The Miracle Doctor’s Two-Faced Toddler

Chapter 57 【】Cooking in person

Although she came back from Jingzhao Mansion, Uncle Wan was not idle. The reason Miss Yu was put in prison by Yan Xie was because someone accused her of stealing. He went to see the so-called "stolen goods", but was a little dumbfounded.

He brought the "stolen goods" back to the Young Master's Mansion and asked them to move to Yan Jiuchao's house.

"Young master." Uncle Wan greeted.

Yan Jiuchao was standing in front of the window, staring fixedly at the courtyard, not knowing what he was thinking, when he heard Uncle Wan's voice, he didn't turn his head, but responded lightly: "What's the matter?"

"Put it there." Uncle Wan pointed to the Eight Immortals table not far away.

The handyman put the big box behind the Eight Immortals table and retreated tactfully.

Uncle Wan opened the lid of the box, looked at Yan Jiuchao's back and said, "Young Master, come and have a look."

Yan Jiuchao turned around, her eyes fell on a box of dazzling fabrics.

These materials were part of the congratulatory gifts from Shangguanyan, and they were taken by Yan Jiuchao to help Yan Ruyu clean up the dust. After the congratulatory gifts were delivered to the Young Master's Mansion, Uncle Wan took them directly. Yan Jiuchao hadn't seen them before, so they gave them to them after handing them over. He met a country boy who happened to be in Baifu.

"I'm afraid the young master doesn't know." Uncle Wan told Yan Jiuchao the ins and outs of the fabrics, "...they are all palace materials, no wonder they want to report to the officials."

It's just strange, didn't these things be rewarded by the young master? How did it get into Miss Yu's hands?

Yan Jiuchao understood in an instant, and murmured in a low voice: "She is the elder sister that child said..."

However, after Yu Wan entered the house with the nanny, a maid immediately brought hot water.

Yu Wan stripped off the clothes of the three little guys, gave them a bath, and changed into dry cotton shirts. The little guys were pushed back and forth, but none of them woke up.

Seeing the little boy behaved like this in the arms of a village girl, the mother was a little dumbfounded.

But after thinking about it, the young master has been making a fuss all night, and he should be sleepy now, he must... must have slept too deeply.

Mammy took a deep look at Yu Wan. This girl is poor, but she has a very good temperament. She is quiet and serene, and the restless heart can calm down slowly. Mammy always doesn't care much about her appearance. After all, the beauty is not skin deep, but at this time, Mammy couldn't help but say that this girl is too outstanding, she is not as beautiful as the princess, but a kind of graceful, tranquil, let People feel very comfortable appearance.

Strange ways can enter the eyes of the young master, Mammy thought to herself.

After stuffing the three little ones into the warm quilt, Yu Wanre broke out in a sweat, but the rich family is different, burning the earth dragon is warmer than a few big pots of firewood.

Yu Wan tugged at her collar, and lowered her head to look for a handkerchief in her purse, but suddenly, a plain white silk handkerchief was handed over, and the hand holding the handkerchief was a slender hand like jade.

Yu Wan paused, didn't look up, but guessed the other party's identity.

She took the handkerchief and said, "Thank you, Young Master Yan."

As early as the moment Yan Jiuchao entered the room, the nanny led the maid and retreated. Apart from the three sleeping little guys, there were only the two of them left in the room.

"Thank me for what?" Yan Jiuchao stood beside the bed, looking at the hair on the top of her head, and asked leisurely.

Yu Wan squeezed the handkerchief and said, "Thank you Young Master Yan for the handkerchief, and thank you Young Master Yan for saving me from fire and water today."

Yan Jiuchao said indifferently: "You also saved my young master's son."

"These are two different things." Yu Wan said.

For some reason, Yan Jiuchao nodded in agreement: "That's right, two different things."

"If there's nothing else, I'll go first."

"My young master just saved you, and you just left?"

Yu Wan finally raised her head and looked at Yan Jiuchao puzzledly.

Yan Jiuchao asked calmly, "Can you cook?"

Yu Wan was stunned: "Yes, yes, but..."

"The cook in the mansion is on leave." A certain young master said without changing his face.

The cook who just walked to the door: "..."

Yu Wan has never stayed in the Young Master's Mansion, but since people say so, it should be a real leave, otherwise? Leaving the good chef unused, but want to eat the dishes made by her little village girl? how is this possible?

"If Young Master Yan doesn't mind, I'll go to the kitchen to have a look."

He helped her a lot today, and he should return a meal.

The two went to the kitchen.

The cook was "on leave" and the kitchen was empty.

But there are a lot of ingredients, and you can make a dinner with just about anything.

Yu Wan thought about it, but decided to ask him: "What would Young Master Yan want to eat?"

Yan Jiuchao said: "Buns, meatballs, scallion pancakes."

Yu Wan was surprised, the young master of a rich family actually likes to eat these things? Still think he can order some complicated dishes.

These are all Yu Wan's "specialty dishes". Yu Wan immediately found all the ingredients, first mixed the white flour, then chopped the meat, pork and mutton, and after the dough was ready, the meat stuffing was also mixed with Mix egg whites and other accessories.

She wrapped buns stuffed with mutton and put them in the steamer.

Another pot of vegetable oil was burned, and a large bowl of crispy meatballs was fried.

Finally, she scooped up the oil in the pan, leaving only a thin layer of fried scallion pancakes.

I don't know if it's because of the good ingredients, but this time the meatballs and scallion pancakes exude a fragrance that has never been seen before.

The whole yard is engulfed by this fragrance.

Yan Jiuchao was hungry,

Uncle Wan was drooling.

Considering that the cook was gone, and the little guy, Uncle Wan and the others had nothing to eat, Yu Wan simply cooked everyone's food.

She did it for a full hour, until it was sunset.

It just so happened that Yu Feng came to the door at this time.

"My elder brother is here, I'm leaving first."

Yu Wan said goodbye to Yan Jiuchao.

Uncle Wan personally sent her to the door, watched her and Yu Feng get into the carriage, then turned around and strode back to the courtyard.

Surprisingly, when he hurried back to the yard, all the meatballs and scallion pancakes that had satiated him all afternoon had already entered Yan Jiuchao's stomach.

Well, that's for five people...

Young master, you can't swallow half a bowl of rice, how did you eat so many meatballs and scallion pancakes? !

You, you... did you throw it away? !

Yan Jiuchao rubbed his stomach and burped, feeling extremely satisfied.


However, the three little guys slept until midnight, woke up and found that Yu Wan was gone, and immediately jumped up angrily. Fortunately, there was a bun left by Yu Wan.

It's just that it was left for too long, and the buns became cold and hard, and the three of them gnawed on them for a long time and couldn't move them.

It was still the youngest who mustered up his strength and bit down——


The little bad tooth that hurt him for a month was knocked out...

Xiaoxuehu, who ran away from home due to the cold war with Yan Jiuchao, came back arrogantly after smelling the aroma of big meat buns!

It swaggered into the room and showed the three newcomers the correct "way to open" the big meat bun.

It threw a piece of crisp candy on the ground, and stood beside it holding a meat bun bigger than its head in its two little paws.

Suddenly, a small black shadow rushed over!

Before it was too late, Xiaoxuehu picked up the big meat bun in his hand and smashed it down majesticly and domineeringly!

There was a chirping sound, and the little mouse that ate it was smashed into meatloaf!

Three small milk bags: (⊙o⊙)!

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