The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 678 So What If You Don’t Accept Your Fate

Ye Jian really didn't think about wanting Ye Ying to admit defeat and calm down. If Ye Ying was a person who easily surrendered, she would have surrendered as early as in junior high school.

But she didn't, Sun Dongqing made such a big fuss in the second year of junior high school, and Ye Ying just took a seven-day vacation and immediately adjusted to continue studying at school. From this point alone, one can tell that there is actually a part of Ye Ying who refuses to accept her fate. fierce.

Ye Ying would not easily admit defeat to Ye Jian with that unyielding force, but now it is not something that can be resolved by admitting defeat, but... this time she really lost!

That's right, it's just that she lost once, and she won't know for certain next time.

Her breathing changed from heavy to fast, so much that Ye Jian, who was sitting on the stool, curled her lips in a sneer. Ye Ying would not give up easily... I knew this very well, but so what?

What she wants is not to admit defeat, but to let her high school life go through peacefully!

As for what Major Xia said about doing a little work with contacts, no one will find out... If someone said that in her previous life, she would have it very much, but not in this life. From the age of fourteen to twenty-eight, a full fourteen I have been living in Ye Ying's shadow for many years, and later I was forced to hide in Tibet like a bereaved dog. How can fourteen years be wiped out.

What's more, in her previous life, her life was ruined in Ye Ying's heart. In this life...everything is changing, so why should she be in a hurry? Don't rush, take your time, we still have time to settle.

She is also anxious to take revenge, because she knows that her ability is not strong enough to kill a person without being found out, and she is also very clear that what she wants is not a momentary pleasure!

Now that Ye Ying is so small, he really doesn't feel any sense of accomplishment by beating him to death with a stick, so let's boil the frog in warm water first and take it slowly. Of course, what's more important is that Ye Jian is very clear that her ability is not strong enough to escape the political review after taking a life, and to be silent.

Now it’s okay to let Ye Ying struggle on her own. Provincial No. 1 Middle School is indeed a very good school. Every year, the students who are admitted to Huada University and Xida University are all on the national list. Ye Ying’s current grades are admitted to Huada University. Da and Xida didn't have much difficulty, but they couldn't help her to find her own way of death!

Toss it, if you don't act yourself, you can still see her ruining her bright future, and let Ye Zhifan worry about it.

The military doctor also heard Ye Ying's shortness of breath, so he went to check again, and he treated Ye Jian's hand injury only after there was no problem.

When the gauze was cut off with sterilized medical scissors to reveal the bullet wound on the arm, as a military doctor, he immediately saw what kind of injury it was, and looked at the student in front of him in surprise, "Your injury... how did it get here?"

This is a bullet scratch, and it can be seen even if it is scabbed. It is not surprising that a soldier has a bullet scratch on his hand, but how can a student have a bullet scratch on his body?

Ye Jian didn't expect the military doctor to see that her hand was bruised by bullets at a glance. When she was about to speak, Teacher Xiao, who had called her parents to come, walked in. Her expression was serious and her voice was tense: "Ye Jian Ying, your parents will come over later, and the school will arrange another teacher to accompany you back, if you have anything to do, you can go back to the school and explain,"

I heard Teacher Xiao say again: "Thank you for your hard work, let our teacher handle it here. Thank you for your hard work."

... I was Kawen Kawen Kavan!

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