The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 961 Chapter 967 Strong Rejection

"King Q, the Xueyu Brigade has condensed the hard work of our country. You are the sharp knife of the country. There is a small gap on the blade, and we will all feel distressed. "War makes women go away" is no longer true. Sometimes, female soldiers are often more than Our male soldiers are even stronger."

In fact, the major general can call Ye Jian to join the action. The reason why he understands Xia Jinyuan with reason and affection is to let Xia Jinyuan and the others accept Ye Jian, and don't think that Ye Jian can't do it.

The major thought so, but Xia Jinyuan didn't think so at all.

What he thought was simple, the ST Mercenary Corps treated female captives too cruelly! He can accept Ye Jian's injuries. It's normal for a soldier to be injured physically. He can also accept being captured. Being captured is because your military skills and abilities are not good enough!

But absolutely cannot accept the harm on the heart!

There was a deep chill in his eyes, and he waited until the major general finished speaking before Xia Jinyuan said lightly: "Major general, I implore the military department to give us a chance to redeem our sins, and I swear by my uniform that I will do my best to rescue my comrades-in-arms !"

"I said, you brat, why don't you get in the oil and salt!" The major general slammed the case in the office, gritted his teeth and said: "A soldier's bounden duty is to obey orders, you have completely forgotten it!"

Xia Jinyuan put one hand on the steering wheel, and said casually: "Major General, it's not that I disobey the military order, Ye Jian is not a soldier, she doesn't need to obey the military order." He raised his hand to check the time, and said: "We are still a little away from the base, I can't waste any more time, I can't chat with you, Major General."

"You dare to hang up on my phone again!" Facing a subordinate who doesn't like oil and salt, the major general only feels that his hair is going to be gray. Heck, based on his understanding of King Q, this kind of order that is beneficial to his comrades It is impossible to refuse, why do you refuse with such a strong attitude today.

No, K7 was folded in. To be on the safe side, they couldn't fold in any member of the Snowy Brigade. More importantly... Ye Jian needs to get a list of the ST Mercenary Corps.

In any case, Ye Jian must participate in this operation!

Well, since I have no choice but to ask Commander-in-Chief Xia to come forward!

Regarding Ye Jian joining the operation, Commander Xia did not object!

"Let G3 drive, you wait for our call." The major general didn't give Xia Jinyuan a chance to hang up his phone this time, so he hung up the phone first.

G3 had already been waiting by the driver's seat. When Xia Jinyuan took the phone away from his ear, he immediately opened the car door and said like a fortune teller, "Let me drive instead. You go to the back and rest. Be kind, you dare not even call from a major general." Hang up, when I go back, I will write the word "service" on red paper and nominate it for you!"

"I'm not interested in your "service" character. My little fox writes the word "service". I will put it in a waterproof bag and put it on my chest to read every day!" Xia Jinyuan took a long leg, pushed the car door and got out, looking handsome It seems to be smiling, but the restrained expression between the brows makes G3's heart sink slightly.

What did the major general say to make King Q so cold?

Hearing this, he sneered back directly, "As far as your future is concerned, why don't you get a red string and hang the word "serve" around your neck?"

"It's a good way. I can also add a bullet case and wear the original pen and ink of my little fox every day."

G3 groaned, the Almighty King's skin was already as thick as a brick, and no one could say anything about him, so he asked a casual question, right to change the subject, "Why did you come to me first when the major general was looking for you?"

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