Looking at the El Niño Rangers who had entered their respective roles, Roland suddenly remembered that he still had a good treasure in his hands.

"Boom!" In the open space outside the city, a golden-red shadow hit the ground heavily, and a smell of sulfur filled the air.

"Look, I almost forgot, the 141-meter-long Smaug!" Roland clapped his hands and turned to look at the stunned people.

Although everyone is used to seeing Kaldo with a body length of more than 15 meters passing over everyone's heads all day long, such a large flying dragon is almost the only one in the world. You must know that the average size of an adult giant dragon is 30 meters. Left and right... Where's Smaug, 141 meters! It lost the dragon language magic in exchange for unparalleled physical fitness and physical combat capabilities.

(Dragon: What? Is there a flying dragon species that wants to resist dragon language magic?)

(El Niño Ranger: Huh? Are all flying dragons so swollen now?)

"Oh my! What a good thing! Your Highness, why didn't you take it out earlier!" Radil ran over with a smile. For mages who pursue the truth of magic, any part of the dragon is a precious material.

"Casro and Renault, you two led people to pluck him out! These dragon scales and dragon skins are excellent armor materials." Roland rubbed his hands excitedly. He really became rich once he killed the dragon. He kept getting rich as long as he kept slaying dragons. ah.

"Ah! What a big dragon!" Ivy ran behind Radil as if she was frightened.

"By the way, the dragon's teeth also need to be pulled out! We can make weapons!" Roland added.

"Dragon wings are the top material for magic cloaks. Don't cut them and waste them." Ladiel used the earth element to condense an elemental blade and cut the membrane of the dragon wings himself.

"Dragon eye! The long eye needs to be removed too! The inspection range of the inspection eye made from such a big long eye must be very large!" After the panic just now, the lovely Pastor Ivy also became lively and gave guidance to everyone.

"Be careful! Don't get cut! Dragon blood is very expensive!" Kaslo drove away the sloppy knight and carefully lifted up the dragon scales.

"Ni Lin! Ni Lin! Don't forget to find his Ni Lin!" Roland thought of the noblest scales on the True Dragon Clan, the Ni Lin with magical power!

"Bucket! Bucket! There's a cut here! Get a bucket to catch the blood!" Monster Reno screamed, hard dragon scales embedded in the thick dragon skin, Reno had to use all his strength to pry up a few dragon scales, but the result was... Be careful if you use too much force and the hot dragon's blood may seep out.

"It's coming! It's coming! The adult barrel is here!" The Battanian shooter who had been waiting for a long time quickly handed over the barrel.

"I'll rub it! Don't open the skull!" When Radil saw the Battanian shooter holding a chisel and wielding a large mithril armor-breaking hammer, preparing to break the brain and extract the crystal, he suddenly swore and grabbed the armor-breaking hammer. Who? The weight of the hammer head tilted his body and his waist made a crunching sound.

"Prodigal son! You can't get dragon crystal like this! You have to peel off the skin and pick out the flesh, then dig in through the cavity in the bone!" Radil rubbed his waist and grinned.

"Don't! Don't pull out that arrow!" Roland shouted when he saw an El Niño ranger trying to take out the black arrow that had penetrated into the dragon's heart.

"If you pull out the arrow, your heart's blood will spurt out! Find a basin! You guys cooperate and pull it out! Don't waste it! There are golden coins all over your body!" Roland commanded.

"Who is that! Go find some big saws from the folks!" Kaslo spat in the palm of his hand and made up his mind towards Smaug's sharp claws.

"Above! Be careful when cutting the flesh and bleeding! Be careful of the dragon tendon! Whether we archers can use the dragon string bow in the future depends on whether your hands are steady! If anyone breaks the dragon tendon, I will twitch his tendon. Bow string!" Roland inspected everyone's work with a step that he didn't recognize.

Looking at the enthusiastic crowd, Kaldor, the four-legged flying dragon of Kaslo, glanced at Smaug's body with sympathetic eyes, then turned to look around, and quietly moved to the side while no one was paying attention to him. …It’s so scary here! They looked at Smaug's body like they were looking at a pile of treasures, the kind that could hold their value! Kaldor shuddered. He didn't understand that as a flying dragon, he could completely ignore the low temperature of dozens of degrees below zero, but at this moment he felt an inexplicable chill... Humans are too scary...

"Let me go! This dragon tendon is so long! Pump it for me! How many bowstrings can be made from more than one hundred meters of dragon tendon!" Roland said with emotion.

In the end, Kaldor still did not escape the clutches of Roland and his group. At this moment, he was carefully stepping out with a rope on his back. The other end of the rope was tightly tied with dragon tendons as thick as a human head...

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this keel is not bad!" Mr. Radil happily knocked on the exposed ribs, and the dull sound sounded so pleasant to his ears.

"Lord Radil, what else does this dragon bone do besides making equipment?" Roland asked curiously.

"Hahaha, when your highness gets the allegiance of Lagrand's pharmacist or alchemist, you will understand that dragon bones are an important ingredient in countless alchemical items and potions!" Radil explained to Roland while stroking his beard.

"Hey, hey! Break off the thorns on it! Polish it and it will become an armor-piercing gun!" Renault discovered the missing thorns on the dragon's tail.

In this way, in less than half a day, Comrade Smaug, who once occupied the majestic Lonely Mountain, successfully contributed to Comrade Roland's development. According to rumors, Smaug's legacy was even used in the founding period a few years later. I have to lament why warriors have been keen on slaying dragons since ancient times. It is so profitable! A dragon's wealth can completely support a family!

"There are thousands of scales the size of a washbasin, nearly a hundred bundles of cut dragon skin, sixty-four dragon teeth of different sizes, a dragon crystal the size of a washbasin, seven dragon tendons, Twenty claws, a pile of dragon meat, and a hundred barrels of dragon blood!" Roland took stock of the various harvests and put them into the system for storage.

"A sudden burst of wealth!" Roland exclaimed. At one moment, he even secretly glanced at Kaslo's flying dragon. It turns out that slaying dragons and getting rich is really addictive!

"Isn't there a lava forging furnace in the city? We can process dragon scales into armor!" Roland said with great enthusiasm. In his mind, he seemed to see Raglan soldiers wearing dragon skin armor and dragon scale armor crisscrossing the entire Luo Vanian.

"Your Highness, we don't have the strength to equip magic equipment yet..." In fact, Radil quickly poured cold water on him. Because at this moment, Flowing City has no other rare materials that can be used for forging except the basic lava forging furnace. Besides, instead of wasting time on the currently dispensable magic equipment, it is better to find a way to replenish the walls of Flowing City. All.

"Oh...I know." Roland said wiltedly. He was still too naive. It was a good thing to have huge wealth, but it was a pity that Roland currently did not have the ability to realize this wealth...

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