The Mechanic

Chapter 72

The tall and heavy steel gate of Paradise Lost slowly opened amidst the rumbling sound of countless gears rubbing against each other. The forest outside that was destroyed by air bombs had turned into a piece of scorched earth, and the remains of trees were lying on the ground in disorder. After such a long time, there is still a faint burning smell. James finally counted the number of people in the team, a total of fifteen people, lined up and walked towards the gap opened by the giant gate.

Zhang Xun stood where he was, watching their figures disappear outside the gate, his heart seemed to be hung by a thin thread.

In the next few days, Zhang Xun was restless and lost his mind repeatedly. Once I even burned my hand when I was welding a conductor with a small electric welder. He let out a low cry of pain, only to see Adam who was sitting next to him helping Alloy to replace the hind leg parts jumped up, pulled Zhang Xun up and dragged him to the sink, turned on the water pipe and grabbed Zhang Xun to be scalded Wash hands under ice water.

"I know how to deal with it myself!" Zhang Xun wanted to break away from Adam's hand in embarrassment.

Adam then looked at Zhang Xun seriously, "Okay, you continue to rinse yourself, and you have to rinse for at least ten minutes."

"It's too wasteful..."

"Ten minutes is a must." Adam's tone was unquestionable, and then he turned to find the first aid kit on the shelf. "The risk of infection of scalded wounds is very high, and there will be serious consequences if they are not handled correctly."

Zhang Xun had no choice but to bathe in cold water for ten minutes. He only felt that his fingers were numb from the cold, but he didn't feel much pain. Back at the table, Adam carefully applied ointment to Zhang Xun's wound and wrapped it up with gauze. Zhang Xun looked at Adam's expression of concentrating on it as if there was only one thing left to do in the world.

Somehow, my heart melted, like snow was melting.

"Are you worried about James?" Adam finished dressing, put his hand down gently, and raised his head to ask.

Zhang Xun nodded, "It's been seven days, hunting groups rarely go out for so long..."

"But we didn't observe any abnormalities, and we didn't hear the sound of fire."

"They're going to meet with that arms dealer, and they may even leave the range of Rocky Mountain." Zhang Xun frowned tightly, and he hasn't let go these days. Disappeared, like Diego's team."

Adam was about to say something when Pan's voice suddenly sounded.

"Zhang Xun, a messenger left a message from the headquarters, asking you to take Adam there as soon as possible."


Zhang Xun stood up and asked, "Did you say what it is?"

"The members of the hunting group just came back." Pan paused, and continued, "but James Kugel didn't come back."

Chapter 32 Fruit of Wisdom (10)

Zhang Xun hurried to the headquarters with Adam, and was immediately taken into the war room.

In the war room hidden deep underground, the light was dim, and the computers reflected expressionless faces. The huge screen hanging in mid-air continuously displays the shield monitoring system and radar system in different areas of the entire Lost Paradise. There are countless monitors on all sides of the high wall to observe the enemies that may approach from any angle.

And beside a long wooden table illuminated by a huge chandelier above the head, a group of senior military officers headed by Zhang Shuo lined up one by one. In addition, Zhang Xun saw Jabari and two other James players sitting on the peripheral chairs. They described him as a wolf, with mud on his face, and blood on Jabari's head.

Zhang Xun's whole heart seemed to have sunk into the deepest trench.

Adam stood quietly behind Zhang Xun, and his eyes calmly absorbed the postures and expressions of everyone in the war room into his mind.

Sitting next to Zhang Shuo was General Wilson. He was the first to speak and said in a cold voice, "Machine Zhang, you must have heard about the return of the hunting group."

Zhang Xun even forgot the etiquette, and asked eagerly, "Where is James? What happened? Is it a mechanical soldier? You... have you activated it..."

"Zhang Xun, calm down." Zhang Shuo's deep voice sounded, not in a hurry, but still calm, "I came to you today because I hope to learn more from Adam."

"Adam has been with me, and he doesn't know any more than we do. If you think it's Adam..."

"Mechanic!" Zhang Shuo's voice became more severe, and Zhang Xun had to shut up.

General Wilson said slowly at this time, "Relying on the technology provided by you and Adam, the hunting group did successfully avoid the search of the mechanical soldiers. So we did not suspect that the disappearance of Captain James Kugel was related to Adam."


That is to say, it has not been neutralized?

General Wilson looked at the three hunting regiment soldiers. Jabari then said, "We broke through the defense line of the mechanical soldiers, arrived at Reindeer Bay, and connected with the arms dealer Red Lady according to the plan. Her goods are ready, but we didn't expect that there are other people who want to buy those arms."

"Some other people?" A major general asked in confusion, "People from the ordinary world?"

Jabari shook his head, "No, they are men. And they came on very advanced military aircraft...all of them are well-equipped and well-trained soldiers. But they are definitely not people from Paradise Lost."

Not a man from Paradise Lost, but a soldier... Could it be that there are other refugee colonies near Paradise Lost that they don't know about?

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