The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 918: Breathing, Heart Beating Rapidly

"You unqualified special soldier! How did you pass the femininity level?" Ye Jian, who was tortured by him from blushing to gnashing of teeth, stared at him with harmless eyes. "Obviously, you can't pass the femininity!"

They all have special training in this area. The training of male special forces on women's sex has a series of very cruel training from physiology to psychology, so as to ensure that women's sex will not have any effect on them when they are captured.

After the crisis was over, Ye Jian's articulateness returned, "Look at you, you're always thinking about these messes, your special training will be for nothing! When the time comes, a prettier woman will come and stand in front of you. You... you just surrendered?"

This is an interesting topic, and it is also a question that he has been puzzled by.

They did have special training in women's sex, and they are so strong-willed that they don't have any interest in these things. In G3's words, the soldiers in the Xueyu brigade are all vegetarian monks!

But on Ye Jian's body, all the willpower is as weak as a piece of paper, and it will be broken with a poke!

In this operation, they appeared in the black market as illegal mercenaries, and those women who traded their bodies on the black market walked past him naked one by one... The beauty pushed him to a black mercenary for the wine he asked for. Not even the slightest bit of interest.

There was no problem with his will, and female sex still had no effect on him, except for Ye Jian, except for the shy little fox in his arms who looked like a peach blossom.

It is absolutely certain that as long as the person in her arms is her, breathing, heartbeat, brain reaction, and thinking will all be affected, especially when the two of them are alone, they want to do something bad.

After the bad things are done, he feels as comfortable as if he had slept for three days and three nights, and he is so energetic that he can crawl 2 kilometers with a weight of 20 kilograms without any problem.

"I will definitely not surrender. I met what you said ten days ago, and I have no impulse, so don't worry, I have no problems. Go out, and I won't embarrass my little fox." He pointed his handsome nose He lightly touched the tip of Ye Jian's slightly wrinkled nose, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and looked at her eyes that were as gentle as water.

The tip of his nose is the faint fragrance of her body, which makes him enjoy the short time of peace with peace of mind.

Met ten days ago..., huh, met a big beauty ****?

Ye Jian stopped talking, and said with a snort, "It's reassuring just like you, but I'm really worried. Do you want to go to the top of the mountain? G3 won't see you when they come over, and then write a sentence in the report "Delaying the military situation." ", you will have good fruit to eat."

"Don't worry, I don't have feelings for other women, except for you. However, I really need to hurry up. He probably has already entered the scenic spot."

As if knowing that she would be furious because of his words, after the first half of the sentence, Xia Jinyuan immediately got down to business in the second half of the sentence, successfully preventing Ye Jian from thinking of punching him again.

However, the corners of his mouth curled up quietly inadvertently, with a little complacency and a little pride.

She believed him when he said... that he wasn't interested in other women.

They have kissed each other, made a heart-to-heart exchange, a promise to come back in person and put on the military uniform dignifiedly, and a promise to be together after the college entrance examination. Although it is only a few hours of getting along, the harvest is indeed quite a lot.

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