The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 319: Development of Western Plaguelands

Azeroth has many so-called bounty hunters, and even more adventurers and mercenaries.

They are all free from the law and the country, have their own set of ways of doing things, and live a life of being drunk today.

In the final analysis, it is still a question of war.

There are too many wars, too often.

There is no doctor here to treat soldiers with Stress Traumatic Disorder Syndrome, which cannot be cured by holy light, nature, or elements!

Many soldiers have retired from active service and are unwilling to go home to farm. What should we do? They became mercenaries and continued to live the life of licking blood with knives.

Humans, dwarves, gnomes, and blood elves all have such characters. They either do not exist in official records, or they are simply missing persons. Among them, humans are mostly soldiers who have participated in wars, and the rest of the races are Some civilians with good martial arts standards.

Vanessa likes this group of people. As long as the news is released and a few lucky people who found supplies and coins are set up as models, the large-scale development of the Western Plaguelands will officially begin.

The first came to eat meat, and the later ones couldn't even drink soup. In order to keep them motivated, Vanessa really spent a lot of thought.

"This is all wasteland, where can we find it!" A mercenary complained in the tavern.

"Yes, or you can give us a map." Quite a few people responded.

Those who come first take advantage of it. They mainly search for the large farms that are closer to Andorhal, and generally they can get a little bit of harvest. It is more difficult for those who come later. The key point is that they are not locals, and they don’t know which one is richer. The family is poor, and they run around like headless flies every day.

Soon, enthusiastic people who did not want to be named came to help point out the way.

"Young man, you are still too young. Let my old man teach you that the place where treasures are buried is particular. You should look for those buildings, those buildings with undead activities, understand?"

The mercenary wandered his mind twice, and suddenly realized: "Those rooms where there are undead wandering around, it means that they have not been discovered yet? There are precious treasures in there!"

The enthusiastic person had a remorseful expression on his face: "I can't do it anymore. If I hadn't been shot in the knee by an arrow, I would definitely look for it. Oh, my leg!"

"Thank you! I found the treasure and will definitely return your advice today!"

"Go, go, be careful, whoops, my legs"

Similar conversations spread among the mercenaries in the Western Plaguelands in a brutal way.

This caused this group of mercenaries to be happier seeing the undead than seeing their own father. They heard a word from the official channel of Lordaeron, thought it was very appropriate, and directly used it in their own actions. "Open up wasteland"!

It is definitely not good to deal with groups of undead soldiers with the martial arts level of mercenaries, but it is extremely good at dealing with those scattered, lonely and wild ghosts.

Under the guidance of enthusiastic people who do not want to be named, they all believe that where there are undead entrenched, there are treasures!

There is actually nothing wrong with this statement. After all, the presence of the undead means that the area must not have been searched by the pioneers, and the chances of finding the treasure will undoubtedly be higher.

This led some latecomers to go digging treasures in areas where the undead wandered.

The mercenaries brought their own dry food to help Lordaeron clear the undead, and then helped to demolish the abandoned houses that were contaminated with the power of the undead. Some people were dissatisfied with their harvest, and they would carry hoes and help turn over the fields. All are free!

With the help of these strong laborers, as long as Lordaeron occupies Andorhal, the situation in the entire region will not get out of control.

Lordaeron officials will use laws and regulations to make these gold diggers hand over more than half of their harvest, and the rest can be used in various cheap materials, such as meat pies, such as drinks, such as shovels, pants, etc. earn back.

Of course, some people are unwilling to accept this kind of exploitation. According to their understanding, the Western Plaguelands is so big and their legs grow on their own body. Can I run?

Once they tried to cross the mountains and leave the borders of Lordaeron, they would find themselves knocked to the ground by thieves who appeared from nowhere, and their harvest was swept away, and sometimes their lives were in danger.

According to Vanessa and the thieves, "Dare to evade taxes? You must be prepared to die!" What is the purpose of raising so many thieves? Isn't it just for this moment!

More people died, and the remaining mercenaries became more honest. Although the materials handed over were a bit too much, the work was not dangerous, but digging holes every day was more physically demanding.

Vanessa still has a conscience. Apart from cutting corners on clothes and shovels, in order to ensure that these well-meaning people have sufficient physical fitness, the ingredients sold are still quite heavy. Pork pies are delicious when eaten, and Luo Danlun officials also charge a cost price, and the same goes for drinks, which are cheaper than those sold outside.

This group of people can eat after taking off their work clothes, and after eating, they can search for treasures all over the mountains and plains. Lordaeron's logistics support work is definitely the first in the alliance and the first in Azeroth!

With the help of these strong laborers, Vanessa predicts that Lordaeron's Western Plaguelands development plan will last for about three months. These people will not only clear all the undead, but also help turn over the land. At that time, the farmers of Lordaeron can go directly to sow the seeds. Not to mention saving a lot of manpower and material resources, it can also fill the financial shortfall caused by the coronation ceremony!

Private vendors also saw the business opportunities They followed the official footsteps and joined the ranks of selling various daily necessities.

The city wall of Andorhal has not yet been repaired, but the business district has been established spontaneously.

After many mercenaries have money in their pockets, they are willing to come and spend it.

Vanessa even took advantage of the momentum to sell them. She seized a lot of Zerg equipment during the Battle of Ahn'Qiraj. Those weapons and armor were too weird and weird to use. It was really ugly to use by the human army.

Some inventory overstocks can also be sold.

"Look at this sword, isn't it sharp?" As a salesperson in the official flagship store, he was selling the weapons in his store to mercenaries.

This is a big sword transformed from the Zerg forelimbs. It is green and has barbs. It doesn't look very good, but it has to be said that it is really sharp. Cut a deep ditch.

"How much?"

"You really made a profit. Now is the discount period. This sword costs ninety-nine gold coins!"

"I want it!"

The salesman was very happy. The other party’s generosity earned him another commission. To express his gratitude, he kindly gave the other party a lucky rabbit’s foot

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