The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 100 Gift from the Ancient God

Sylvia didn't know how ugly Rupert Fitz's expression in Silvermoon Castle was now. All she cared about was the safety of those betrayed allies and subordinates.

After hearing Claudia's analysis, she felt more and more that the losses caused by this betrayal should be recoverable.

So she couldn't sit still any longer, and immediately decided to go back to the city now.

And the two church knights naturally followed. Although they could not participate in the secular power struggle because of the rules of the Orthodox Holy See, they were able to give Sylvie Ya provides protection.

On the contrary, the lady in black, Claudia, did not intend to leave now, but stayed in the hunting house.

Seeing Leo and Claudia alone in a remote mountain hut, Sylvia felt very uncomfortable in her heart, but now the business was important, she didn't say anything, and brought the two A knight of the Church left the hunting house quickly, as if out of sight and out of mind.

After Sylvia left, the kind of sex between men and women that Sylvia had in mind didn't happen in the hunting house.

After drinking a little hot drink, Claudia took out a blanket from the cabinet, spread it on the floor by the fireplace, and fell asleep like this.

Leo didn't take the extra person in the room seriously either, and leaned against the firewood pile by the fireplace, closing his eyes and meditating. In fact, his attention had already shifted to the personal data interface. The influence of the obtained ancient god gift on him.

Although the strength, agility, and physique also increased by a little bit of basic value, compared to the strength and agility that only reached nine points, with a little increase in the basic value, if measured by a physique that just crossed the threshold of ten points, this point The value of the basic value far exceeds the two basic values ​​of strength and agility.

Because he had reached eleven basic physical values, Leo's body had silently completed a life evolution, which was why Leo could clearly feel that his body was a little different.

Although the numerical value did not show the change of the body after evolution, Leo felt that his physical strength was not much like that of the president of Skull and Bones at that time, especially the defense of the body should not be weaker than that at that time. The president of the Skull and Bones Society, it may be difficult for ordinary people to use ordinary cold weapons to cause damage to his body.

This is not all the benefits obtained after the body evolves. Other benefits include the strengthening of the five senses such as vision and hearing, and the strengthening of internal organs, etc., but these benefits are nothing compared to the improvement of the chaotic stomach. .

Although the improvement of the chaotic stomach pouch this time has no effect on the absorption power of the stomach pouch, and it is still low, but the maximum energy storage of the stomach pouch has increased to one thousand, a full increase of five hundred points.

The change in the energy storage value of the chaotic stomach sac also allowed Leo to see the evolution method of this advanced biological organ, that is to let the body evolve as a whole and promote the evolution of the organs together.

It's just that the next big evolution of the body will not happen until the basic value of the physique exceeds 20 points. The basic value of these ten points, if you are lucky, can be accumulated quickly, if you are unlucky, it may take several years to complete the accumulation.

If the evolution of the body is just a surprise, then the substantial improvement of the basic value of will and spirit up to ten points should be regarded as the highlight of the gift from the ancient gods.

Because of the substantial base value increase this time, the psionic skills related to these two personal qualities have also been changed.

For example, after the basic value of will exceeds forty points, the activation time of the mechanical will skill is doubled to six minutes, while the cooldown time is reduced to twenty hours, which is Leo's biggest surprise.

As for the psychic control talent linked to the basic value of the spirit, the control precision level is automatically raised to the second level, and because the basic value of the spirit exceeds 30 points, he automatically evolves to the third level of psychic.

The most obvious change of becoming a third-level psychic is that Leo can more easily control the release of psychic energy. With a little practice, he can also create pure psychic attacks such as psychic shock waves.

Although this gift from the ancient gods did not bring about earth-shaking changes in Leo's whole person, the improvement in personal data still benefited him a lot.

It's just that he still keeps a respectful distance from Gemini's sacrificial knife mode in his heart, and has never thought of using the method of sacrifice to obtain gifts from the ancient gods to improve his strength.

This time, Leo felt that he was forcibly pulled into the subspace by the sacrificial knife. He was lucky that he was not noticed by the Lord of Chaos and Lightness. Otherwise, he would not be sure that his mechanical will could survive such a powerful creature. What role does it play in front of you.

So it is enough to go through this kind of thing once, and if you continue to go through it, sooner or later, the ship will capsize. At that time, it is unknown whether he can escape alive from the other party's gaze.

After learning about his own changes, Leo did not show any happy expression, always with a calm expression, just sitting by the fireplace, resting with his eyes closed, while controlling the shape of the spiritual energy in his hands, and soon One night passed.

After waking up in the morning, Leo and Claudia sorted out their belongings, and then left the hunting house directly, heading for the station outside the hunting ground.

Along the way, neither of them planned to talk. Leo simply didn't want to talk, and part of his energy was spent on training the precise control of psychic powers, while Claudia was a little scrupulous, and the look in Leo's eyes was even more More is a kind of examination and curiosity.

After finally getting on the train back to the city, Claudia, who put on her veil again, suddenly said to Leo in a nonchalant manner: "Longberg, you're scared!"

"What?" He spoke suddenly, and Leo, who was concentrating on controlling the psychic energy, froze for a moment. While dispelling the psychic energy in his hand, he looked at Claudia in confusion.

Claudia looked at Leo with interest, and said, "Outside Anne's hospital that day, Ljungberg was frightened by you, I have never seen Ljungberg behave like should I put it? Panic, fear, maybe a little bit, what did you say to him in that neighborhood park? Scared him like that."

Seeing the woman in front of him speak out his companion's embarrassment like this, Leo didn't know how to answer for a while, so he was silent for a while, and said: "It was he who was talking at the time, and I was just listening, but I moved The idea of ​​killing him, just like now."

As he spoke, Leo used the method of reverse spiritism to magnify his killing intent tenfold and directly passed it to Claudia, and Claudia immediately reacted instinctively to run away, and his body turned into a A group of black shadows, along the shadows connected to each other by the seats, instantly moved to the entrance and exit of the carriage farthest from Leo.

Fortunately, because it was early in the morning, there was no one else in this carriage except the two of them. Otherwise, seeing this shocking event would definitely cause a commotion.

Claudia, who was standing at the entrance and exit of the carriage, seemed unable to calm down for a long time. Although her face was covered by a veil, her expression could not be seen clearly, but from her undulating chest and her body that needed to hold on to the wall to stand firm, one could tell that She was terrified just now.

Seeing this scene, Leo felt that maybe it was because his psionic level broke through the third level yesterday, which changed the power of spiritism. Otherwise, the other party would not have such a huge reaction, and the other party still went through countless A practical night watchman.

Although Leo wanted to ask Claudia how he was feeling now, no matter how low his EQ was, he knew that now was definitely not the time to ask such a question, so he leaned back on the chair as before and turned his head to look out the window The ever-changing scene, silently training psionic control.

Claudia, who had gradually calmed down, seemed overly frightened, and looked at Leo with panic. Instead of choosing to sit next to Leo, she chose a seat near the door of the carriage and sat far away. Down.

I don't know if it was because of the fear of Leo, or because of her own troubles. At the first stop of the train entering the city, Claudia got off the train in a hurry, and disappeared into the station without looking back.

Leo still sat at the joint station of the three embassy districts including Megalica, and after getting off the bus, he went directly to the Sky Tower of Megalica, ready to see Emily's situation.

Compared to yesterday, the streets of Miria City seem to be a lot more tense today. From time to time, police officers can be seen patrolling the streets and interrogating every suspicious person.

People like Leo, who are obviously wearing weapons, are the focus of interrogation. He has just walked a block, and he has been interrogated twice.

Sensing that something was wrong, Leo waved to the newsboy leaning against the door of a store, bought three copies of the main morning newspapers of Miria City from him, and read them.

All the front pages of the newspapers are still reporting the news of the speaker's murder, and are also reporting on some precautionary measures taken by the Miria City Security Department. There seems to be nothing unusual about it.

It wasn't until he saw an inconspicuous place on the fourth page of the newspaper that there were many gangs fighting with the Skull and Bones in the XC area, vying for territory, and there were many unexplained conflicts in other urban areas of Miria City, etc., that he understood why The atmosphere in the city will be so tense today.

Obviously, when Sylvia returned to the city last night, she directly used the simplest and most brutal method to solve the crisis caused by the exposure of her subordinates and allies.

From Sylvia's point of view, since she was exposed, she should simply stand up and directly conflict with Rupert Fitz's people to make things worse. The underlying forces are all blocked, so that the two will return to the same starting point.

Judging from the newspapers and the atmosphere in the urban area today, the effect seems to be pretty good, but it only suppresses the bottom-level forces of both sides. How to protect and utilize the high-level allies of both sides may still require Sylvia to have a headache long time.

In order to avoid being stopped and interrogated again, Leo did not choose to walk, but stopped a high-end carriage and took the carriage to the Sky Tower.

Soon the carriage arrived at the Sky Tower. After Leo got off the car, he walked directly to the corridor in the Sky Tower. Although there were still guards at the entrance of the corridor, they didn't intercept him because they recognized Leo, and just sent a priest to lead the way.

At the door of Sylvia's room, two church knights stood on both sides of the door. When they saw Leo, they nodded to him as a greeting.

"Come in! The door is unlocked." Leo stepped forward and knocked on the door, but a man's voice came from inside.

Leo frowned, opened the door and walked in. In the room, Emily was still lying on the unknown animal skin, unconscious, but the person sitting next to Emily was a man, or more correctly, it might be a man.

Leo closed the door and said to this handsome man with a beautiful mustache, "What should I call you now? Sylvia, or Baron de Maupassant?"

"Is it so difficult that I can still see Sylvia's shadow?" Baron de Maupassant stood up, turned around in a circle, and said with a few fancy movements with a cane.

There was hesitation on Leo's face, because when Baron de Maupassant turned around, he used the spirit net to check the other's physical condition.

Although there is also a disturbing energy field in this room, because of the increase in the level of spiritual energy last night, he was able to inject more spiritual energy into the mental net to erase the influence of the disturbing energy field in a short time.

Because he only needed to check Baron de Maupassant's body and did not need to do anything else, Leo's spiritual energy was not consumed much.

And after scanning the mental network rebuilt last night, Leo found that Baron de Maupassant was a pure man, with a lot of parts that a man should have, and none of the parts that shouldn't have.

"You are not Sylvia, what is the relationship between you and Sylvia?" Leo was completely confused and couldn't help asking in a deep voice.

Baron Maupassant asked with interest: "Do you care about my relationship with Sylvia?"

Leo felt that the Baron Maupassant in front of him was really weird, and his behavior was very feminine. It was not the artificial femininity formed by the sissy of a man, but the posture and temperament of a woman in every gesture, but this Such a posture and temperament are extremely weird on a man.

After Leo frowned slightly, he said, "I'm just thinking about whether it's appropriate for Emily to stay here?"

Baron de Maupassant curled his lips in a feminine manner when he heard this, and said, "Don't worry, she's fine here, and the environment like the Sky Tower is very suitable for her recovery."

Leo stepped forward to check Emily's body, and found that her body organs had fully recovered, the only thing that was uncertain was whether her brain was damaged.

In addition, Leo didn't know if he had an illusion. He suddenly felt that today's Emily seemed much prettier than yesterday. For this reason, he took a closer look at Emily's face, not to mention Emily's other parts. The freckles all over the face are indeed much less, but there are only a few spots on the bridge of the nose and on both sides of the bridge of the nose.

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