actually bought it on his head, could it be that I was a good bully

? Am I not tall enough and not strong enough?

Also, a few of you foreigners dare to buy it forcibly in the territory of Xia Kingdom!

Xu Yang is really a little stunned, unbelievable.

Stunned, the three foreigners had already forcibly broken in.

Xu Yang didn't want to stop it, he wanted to see how these three people could buy it.

"200% premium. That expatriate Chinese William Rowe said without question, "Hand over the chalcedony liquid!" The

corners of Xu Yang's mouth hooked up a touch of sarcasm: "Don't sell it." "

Why are you talking so much nonsense with him!" a tall white man said impatiently, "Just grab it directly!"

After speaking, he grabbed Xu Yang.

One of his big furry hands shot extremely fast, and there was a sound of breaking through the air.

Xu Yang was a little surprised in his heart as he brushed away the big hand that came at him.

The arms intersected, Xu Yang thought that he could easily fly the other party, but he didn't expect that this white man was surprisingly huge.

I can only push the other party away.

Xu Yang did not take any further action, but looked at the other party again.

His move just now seemed to be an understatement, and his actual strength was no less than a thousand catties!

The white man was obviously angry, scolded "Fake", and then punched Xu Yang's head.

The fist was ferocious, and the air was blasted, making a gas explosion.

If this falls on the head, no matter how hard the head is, it will be blown up like a watermelon.


Yang didn't dodge, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he directly returned the fist with a fist.


two fists collided, and the tall white man was shaken back several large steps and slammed into the wall.

The walls were dented by a few centimeters.

It's just that Xu Yang frowned instead.

His punch couldn't be caught by ordinary martial arts masters.

Although the tall white man couldn't catch it, he wasn't hurt

! Something was wrong!

The tall white man shook his head, which was a little dizzy, and suddenly shouted angrily at the sky.

I saw that his eyes were blood-red, and the muscles of his body were rapidly bulging.

In the blink of an eye, his height was raised from two meters to about two meters and five, his muscles were very exaggerated, and the breath exhaled from his mouth and nose was actually a high-temperature white mist vapor.

A terrifying smell of the beast permeated the living room.

Xu Yang seemed to be frightened by the changes in the other party, staring at the humanoid muscle giant in front of him in a daze.

The next moment, his resolute face became distorted, and his body was full of murderous aura.

"It's you !!," he said through gritted teeth, filled with boundless hatred.

Without waiting for the white man to attack, Xu Yang had already taken the initiative to pounce.

He shot out with hatred, as fast as lightning, and punched the opponent in the jaw.

The white man wanted to block, but Xu Yang's fist was too fast, and he didn't have time to block it, and he didn't have time to dodge.

Boom! The

muscular beast's head was blasted up from the jaw up on the spot.

Instead of flying upside down, his massive body fell straight back to the ground.

His two accomplices were stunned, they never thought that their companion would be killed so quickly, and they couldn't react, let alone make a move.

"Kill him!" the

other white man came back to his senses and roared angrily.

With the roar, his body also swelled dramatically, and in the blink of an eye, he also turned into a humanoid muscular beast.

William Rowe's body also swelled sharply, but not so exaggeratedly, more than one size smaller, and his muscle lines were relatively smooth.

They rushed towards Xu Yang at the same time, and their huge bodies almost filled the space.

However, in the next instant, both muscle beasts flew upside down.

Xu Yang stepped to catch up with the white muscle beast and punched the heart of the white muscle beast.


The white muscular behemoth's chest was pierced, and its heart was directly blasted.

As soon as William Rowe flew upside down, he rushed to the door, trying to escape.

Xu Yang pulled his bloody fist out of the white man's muscular beast's chest, turned around and took a stride to catch up with William Rowe.

From behind, a lightning-fast knife hand slashed down.

William Rowe fell to the ground unconscious.

He was going to interrogate William Rowe.

In addition to William Law's knowledge of Mandarin, he also discovered that William Law was nostalgic for ancient martial arts.

Moreover, there is a faint shadow of Shennong's ancient martial arts.

However, the next moment, something completely unexpected happened.

William Rowe, who was unconscious, suddenly burst into flames.

When Xu Yang was startled, the white man whose head was blown off also spontaneously combusted without fire and quickly burned the corpse.

It's a weird situation.

As he pondered, the white man whose heart had been blown out died, and then spontaneously combusted without fire!

In a few moments, all three corpses spontaneously burned up, leaving behind a few silvery bones.

In addition, although the corpses burned violently, the temperature did not seem to be high, and even their clothes were not burned much.

"What is the origin of these three people?" Xu Yang couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Three years ago, he retired.

And he retired because of a major accident.

Back then, when he and his brothers were on a mission in Africa, they suddenly met a group of people like this.

A company of more than 100 people was almost slaughtered by a group of muscular beasts.

These muscular behemoths are immensely powerful and fast, and bullets can't penetrate their skin and muscles, making them war machines.

He and his brothers were helpless.

Even if they are a group of the most elite soldiers.

Recalling that scene, Xu Yang couldn't help clenching his fists, clenching his steel teeth, his tiger eyes were wet, and his whole body trembled slightly.

So many brothers in life and death were slaughtered by a group of monsters.

After a long while, Xu Yang barely recovered from his sadness.

He looked carefully at the few silver-colored bones left behind by the spontaneous combustion of the corpse, and was keenly aware that the bones of these muscular monsters contained secrets!

Taking a deep breath, Xu Yang took out his mobile phone and entered a number to dial.

After a while, the phone was connected, and a rough voice came out of the mobile phone: "What person?"

Xu Yang took a slight breath and said: "Chief, I am Xu Yang, the original dragon group ......

" Before he finished reporting his identity, the other party had already said: "I still remember you, Xu Yang!

Xu Yang felt a burst of warmth in his heart and said, "I met the group of muscle monsters in Africa three years ago. "

What?!! the other party was startled and hurriedly asked, "Where?"

"In Wucheng." Xu Yang replied, and then told the matter again.

After listening to this, the other party solemnly explained: "You don't want to deal with those bones, including those ashes." Soon an expert rushed to deal with it!

" "I understand. Ending the

call, Xu Yang walked to the ashes of Weiqian Luo and checked Weiqian Luo's relics.

This Wei Qian Luo has the shadow of Shennong's ancient martial arts.

Soon, he found an ironwood token, which turned out to be the gate token of Shennong Guwumen.

Xu Yang couldn't help frowning: "How can the people of the division get mixed up with

those monsters?"

Back then, in Africa, those muscle monsters were obviously relatively hostile to China.

He groaned and put the Ironwood token away.


– countless sirens rang from far and near from outside the hotel.

Xu Yang walked to the window and looked down, there were many police cars, and even armed police with loaded guns, surrounded the entire hotel.

With such a big movement, Xu Yang couldn't help but guess that the value of these spontaneously combusted corpse remnants was very huge.

However, for him, he wanted to know more about the origin of those muscle monsters back then.

Now that he has the strength, of course, he wants to avenge the more than 100 brothers who died at the beginning!!

suddenly, the mobile phone rings.

Xu Yang came back to his senses, picked up his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID.

It's Zhang Xiao.

After connecting the phone, Zhang Xiao's anxious call came out of the mobile phone: "Xu Sheng, many policemen suddenly came outside the hotel, as well as armed police. They ......, "

It turns out that at this moment, Zhang Xiao and the others are not in the hotel, he is talking about business cooperation with a Wucheng bigwig not far from the hotel."

He found that many police officers surrounded the hotel, and he was worried that it was coming for Xu Yang, so he was in a hurry to call.

Xu Yang said calmly: "Don't worry, they are not coming for me, I know their purpose."

With that, he hung up the phone.

About ten minutes later, the doorbell rang, and Xu Yang went to open the door.

The door opened, and outside was a group of police, armed police, and the Security Bureau.

The policeman who took the lead saluted Xu Yang, and then said politely to Xu Yang: "Mr. Xu Yang, hello."

Xu Yang returned a military salute to the other party: "Hello." "

I'm Zhao Gang, deputy director of the Wucheng Security Bureau. After introducing himself, the person who started the first said, "It will take half an hour for the experts to arrive." Can you move somewhere else and let's have a few words?"

Xu Yang: "No problem.

So, Xu Yang left with Zhao Gang.

As for the presidential suite, it was guarded by a group of armed police with loaded guns.

A few minutes later, in a business meeting room of the hotel, Xu Yang told Zhao Gang the details of what happened.

Next to him, a full-time clerk used a laptop to quickly record Xu Yang's words.

After the statement, Zhao Gang thanked Xu Yang, and then asked, "Mr. Xu, what do you need?"

Xu Yang immediately said: "I want to know the specific origin of those three people." "

Your request is reasonable. Zhao Gang said, "If it's not too high-level secret, I will definitely tell you after the investigation is clear." "

Thank you. Xu Yang said seriously, "This is very important to me. In

the afternoon of the next day, Xu Yang took the high-speed train back to Jiangcheng.

He had a beautiful woman by his side.

This woman is heroic, with short neck-length hair, 1.68 meters tall, a tight T-shirt on the upper body, and elastic jeans on the bottom.

Her name is Han Jing, a person from the Security Bureau, an ancient martial artist of the Internal Force Realm, who was ordered to protect Xu Yang closely and prevent the forces behind those humanoid muscle giants from retaliating against Xu Yang.

It also includes tasks such as taking the opportunity to find out the relevant information of the muscle monster.

"From now on, we pretend to be couples. The

high-speed rail is about to arrive in Jiangcheng, and in the business car, Han Jing said calmly.

"We were on the train and it was love at first sight.

Xu Yang was slightly stunned, and then nodded indifferently.

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