: Poro Shepherd

Lothar is on his way to the south.

He didn’t directly ask Zoe to send him to the southern mountains to find the kind of white wood rock that Aoun said, because Xiaoqiang’s injury is getting worse and worse, and now he has started not to eat anything, and the hair on his body has begun to fall off .

Section 182

Lothar had no choice but to bite the bullet and go to a tribe he didn’t know for medical treatment, hoping to have some luck, at least to find out how to cure Poro, but Lothar’s luck was very bad, and the tribes he went to were extremely xenophobic The tribe didn’t even enter the gate.

“Don’t be discouraged little Lothar, the road to trial is always full of ups and downs and accidents.” Zoe encouraged.

“Then I have encountered too many ups and downs.” Lothar sighed, and he looked down at the little stubborn in his arms. The poor little guy has no energy these days, and he only opened his eyes slightly when he was awake. Eyes like black beans, unable to move.

“Hold on, since I met you, I won’t let you go.” Lotha firmed his eyes and continued to move on to the next tribe.

It is in line with the old Freljord saying – as long as you keep hitting, you can knock down a mountain like the ram Ornn.

It took several days to use Zoe’s wormhole Lothar to travel almost the entire southern tribe of the Freljord, and finally let him find some information about the healing Poro in a tavern. people’s rumors.

Lothar rushed to the rumored mountain without stopping, and after a long search, he finally found the person mentioned in the rumors.

Poro Shepherd.

Unlike the shepherds who herd Ernuk, the purpose of poro herders to herd poro is not to eat their meat or skin them, but…

“Don’t you think they’re cute?” The Poro shepherd was just like the rumors said, an old man with a very kind face, and he was accompanied by a group of poro that made Lothar amazing. There were hundreds of them. One is as tall as a lamb, and the smaller one is not as big as Lothar’s fist.

When Zoe saw so many Poro as if she had come to heaven, she jumped into the pile of Poro like a hungry wolf, grabbing and hugging wantonly, causing the Poro to run away one after another.

“Strange, they are so active today.” The Poro shepherd sprinkled a few handfuls of food in the poro group, then turned his head to look at Lothar, “Then, kid, what do you want from me?”

“Because of it.” Lothar held Xiaoqiang in the palm of his hand and handed it to the Poro shepherd.

“Anivia! Poor little guy.” The Poro shepherd hastily took Xiaoqiang, and he could see that he really loved the little Poro, the wrinkles on his face were almost piled up, “How could it hurt the little Poro?” like this”

“I don’t know, it was like this when I first saw it.”

The Poro shepherd looked at the little Poro carefully, and said in surprise, “Isn’t this little stubborn!”

Lothar was both surprised and delighted: “You recognize it!”

“Of course I recognize it. It’s the son of Da Kui! After disappearing a few days ago, it even alarmed the Poro King. I haven’t found it after searching for a long time.”

“Polo… Poro King” Lothar was a little confused.

He remembered that he seemed to have heard some stories about the Poro King, but they were mostly for children, and adults basically didn’t take the Poro King seriously.

“Ah, it’s normal if you don’t know.” The Poro shepherd took out a piece of white stuff from the cloth bag, pinched a handful and fed it to Xiaoqiang’s mouth. eat up.

“It really works! I didn’t find the wrong person!” Lothar felt a little relieved.

“This is Poro’s favorite goat cheese, it can make it more comfortable.” The Poro shepherd looked at Xiao Qiang with a headache, “But it hurts…”

“Can’t you cure it?”

“The Poro is a creature that is difficult to get hurt. Luck is with them by nature. It is rare to get such a serious injury.” The Poro Shepherd sighed, “I can still deal with small injuries, but such a serious injury, I can’t deal with it.” There is nothing that can be done.”

“Then what should we do?” Lothar asked anxiously.

“You can only take it to the Poro King.” The Poro shepherd said seriously, “If the king can’t cure it, there will be no one in the world who can cure it.”

“Is there really a Poro King? Where is it?”

When Zoe heard about the Poro King, she flew over to listen with great interest, and “kidnapped” a bunch of Poro on her body.

“The royal residence has no fixed place, and the entire Freljord is its territory, but I know that this season it will be in the mountains a little further south, waiting for the young Poro with poor cold resistance to grow enough Hair.” The poro shepherd continued to feed Goat Cheese, “But I can’t take Gang.”


“You can also see that I still have so many children to take care of, and I can’t get away from myself.” The poro shepherd pointed to a large group of poro around him, and they all gathered around because of the injured little stubborn, looking at him sadly. it.

“Then I’ll take it there, just tell me where it is!” Lothar volunteered.

The Poro shepherd shook his head: “The terrain there is very dangerous, you are still a child, you can’t go alone.”

Lothar wanted to tell the Poro Shepherd that he had Zoe’s wormhole, and he would be fine wherever he went, but he had made an agreement with Zoe not to mention her to others: “But if this goes on, little stubborn… …”

“I have a solution.” The Poro shepherd returned Xiaoqiang to Lothar, “You takeHe went to a small tribe two mountains to the west, where there was a tavern, to find someone there who could protect Xiao Jiang to meet the Poro King. ”

“That’s fine too…” Lothar thought, “I don’t need to go to him, and I can take Xiao Qiang directly to see the Poro King.”

“Okay, no problem.” Lothar agreed immediately, “What’s his name?”


“Okay, I know… Wait! What’s his name!” Lothar exclaimed in surprise.

“Bron.” The Poro shepherd said, “You know what? I remember he seems to be quite famous.”

“Not only is he famous!” Lothar jumped up with an excited expression, “In our tribe, no, in all the tribes I know, he is a great hero that everyone admires! There are more legendary stories than Erniuk’s hair How many! Is it really that Braum? The Braum who holds a large shield and can lift mountains!”

“I don’t know if my old friend can lift a mountain, I think he probably can’t.” The Poro Shepherd was a little surprised by Lothar’s exaggerated reaction, “But he is indeed very strong, and he also wears a shield , and very helpful.”

“It must be him!” The previous plan to go directly to the Poro King was thrown out of the sky by Lothar. Now he really wants to meet the great hero who has heard a new legend of him every day since he can remember. —Bloom.

To a certain extent, Braum’s popularity is even comparable to that of a god.

“Thank you! Let’s go!” Lothar settled Xiaoqiang on his chest, waved his hand, and beckoned Zoe to run down the mountain.

Zoe reluctantly bid farewell to the Poro, and the Poro gathered together and watched Lothar go away, as if they were praying for him.

“Good luck, children.” The Poro shepherd said sincerely.


Every girl in the Freljord wants to be a Warmother.

Every boy in the Freljord wants to be Braum.

–travelling poet

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