because their family has a fairy .......

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