"Your father is my son, I can handle it as I want, it's just a wild thing that doesn't know where it came from! What about your mother, what a fierce temper, at least I'm still alive, but she died long ago and turned into a pile of bones! "

You have a stubborn temper, right? Well, I only pick up words that you don't like to hear, but let's see how calm an eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl can be!

The former words were deliberately kept low, but the latter words gradually rose as Mrs. Ye slowly grabbed Ye Jian's wrist, full of the helplessness of an old man, "Jian girl, the matter of more than ten years depends on you to open your mouth." I can’t tell, your father’s surname is Ye, and you are also surnamed Ye. Whether you recognize it or not, everyone in the village knows that your father is my son, and you are my granddaughter. No one can change this. You have to admit it."

"Now that you are young, it is easy to mistrust bad people." At this point, Mrs. Ye glanced lightly at Principal Chen before continuing to say sadly: "Grandma doesn't blame you for being ignorant, and she never complained. You never came out to meet grandma. But child, no matter how far you go, no matter how close you are to outsiders, your surname is still Ye."

The tone was full of sadness, and in a few words, Ye Jian was described as an unworthy son who even his ancestors did not recognize.

Principal Chen, who was alluded to as a "bad guy", raised his eyes calmly, and saw that Ye Jian's face showed no sign of irritation, and a slight smile appeared on Ye Jian's resolute face.

The old lady of the Ye family is really a person. No wonder even her daughter and son-in-law have relied on her outside for many years. The teacher couldn't do anything, so he wanted to anger Ye Jian again.

It's true that they want to take away Ye Jian's household registration, but their ultimate goal is to ruin the future of Jane girl!

On the eve of the college entrance examination, all candidates are protected like pandas by the school and parents, for fear that their distraction will affect the exam.

Last year, the grandfather of a candidate in Class 3 and 2 of Provincial No. 1 Middle School passed away. In order not to affect the candidate's review, the whole family concealed it, and did not take the candidate to kowtow at the grandfather's grave until the candidate finished the exam.

I dare not speak out about the death of a loved one, for fear that the candidates will fail the college entrance examination.

On the other hand, Mrs. Ye, under the pretense of looking after her granddaughter, obviously misses her granddaughter and becomes sick, but in reality, the drunkard's intention is not to drink! They just wanted to spoil Ye Jian's college entrance examination!

Principal Chen can see it, and Principal Cao and Teacher Tong can see it even more.

If Ye Jian hadn't secretly stopped the two of them with his eyes, Mrs. Tong's temper would have invited Mrs. Ye's family out of school long ago.

But Ye Jian's eyes made them all feel at ease, and for some reason, there was always an involuntary charm about her, without words, just one look could make people's restless anxiety disappear gradually.

Hearing her voice was as cold as the frost on the leaves in the early winter morning, she said, "Old lady, don't you have a bad guy in your family? You said, I even met the bad guy who wanted to kill me, and I would still To trust the bad guys?"

The delicate lips were slowly hooked up, and the beautiful face showed a smile that was as gorgeous as a flower blooming. It was only gorgeous, but not bright, revealing the darkness left after the flower petals were blooming, even the old lady Ye who had some experience Can't help tightening my heart.

Why is Ye Zhixiang guilty, and why is Mrs. Ye so lucky... Ye Jian, who has always had deep doubts in her heart, said unhurriedly, "Old lady, I was able to escape from a villain's den as big as Ye's house alive. Thanks to the help of good people. Don't mention good people and bad people, I'm afraid of me..."

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