The LoL System in Marvel

Chapter 287 New Laboratory


Just as the bodyguards in black started to attack, Harpy who suddenly heard Ryan's voice shouted again.

When Ryan played Tony Stark's bodyguard as a guest, he worked with him for a period of time. At first, he was dissatisfied with the colleagues who suddenly appeared, so Happy proposed to Ryan the idea of ​​practicing his hands. .

The ending after that has always been fresh in Happy's memory, so much so that now he will subconsciously shake the fat on his stomach when he hears words like practice hands.

The black-clothed bodyguards stopped moving, but they still formed a circle, enclosing Ryan and Banner inside. A black-clothed bodyguard looked back at Happy suspiciously, "What did you find?"

He thought Happy had found another human bomb or something.

"Why are you here?" Happy asked in a low voice as he walked up to Ryan, ignoring his subordinates.

"Tony is studying artificial intelligence?" Ryan asked back, and the surrounding bodyguards in black formed a circle of walls, which just ensured the privacy of their conversation.

"Yeah." Happy didn't hide it after hesitating for a while,

The relationship between Ryan and Tony was actually quite good before. Although the relationship between each other's forces has become a little subtle now, it is still a relatively harmonious relationship in general.

"He is Dr. Banner." Ryan pointed to Banner next to him. "I, I am a bodyguard. Come and see how you are doing recently."

Glancing at Happy's belly, he continued, "It looks like you're doing pretty well."

"It's like this when you get older." Happy sucked his stomach hard, but it didn't achieve any practical effect. He stretched out his hand to Banner, "Welcome to come."

Tony seems to have encountered some problems in artificial intelligence recently, and the previous case of S.H.I.E.L.D. being disintegrated from within stimulated Tony, so he did not seek outside help.

Until recently, Happy didn't know that Tony had invited the Hulk who killed so many people in the Battle of New York.

"Thank you." Banner shyly shook Happy's hand.

Ryan glanced at the crowd that slowly gathered again, "Chat in another place?"


"Happy reacted, and directed the black-clothed bodyguards next to him to prepare to clear the way, "Let's go in and say that Tony should be in the topmost laboratory now. "

Led by Happy and many bodyguards, Ryan and Banner didn't need to continue to use that clumsy disguise to conceal their identities, and swaggered into Stark Tower.

"Is the situation so serious?"

As soon as he entered Stark Tower, Ryan found that things seemed to be much more serious than he had imagined.

Everyone seemed to have a sad expression on their faces, as if the top of their heads was not the blue sky, but a mountain that might collapse at any time, and the entire Stark Tower lobby was filled with a feeling of depression.

"Terrorist attacks and intrusions of all kinds are much more frequent than you know from news reports, and attacks against us are frequent and almost daily."

Happy led the way. Ryan remembered that when they came here last time, everyone would smile and say hello to each other, but this time it seemed as if they were being chased by something, coming in a hurry and leaving in a hurry.

"We underestimated terrorists from all over the world." Happy turned his head and said, and then pressed the up button of the elevator, "their methods are simply outrageous, believe me, don't let them know that you live where."

This elevator is dedicated to Tony Stark, so it didn't take long before Ryan and Banner walked into the most luxurious elevator in this building. All the places that can be touched are made of very expensive materials.

It's not so much an elevator as a mobile vault.

It was nothing new for Ryan to sit a few times before. On the contrary, the shock on Banner's face has hardly subsided. Although he had made a lot of achievements in scientific research before, his material level was really not that good.

After all, even the father who often supports their research is not as rich as Tony Stark.

"Thank you for the reminder." Ryan leaned against the elevator wall, "It should be impossible for those people to find where we live."

Fortunately, their base is located in a very remote location. Except for the birds that shit in the past, they haven't even caught a rabbit. This also provides them with a natural protection.


The elevator quickly reached the top floor, and Ryan and Banner followed Happy and walked out. The overall layout was the same as when Ryan came last time, except that the equipment destroyed in the Battle of New York had been replaced again.

"Where's Tony?" Ryan asked with a glance.

"Inside." Happy pointed to a glass door, then sighed and said helplessly, "I'll go down first, those people below can't do without me."

"Go to work." Ryan said goodbye to Happy, and then led Banner to Tony's laboratory.

Compared with the previous laboratory in the seaside villa, this later-built laboratory has greatly improved both in terms of area and the degree of perfection of the facilities. Ryan just walked to the glass door.

The closed glass door opened automatically, and at the same time there was a mechanical yet warm voice from above: "Welcome, Mr. Gosling, Mr. Banner."

"Jarvis?" Ryan was stunned for a while, "It seems that you have become smart again."

Although the previous Jarvis could also assist Tony in completing many tasks, his tone of voice was very stiff, unlike now, although the tone has not changed much, but the tone is much more anthropomorphic.

"You don't even look at creating it."

Tony came over from the cubicle, holding a glass of sports drink in his hand, twirling his moustache and said to Banner, "This is the first time, no, it's the second meeting. Thank you very much for coming."

"Shouldn't you thank me too?"

Ryan found a place to sit down familiarly, and then looked at Tony's new office environment.

"Thank you for abducting one of us?" Tony glanced at Ryan resentfully,

Banner was originally one of the candidates for the Avengers, but Ryan took the lead, otherwise he would not have to ask other organizations for help even if he did a research.

"I may not be as good as you imagined." Banner said politely,

Although they are all scientists, as a purebred engineer, he is obviously not as smooth as Tony in dealing with people.

Walked over and patted Banner on the shoulder enthusiastically, Tony handed over the sports drink in his hand, "I've never drank this bottle, and don't underestimate your ability, compared to some people, you It's good enough."

"You seem to be mocking me?" Ryan narrowed his eyes.

"Heh, you still need to be sarcastic with your half-knowledge in physics?"

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