As soon as get out of class ended, many students surrounded the bulletin board.

When everyone was looking for their own results, they couldn't help thinking of another purpose of this monthly exam, which was to select candidates for Fu Zhi's team.

Therefore, many people subconsciously look at the top ten rankings in the school.

But after watching it for a while, many people were stunned.

First place, Lu Yubai, with 708 points.

The second place, Xiang Yushen, scored 680 points.

Third place, Wu Liang, with 670 points.

Fourth place, Zhou Zihuai, 650 points.

Fifth place, Lu Chuwan, with 649 points.


Not only the top ten, but even the top three hundred did not have Fu Zhi's name!

[Fu Zhi took the first place in the exam, and his grades were zero in all subjects! 】

[No, I was in the last exam room, and I really saw her scribbling! 】

[The school got the grades wrong, I'm not happy to bully my beautiful sister! 】

[Not to mention other subjects, Fu Zhi's physics performance is obvious to all, Goubiyi has no heart! Climb for Grandpa! 】

[Where is the tear? What about insults? Doubt? Why do you trust Fu Zhi here? Forget it, let me join the cult, hold high the banner of Fu Zhi's physics excellence, and implement the basic points of mathematics slinging and beating professors! 】


Su Xing saw the news in the group, and his expression was not very good, "It should be that there is a problem with the marking system, Zhi Zhi, don't worry, how about I help you to ask the teacher?"

Fu Zhi, who couldn't accept this ranking, was also unhappy. She pursed her lips. She wanted to be the first in the province, not the last in the school!

She took out her mobile phone from her seat, and said in a rare annoyed tone, "I'll go and reason myself."


Ah, no, you are reasonable, why did you take a knife after taking the phone!


Here, Lu Chuwan just took out her physics book.

Xu Tongtong leaned over, "Wanwan, do you know what place Fu Zhi got in the test this time?"

Because Fu Zhi advanced to the physics competition in second place last time, Xu Tongtong paid close attention to her results.

Lu Chuwan's heart tightened, she pursed her lower lip, a little nervous: "Which place is she?"

"The truth is revealed, but you know it's number one? I'm laughing to death!"

Xu Tongtong didn't know how to comment on Fu Zhi's grades, "It's all zero, I just closed my eyes, and I got higher than her in the exam, okay? And there will be a parent meeting this time, she is not embarrassing her parents ?"

When Lu Chuwan heard this result, the string in her heart finally broke. She pursed her lips and smiled, "Got it."


Fu Zhi was looking for Director Liu.

"It's just right, Fu Zhi, if you don't come to me, I will still come to you." Director Liu tried his best to look serious while drinking scented tea.

Fu Zhi was expressionless, "Huh?"

"First of all, I have to congratulate you for getting the only full marks in mathematics and comprehensive science." Director Liu's tone was a little excited.

Therefore, Fu Zhi frowned, "Then why did you give me a score of zero?"

Speaking of this, Director Liu was about to sigh with emotion, "You didn't write Chinese and English compositions, and your attitude is extremely improper."

"That's it?"

After a pause, "Does this have something to do with my zero score?"

"That's not it. If you don't write it, isn't this a blow to other candidates?"

Fu Zhi's tone was confused, "Can you blame me for their poor grades?"

It's not just for this reason, but, "According to the survey, you don't usually do your homework in class, so your attitude towards learning is not right. The same is true for the college entrance examination. How can you get into a good school? This time it is a primary school student. Great punishment!"

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