The Luckiest Man

Chapter 177: This is the gift of water element! (Bottom one / two ...

To be honest, with Hong Xiaofu's luck, these people present felt that it was no surprise to find something at the bottom of the lake. After all, Ou Shen is so capricious ...

But no one thought that there would be a living creature at the bottom of the lake!

And it is still a form of life not found on the earth!

Elemental life!

This look is the same as the water element in World of Warcraft!

Everyone: "..."

Everyone is dumbfounded!

The fat man standing in front of the water was about three meters tall. The arms formed by the round water of the whole body were almost as thick as a waist, and he couldn't see his head. A pair of blue eyes glared round, Looking at Hong Xiaofu curiously.

It was obviously very happy. The eyes of several people were very friendly. Even it reached out curiously and stabbed Hong Xiaofu's face ...

Water mass:? (* ′ ︶` *)?

What a cute big guy!

Everyone: "Wow! It's so cute, so interesting to watch!"

"Xiaofu Xiaofu," Su Ying's eyes glanced sideways: "What is it? Is it an elemental life form? It's amazing!"

"I don't know," Hong Xiaofu looked at the water masses: "This guy is really big, or should I give it a name?"

Everyone thought together, the water element found in the Sanshui Lake should be called Sanshui?

Hong Xiaofu: "Blue Fatty, it's you!"

Everyone: "..."

Blue Fat Man: "!!!"

It was obviously very satisfied with the name. After two happy calls, it stretched out his hand and suddenly the lake surface began to surge. A water column appeared under everyone's buttocks, and the water column seemed to be jelly. Do n’t be comfortable!

"Wow!" Everyone's eyes brightened: "Is this the magic of the water element ?!"

Water element blue fat man:? (? *)

It's so happy, with a few people started playing hi!

All the way to the front, the jelly-like water column took Hong Xiaofu. They can be said to be riding the wind and waves, at least fifty yards on the lake!

My god, this speed is scary, okay?

All the way on the lake, everyone was like a yacht, and everyone laughed from the whole lake.

Now that I have a new friend, everyone's mood can be said to be good-the most important thing is that this blue fat man's IQ is obviously quite high, and there is almost no problem in communication-while talking and making gestures, it can understand at least 80% the above!

This is easy to handle. Several people asked the blue fat man to send himself to the shore, and then he started to cook.

When they came in the morning, they were hungry all day long until three or four o'clock in the afternoon. Except for Da Zhuang who had been practicing swords, the others started preparing dinner.

"Come here, I have good wolf meat," Zhao Ming was quite well prepared this time. He first took out a box of cut wolf meat: "All cut, let's shabu hot pot."

Everyone nodded together: "En!"

Then Zhao Ming began to take things out of that big pocket non-stop: "This is the seasoning bag, this is the hot pot, this is the greens, this is the oyster scallop chopsticks fresh beef fat sheep garlic dish ..." He took out so big A lot of things used for hot pot, and finally pulled out two bottles of Maotai: "Hey, I specially prepared this, we can drink less ..."

Everyone: "..."

Dora Ming, is it you, Dora Ming?

Now that everything is complete, and the big battery is ready, this starts.

The fat blue man in the water group curiously watched a few people tinkering, quietly like a kitten.

At this time, Erha and Miao Da also ran back and forth from the forest. The mouse was followed by a small six-legged squirrel with a shy expression ...

Everyone: "..."

How are you a bad rat? !

A large group of people gathered around the hot pot, and Da Zhuang also wiped his sweat and came to eat together. Speaking of this, this guy did eat a lot. These things prepared by everyone are not even enough for him alone, so Da Zhuang deliberately went to the forest. I caught a wild boar and came back ...

"Hahaha! Come and come and let's have a good meal!" The picture on the weekend is just a happy, all troubles and worries, hell, it's over!

Everyone chatting while eating hot pot, and after a while chatting, they sang--

"Crazy waves are an attitude, they are ups and downs, raging waves, raging waves, raging waves, raging waves!"

"Crazy waves are an attitude. Crazy waves are not restrained. Crazy waves, mad waves, crazy all the way, all the way to wandering, all the way to the distance!"

Everyone sang hi, blue fat man also followed hi:? (^? ^ ●) ??

Now everyone has food, but Blue Fatty does n’t have it. Everyone does n’t know what to eat. The result is worrying. Zhao Ming picked up Maotai: "Blue Fat, why do n’t you drink this?"

Blue Fat Man: "?"

He stretched out his hand and tried to catch it. As a result, his hand was too slippery, or its composition was too soft to hold such a thing. The bottle suddenly fell to the ground.

The blue fat man was unhappy in an instant ...

When you look at it, you will cry, a group of people look at me and I look at you, this is not good, it is too pitiful to look at this!

"Well ..." Su Ying ate a piece of wolf meat, and suddenly her eyes lit up: "Yes!"

Su Ying waved to the blue fat man, and the blue fat man leaned over curiously. Su Ying reached out and squeezed his hand, and then slowly used the ability, several fingers of the blue fat man suddenly formed slowly. Frost!

Blue Fat Man: "!!!"

It looked at its hand, and then moved a bit ...

Blue Fat Man: "? Ω?"

This time it reached out again to take that Moutai bottle ...

Pick it up!

Blue Fat Man is excited!

It has been in a fluid form since consciousness. It can't be picked up, but it has such a concept of body, otherwise why would it get stuck in the stone?

Now it ’s okay, it will change from a fluid to a solid after the ice is over, you can take things!

Su Ying instantly became happy and smiled: "Don't worry, I will make you an armor!"

She talked about the ability to activate, and the blue fat man who seemed to be lying softly all over the body was covered with a white layer of ice armor. It looked so handsome!

Everyone: "Wow !!!"

Shen Xiaoling jumped up excitedly: "So beautiful!"

The blue fat man looked left and right, and was extremely satisfied with his new look!

It ran happily in the water for a while, showing various muscles, then ran back, approached Su Ying, and a small water column protruded from under his eyes, and kissed Su Ying's face with a click!

Blue Fat Man: (? 3?)?

This is another pet!

Su Ying's ice method is a gift of water element!

Anyone who has played World of Warcraft knows it!

This time everyone is really playing hi, the blue fat man picked up Moutai and drank half a bottle!

Or can't it be a drink, should it be a fusion?

Anyway, the air was instantly filled with strong wine!

This time it was even more hilarious. After drinking blue fat man, he was still crazy about drinking!

After everyone finished cleaning up after dinner, the blue fat man led a group of people into the lake and started to play with water again. This time, he followed the river all the way down, drifting all the way at a speed of fifty yards, turning a bend, and only heard wow The rushing sound of the water, the eyes are suddenly bright, the boulders, the turbulent mountains, and there is a waterfall in front!

Everyone: "Ahhhhhhhhhh!"

With a big wave of blue fat man's hand, the waterfall flew up directly, against the current!

Take everyone rushing down like a slide!

Zhao Ming was scared, leaving his heartbreaking howl all the way: "My mother, help me!-"

This waterfall is almost ten meters high, exciting!

At this time the sunset was slanting, and a gorgeous rainbow was reflected above the small waterfall.

Speaking of which, the scenery here is much better than above.

Surrounded by a beautiful bush, unknown insects sang in the grass, there was a cave above the mountain wall, everyone found dry wood around the forest and lit a bonfire under the moon.

"Let's spend the night in the cave at night." It is better to live in the cave than in the flat ground. The key is to block the wind.

It's okay on the flat ground during the day, and it's not so comfortable to live when the wind rises at night.

And the cave is a terrain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is really dangerous and defensive-although it is not very likely to have a place in Ou Shen Town ...

"Then let's go back and transport the stuff ~ ~ Dazhuang got up, and with Zhang Yang and Li Tianqi's enhanced system, let the blue fat man send it back again, and all the kung fu things will be brought down in a while Then he entered the cave and began to lay out.

The cave is not very deep, about 10 meters in space, about 3 meters high, and 2 meters wide.

The ground was very dry. On the other side, the sleeping bag was laid on the side of Zhuang, and Zhang Yu followed over. As soon as his ability was activated, he began to grow some soft branches from the ground, and the grass bed was considered.

"I try, I try!" Zhao Ming lay down first, sighing with satisfaction: "Lying trough, it's too comfortable, I honestly wouldn't go back if I couldn't communicate here."

Everyone felt the same.

It's so beautiful here.

The environment is good, the air is good, so many people with the ability to improve the living environment are quite perfect, I really want to live here for a lifetime ...

At this time the night came and the moon rose high. Everyone had used dinner and sat in a circle around the campfire.

The flames are burning, reflecting the excited faces of everyone, and the trivial things in life seem no longer to be annoying.

The boys sipped their wine, and the girls also had some snacks. Zhao Ming also took out the audio to play the song, a lively scene. At more than ten o'clock in the evening, the crowd finally couldn't help but get stuck, ready to go back to the cave to sleep.

Suddenly Lan Fatty pulled La Suying's clothes corner, and then pointed to the sky.

"What's the matter?" Su Ying looked at the blue fat man, and then looked at the sky. At this time, the sky seemed a bit gloomy, the last glory of the moon was completely covered, and suddenly a flash of lightning flashed on the horizon. Photograph the surrounding scenes in perfect detail.

Su Ying was shocked: "Is it going to rain?"

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